No matter what. Chap 36

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"Are you awake?" Tae smiles at you.


"Good. We are near our home." Says Jhope.

The car came to a stop and you all get out of it.

As soon as you open the main door you run and jump on the couch.

"Aah. It's nice to be home." You sigh.

"Yeah it is." Jungkook sighs and sits next to you. You move your head to Jungkook's lap.

You couldn't control your laughter after seeing him.

"What's wrong?" He asks in confusion.

"Did you have fun with Ruby?" You giggle.

"Oh my god. Don't talk about it. I don't like girls that much but I respect them but she is sticking so close to me and blabbering this and that. I was so uncomfortable. I told you to sit next to me!"

"She rushed past me and jumped next to you before I could even take a step. What am I supposed to do?"

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes.

"And you said that you don't like girls that much and feel uncomfortable around them. For your kind information I am a girl too." You said jokingly.

"But... but you are different." He replied with doe eyes.

You tried very hard to hold back the urge to pinch and kiss him on his cheeks.

"Ok enough talking. It's already late. Y/n must be tired too. So let's call it a day." Said Yoongi.

"Okay oppa." You reply and get up.

"Wait a minute." Said Taehyung.

"Yeah?" You ask him.

"Jimin. Are you thinking what I am thinking right now?" Tae asks Jimin.

"Yeah of course! What about you Jungkook?" Jimin asks Jk.

"Yeah me too." He replies looking at you.

"Well I don't know what you all are thinking about! What is it?" You ask curious about those three's thought.

"You are not calling us oppa!" Said Jungkook.

"Wait.. what?" You ask him.

"He's right! You call Jin hyung, Namjoon hyung, Hoseok hyung and Yoongi hyung as oppa but you are not calling us as oppa!!" Replied Jimin.

"So?" You ask.

"What do you mean so? Why are you not calling us oppa?" Asks tae.

"I just don't feel like it." You smile.

"If that's all then." You turn and start to climb the stairs.

"Hey shorty." Jk voice echoes.

"Sh-shorty??" You turned enraged.

"Yeah. You are short than all of us." He smiles.

"But you know what? I am not a shorty! I am taller than most of the girls in my country!" You say stomping angrily towards Jungkook.

"I know that." He says.

You were confused.
"Then why are you calling me shorty?"

"Because I felt like it." He smiled wickedly.

He slapped it in your face. What you said moments ago.

"No matter what you call me Jungkook. I am never going to call you oppa. Remember that." You say to him threateningly.

"We'll see about that shorty." He smiles unfazed by your anger.

Your whole body shakes with anger but you really can't say that it is anger. Since you really can't get angry at this face. The face of an angel.

"Woah woah. Easy there baby girl." Jimin stands between you and Jungkook.

"Come on let's go to sleep." He pulls you by your hand to your room.

"Good night. See you tomorrow."

"Good night Jimin." You give him a warm smile.

You hate yourself since you can't get angry on that face. Well. How can you? How can you get angry at the face you have adored and cherished and loved for years? Well it's impossible.

You take a shower and jump to your bed. You sleep so fast because of your tiredness but it seems your nightmare didn't leave you yet.

"You're happy huh? You're really happy without us. You forgot about us." Says your burnt sister.
You shake your head.
"How can I forget about you? You are my family!." You cry.
"Well you did. Since you got a new family. You wanted to kiss him on his cheeks right? Like this?" Your sister bent and placed her burnt and half decomposed mouth on your cheeks. It smelled awful and the place where she kissed you was burning like it was lit up with fire.

You run towards the bathroom. Throw up everything and you scrape your cheeks hoping that burning sensation will go off.

"Y/n! Y/n! Come to your senses! Y/N! " Someone slapped you real hard.

You blink and see suga's face.
"Yoongi...oppa?" You say.

"Finally." He sighed.

"Come let me put you some medicine."

"Medicine? Why?" You ask him.

He points your cheek. Then you look at your hands. You nails were filled with blood. You stood up and see your face in the mirror. The cheek which your sister kissed... You have scratched that very badly.

On the other cheek you can see a hand print.

"Sorry. I somehow wanted you to regain your senses." He said.

"It's fine." You sigh.

"I am finally going mad right?" You laugh while tears come streaming down your eyes. You started to sob and suga pulled you into a hug.

He patted your back slowly.
"You are not mad. You hear me? You are perfectly fine. It's just some stupid nightmare. So relax."

You nod.
"I thought that I can finally fall asleep without a nightmare. Maybe god thought I was too greedy since he already gave me you guys." You smile pulling back from his hug.

He holds your chin and looks deep into your eyes.
"No. He had taken one family to you and given you another. It's equal. So you are not greedy. But remember this. This family would never ever leave you no matter what."

You know he was being sincere when he said that.
You smile a big smile and flinch from the pain in your cheek.

"Ok. Talks aside. Now let's treat you and let's do some gaming." He winks.

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