Airplane. Chap 5

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You and you father were silent on the ride back home. Until you broke the silence first.
"Don't you wanna know why I did that?" You asked.

"Well, do I?" Your father replied calmly.

"Well that's what every parents ask to their children who started a fight."

"You are not like every other children y/n . I know about you. Even Angeline's mother knows about you. You won't start a fight without a reason. There must be a reason. You don't need to share it with me. I believe you. I believe that you won't do anything unnecessarily and you won't do anything that I don't like. I am really proud of you." Your father says holding his chin up showing that he is proud of you.

This is the reason that you don't want to do anything your father dislikes. You don't want to break his trust in you. You won't go against his words ever. You won't break his trust. Because you love him so much.

After 2 years

You wake up. Why does it have be that dream again? Tears roll down on your cheeks silently.


You realized that someone was standing beside you. You wiped your tears away and looked up.

"Hi y/n. I came to inform you that we will be landing in 5 minutes."

You nod at him.

"Do you want anything to eat?" He asks.

You shake your head.

"Okay then." He leaves you immediately.

You can hear voices from behind. They are thinking that they are being quiet but you can hear everything very clearly.

"How is she doing?"

"I don't know. She was crying when I saw her. And of course she didn't talk to me and she doesn't want to eat. "

"Mm. Then we should bring her to him as soon as we land."

"Yes sir."

But you don't care what they are talking. You are just looking out of your window. An amazing sight. But you don't enjoy it. You just want a room and a bed to stay there forever. Without having to meet or talk to anyone. You just want to be alone forever. You don't deserve happiness. How can you be happy after all this? You can't. You don't have the rights.

Someone taps your shoulder. You look up.

"Well are you going to stay there forever? Come on let's go. The plane landed 2 minutes ago."

You stand up and follow him.

When you got out of the plane he stops and says

"Welcome to Seoul, y/n."

BTS ManagerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora