Bangtan boyz. Chap 9

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You wipe you tears away and look in the mirror. You don't want to hurt anyone again because of your selfishness. So you decide to put up an act that you are happy even if you're not. Sang hee must have put waterproof makeup on your face. It's like you never cried. After you are satisfied with your look you come out of the bathroom to find bang pd alone in his office.

"Now you look really good." He says with a smile.

"They should be here any minute now."

"Wait. But how did they react when you said that a foreign girl is going to stay with them? Won't they feel uncomfortable? They don't even know me."

"Well I don't know how their reaction will be since I still haven't said anything about you staying with them."


"What do you mean you haven't said anything about it to them?"

"I am going to say it after they come here and meet you. I just said them to move their things to the main house and that they will be staying there for a few months."

"The main house?"

"Yes. Currently they are all staying in their own apartments. But we have a main house which consists of 7 rooms in which they stay from time to time. And there is one guest room in which I rarely stay"


"Then I am going to?"

"Stay with them in the main house in the guest room."

You hear some footsteps far away. Your heart starts beating louder. It's been 2 years since you last saw them. Before that it was like you were with them everyday but now you haven't seen them for 2 years. You wonder if they would have changed.

"Wait. Promise me one thing." You ask to Bang pd.

He raises both his eyebrows curiously.

"You said that they don't know that I am going to stay with them right? Then that means they don't know who I am or what happened in my life. Right?"

"Yep. That's right." Bang pd said with curiosity sparkling in his eyes.

"Please don't say anything about that incident to them." You plead with him.

"Why not?" He asks confused.

"Well, if I get close enough to them to be comfortable to talk about it, I myself will share it with them. So please don't say it."

Bang pd smiles a little.

"Ok. I won't. I promise."

Then the door slams open.

"Si hyuk hyung!" A voice shouts but stops abruptly when he sees that bang pd has company with him.

Your mind went blank after seeing his face. Is this real? Am I really seeing my world wide handsome jin in real life? He looks like he is even more handsome in real life. But that can't be possible. He is jin. And he is standing just a few metres away from you. This must be a dream.

"Oh. You are with someone." He said confused. You really thanked God that you learnt korean when you had the chance.

"How many times have I told you to knock on the door before entering Jin?"

"I thought that since you said us to come, your office will be empty! How would I know that you have a company!" He protested. Omg he is so cute.

"Hyung what are you doing standing in the doorway? Move so that the others could get in." You heard a familiar voice. You recognised that voice as Jimin's!

"Come in Jin. Let the others to get inside too." Bang pd said.

Obediently jin entered the room and the other members followed him. Everyone saw you with curious eyes. At last Taehyung entered. He didn't notice you and shouted
"Si hyuk hyung!! What is it that you have summoned us to your office immediately! Tell me my king so that I can serve you in any way I can! " He said bowing down.

Every members and bang pd sighed seeing him. You laughed a little. Oops. Now every pair of eyes in the room turned to your direction. Taehyung who is noticing you for the first time is shocked and slightly embarassed too.

Bang pd was shocked too because Andrew has said that you hadn't even smiled at all after that incident, but seeing you laugh shocked him. Well to say the truth it shocked you too. Bang pd changed his expression quickly and gave you a big smile.

"Now introduce yourself. It's not that I am saying that you don't know them but it's good manners to introduce eachother during your first meeting."

He winked.

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