Shopping. Chap 12

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It was 2 Am when you woke up because of that dream. And you very well know that you are not going to sleep after this.

You just sat and silently cried for the rest of the night. Thinking about your father, about your family, your memories together. Thinking about all that, made you cry and cry to the point where you can't stop it. But here you thought that your life may change a little bit after meeting bts.

You don't deserve this right? Maybe you deserve this for not being with your family in their last moments. Seeing them die in front of you in a horrible way without being able to help them every time you try to sleep, you can't take it anymore.

You shudder when you think about your sisters melted eyes running down her melted skin.

Even though you have the same dream for the last 2 years, you still can't stand it when you see it. You always end up throwing your guts out.

After 7 o'clock there was a light knock on the door.

"Hey y/n. Are you awake? I just came to check on you and noticed that the lights were on." It was Jung hoon.

"Oh. Come in." You reply and wipe your eyes.

After he came in even though when you tried very hard not to make eye contact since your eyes were all puffy from crying, he noticed it.

"Wait a second." He said and moved to the table to pick up the landline phone and ordered some breakfast for the two of us.
He sat in the bed opposite to you studying your face. You didn't look at him at all.

"Did you have a good sleep? You must have been tired after the travelling."

"Yes. I had a good sleep. Thanks for asking."

"Are you unwell?"


"Well you look like you have been sick."

"Oh I am fine. It's just the tiredness from yesterday."

"Hmm. Just so you know, if you want to share anything to anybody I will always lend you an ear."

You were touched. This guy barely knows you yet he is ready to hear all your problems and comfort you.

"Thanks. I will keep that in mind." You say.
He hummed still looking at your face. But you refused to meet his eyes and continued to stare your bed.

Then the breakfast came in. Just a light breakfast. Thank god. After you both had finished your breakfast he said
"Go and take a bath. I will send Sang hee by 9, she will help you to get ready. I will come and pick you up at 10."

You thought that you are going to the main house after 2 days? Then where does he want you to go?

"Where are we going?"

He smiled and said

Just as he promised, Sang hee entered your room at 9. Just like yesterday she helped you to get ready. But this time Sang hee also accompanied you to the shopping mall. Maybe they thought that it would be good to have a girl company, and you don't complain. Sang hee is very kind to you.
The mall was so big that you wondered how are you going to afford the things inside it.
"Are we really going to shop here?" You ask.

"Yes. Why? Is there any problem? You don't like this place?" Asked Jung hoon.

"No no. It's not that I don't like this place but..."

"But?" Asked Sang hee.

"But it looks like a very expensive place. I already didn't like living in Mr. Andrew's money freely, but if I am going to spend my every penny that Andrew gave me just for shopping, I will be broke."

Jung hoon laughs.

"What's so funny about this?" You ask.

"That's all? That was why you were worried?" He shakes his head and laughs again.

Then he grabbed your hand and started pulling you inside the mall.
You don't understand why he is laughing. Is it so funny to see you broke?

Jung hoon saw your expression. He smiled and said

"Don't worry about the cost. Mr. Bang is paying for whatever you are buying."

"What? Bang pd is paying? But why?"

"He said something like he is your uncle and that you are his family and he is going to take responsibility of you. And he also said that since Andrew is not here, as an uncle he will fulfill his friends role as your father for the time being. He will buy and give you anything you want and take care of you like you are his own child. Since he couldn't accompany you because of his works he said that I should buy you anything and everything you want."

"Ohh. There's not much I want anyway." You say.

"What do you mean there's not much you want? You don't have anything with you! We have to buy everything for you!" Said Sang hee.

Oh so that's why she is accompanying you. To buy everything for you since Jung hoon doesn't know what to buy for a girl.

She drags you into a dress shop first and starts picking up dresses.

"Here go wear this in the trial room and show me." She gives you a dress.

"What? But it's too short! I haven't wore any dresses this short! I don't even know if I will look good on them."

"Look y/n. I am a stylist. I know what is good for whom. So stop protesting and wear this dress."

You take the dress and go to the trial room to change. After you came out.

"Mm. You look good with short dresses." She said.
You blush a little. Then she went and picked more dresses.

"Wow. You look wonderful y/n." She said.
Like that the shopping went on.
After a long while we finished the shopping for dresses and came out.

"Ok. Next can we go to the shoe shop?"
Sang hee asked.

"But before that it's time for lunch so can we come back after having lunch?" Jung hoon cut in.

"What?! It's already time for lunch?"

"Yeah. You have been in there for more than 3 hours."

"What? That's all? I thought we took more than 4 hrs. We finished very earlier than I expected." Sang hee said.
You stared at her in shock. She just shrugged and winked at you.

Then all the three of you had lunch. After that you went to the shoe shop and purchased high heels, shoes, comfortable slippers.
It was the first time you wore high heels so you would have fallen down if Jung hoon didn't catch you.
"Oops. Thank you." You said to Jung hoon.

"You will get used to it." said Sang hee.

Then you went to the accessory store. Sang hee chose everything for you. And you were thankful for it. Because you don't know which will be good for you. Always your sister is the one who helps you in those things.

The rest of the day went by very fast. Then atlast the day came to an end. Before departing with Sang hee she said
"We have shopping left to do y/n! So you better wake up early tomorrow!"

"What?" You were shocked.

"Our shopping is not over?" You ask eyeing the mountain of bags that you have bought. You felt really bad to buy all this in bang pd's money. But Sang hee didn't listen any of it. She bought everything that was good on you. It's ok you will pay back bang pd somehow. But you don't know how.

"Yes of course! We still have to buy skin care products and make up items for you!" Sang hee said.

"Like I am going to use it." You say.

"You are going to use it. I will make you." She said glaring.

" Oo scary." You laugh.

Then Jung hoon drops you in your hotel room. He said that he will send all of your things directly to the main house. You thank him for his time and help and get inside your room. And had the same nightmare as everyday.

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