Breakfast. Chap 47

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"I'll be the only one to hold her hand."

"What?" You ask flabbergasted.

"Well we don't know if she feels the same way when someone else holds her hand and you're not gonna test it are you?" He asks looking at Namjoon.

Namjoon sighs.

"Yeah we can't risk testing it. We can't let her go through that for another night just to check it. Is it okay for you Tae?" He asks.

"Absolutely." He says.

"What about you Y/n?"

You couldn't comprehend what was going on there.

What? Sleep with Tae? Every Night?! How can you not die from it?!

"Well if you're going to stay silent then I'll take that as a yes." He says.

"What? No! I mean... He could not sleep while sitting on a chair everyday can he?!"

"Well then he can sleep next to you." Says Jin.

You couldn't believe what he said. Even him?

"Oh would you feel uncomfortable?" He asks with mouth full of food.

"No. It's not about being uncomfortable."

You say not being sure how to explain that your heart couldn't handle it.

"Well then that's settled. If you don't feel uncomfortable I don't see why we should not let him sleep next to you." Says rm.

"If he touches any part of you except your hand you can tell me and I'll take care of him." Suga says with a fierce tone that you're hearing for the first time.

Tae smirks and you were 1000% sure that it is real this time.

You just glare at him and start eating your breakfast.

"So what do you want to do today Y/n?" Asks Jimin.

"I don't really know... Does anybody have an idea?" You ask.

"How about watching movie?" Asks Jk.

"Ok! Then I'll make some popcorn!" You say enthusiastically.

"No... Let's go to the movie theatre." He says with his eyes sparkling.

"Movie theatre? Guess I can't join then. Have fun guys! Buy me something on your way back!" You say a little disappointed.

"Who said anything about leaving you? We're going together." Jimin smiles.

"And how do you think that's a good idea? For the love of god I can't be seen with you guys! You guys are hella famous. There's not a single person in this country that won't recognise you!" You state the obvious.

"Y/n. Do you take me for an idiot?" Asks Jk.

"Yes." You nod.

"Oh god." He sighs.

"Don't worry we won't get caught." Suga says.

"But there will be so many people in the theatre." You say.

"We'll just rent the whole theatre." Jhope says with a wink. And everyone nods.

You can't seem to say another word. You just sit there with your mouth wide open.

"We do that sometimes when we feel like we want to watch a movie in the theatre." Says Jimin.

Oh to be rich...

"Meet you all at 3!" Says Suga as he gets up from the table.

"Yeah alright."

You were not sure what to wear so you ask help to Jimin.

It would have been easier to ask Jungkook as his room is just opposite to you but you doubt it will go smoothly without you both arguing.

"There you go... you look perfect." Jimin smiles.

You look at yourself in the mirror. You look cute. And somewhat it seems like you and Jimin are wearing a couple outfit.

"Do you wanna take a picture together?" He asks.

"As your fan I should be the one to ask that." You laugh.

You took a selfie together and you were examining the photo.

"Just as I thought." You grumble.

"What is it?" He asks trying to find any fault in the photo.

"I'm no match for you when I stand next to you!" You sigh.

He looks too angelic and you look like an ostrich.

"But to me you look more beautiful." He says it very seriously.

And you blush. Ahh this has to be fixed. You clear your throat and open your room door to find Tae with his hand stopped in the gesture of knocking.

"Hey are you..? He stopped when he looked at Jimin.

"Oh... Jimin helped me to choose my outfit today." You say almost immediately not wanting him to get a wrong idea.

He just stares intensely on both your outfits and just smiles at you. He lifts his hands palm upwards like he wants you to hold it and says,
"Come. Let's go."

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