Photoshoot. Chap 39

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You went with Jung hoon to the big hit building.
"Are they taking the photos here?" You ask him.

"No. We have found a place filled with trees and a river too. Such a beautiful view. We are taking the photos there." He replies calmly as you both get out of the car.

"Then why are we here?"

"Well we need to take the equipments and help the others to load it."

"Oh ok." You say and rush to a girl who had trouble lifting a box.

"Here. Let me help you." You smile and take the box from her.

You helped everyone who was in need of it and finally went to the site. What Jung Hoon said was true. The site was really beautiful. After mostly setting up everything the member's car came to the site.

They got down one by one. As soon as they got down their eyes started to search for something. Until they landed on you. Oh. They were searching for you. You give a warm smile to them and they return it back .

You quickly move from the place before anyone notices your exchange. Sang hee eonni rushed to them and started her work. Oh my god. How many times have I dreamed of being their stylists so that I can touch them? Sang hee eonni is really lucky.

Then they started taking the photos. They were so handsome that you tried not to drool.

"Don't stare at them too much. You are going to burn a hole." You hear a voice behind you.

You turn to look who that was. Oh.

"Hey Ruby."

"Hey... What was your name again?" You roll your eyes.

"It's Y/n."

"Ahh yes. Y/n."

"Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Oh. I came to tell you that Jung hoon oppa was asking for you but you were so busy staring at them."

"Okey." You say ignoring the last part. You were about to go when Ruby started..

"Hey y/n."

"Yes?" You ask turning to her.

"What are you doing?" She asks you.

You were confused.

"What do you mean? You just said that Jung hoon was looking for me."

"No. What I meant was... What work are you doing? I am an assistant make up artist but I have never seen you do anything but follow around Jung hoon oppa all day doing nothing! How did you even get to work here?"

"Well..." You hesitate.

"She's my assistant." Says a voice behind you. You turn to look at Jung hoon.

"Annyeonghaseyo." Ruby greets Jung hoon.

"Okey then if it's nothing important then I wil take y/n since we have so much work to do. I believe that you are busy too. Are you not Ruby ssi?"

"Yes I am. Now if you'll excuse me." Ruby bowed and left.

"Hereafter just say that you are my assistant. Alright?" Say Jung hoon to you.

"Thanks." You smile. You went with Jung hoon and wanted to take one last glance of them.
You turn and look at them and notice that Tae was directly staring at you with his jaws clenched. You were confused by his reaction but give him a smile hoping to convey that everything was alright.

What Jung hoon said was true. Jung hoon was so busy with overlooking all the works that you were busy with him too. After sometime the photoshoots started. All the members looked breathtakingly handsome. They were already handsome but after sang hee eonni's magic of makeup they looked even more handsome which should have been impossible.

You see Ruby staring at them with her mouth wide open. You grab a tissue and move towards her. "Here take this. Now You are drooling." Ruby at once closed her mouth and moved away from you with a 'tch' sound ignoring the tissue.

You bite your lips to stifle the laughter which was on its way. Then you look at them again. Their poses were absolutely wonderful. You see all of them and wonder... Am I really living with them? It still didn't seem real to you.

The photo shoot was over and the staffs decided to have lunch. You knew that you couldn't have lunch with the members since it is an open spot. You were a little sad.

The members were getting ready to go home. Before that you got some messages from them in the group chat.


Namjoon oppa😊: Have a good lunch y/n.

Yoongi oppa☺️: Eat more. If you don't I am going to feed you after you reach home.

You: Alright I get it.

Jin oppa🤩: Can't you come to home with us?😢

Hoseok oppa🤗: No. It will be too dangerous.

Jimin😘: Yeah.

Jk😈: When will you be back?

You: Idk. I'll let you know.

Tae💜: Ok then. Message us whenever you can.

You: Sure. You smile and turn off your phone.

"What was that?" Ruby's voice asks from behind. You turn alarmed and find Ruby with her mouth open.

You are doomed.

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