Date with Sang hee eonni. Chap 24

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Jung hoon left you where Sang hee eonni was already waiting for you.

"Hey beautiful!"

"Hey eonni."

"You should say what all happened in the house! I am excited to know!"

"Ok." You laugh.

You spent the rest of the day talking about what happened in the house for the last 2 days except the nightmare part. Walking and shopping and talking and eating was all you did. But it felt great to meet Sang hee eonni.

"I have to go y/n. I have work. Don't worry I already called Jung hoon. He is on his way. I had a great day. Thanks."

"I had a great time too. Thnks for coming when I called you."

"Anytime." She smiles.

Jung hoon came and you get into the car.

"I am so sorry for making you my driver." You say to him guiltily.

"No it's fine. I like spending time with you anyways."

"Yeah me too." He is a very kind person.

"Uhm so are you free tomorrow?"

"Of course I am! I don't have anything to do since they are all at work."

"Then can yo-"

Your phone rings. You take and see who it is. The name flashes on your phone as Tae💜. He saved his name with a purple heart! How cute.

"Uhh. Excuse me for a minute Jung hoon. I have to take this."

"Yeah. Go on." He says.



"Yes tell me Taehyung."

"Are you back at home."

"No but I am on my way."

"Are you with Jung hoon?"


"Tell him to drive fast because Yeontan will be there in 15 minutes. You know the passcode right?"


There was a minute silence.

"Did you have your lunch?" You ask him.


"That's good. Ok if there's nothing then byee."

"Bye y/n."

"Wait are you talking with y/n?" You can hear Jk's voice.

"Yes." Tae replies.

"I wanted to speak to her but I didn't have her number! Can you give me your phone V hyung?"

"Here you go." Tae mumbles.

"Hey y/n! Are you alright? Are you back at home? Did you have your lunch?" Jungkook asks you.

"I am fine Jungkook. I am on my way home. Yes I had my lunch. Did you?" You reply.

"Yeah. Don't worry we will be back by 8. We are going to buy the dinner."

"Ok. Come back safely."

"Ok I have some work I will talk to you later." Says Jungkook.

"Ok. Byee."

You hung up. You smile. It's nice to hear their voice in the phone. When did you ever dream to talk to Taehyung and Jungkook in a phone asking him if they had lunch! This is great!

"Jung hoon if you don't mind can you drive faster? I have to go there within ten minutes."

"Oh yeah, sure."

"Thanks "

"You have gotten pretty close with the members already." Says Jung hoon.

"Yeah. A little." You smile.

You were in the main house in 5 minutes.

"Do you want me to stay here?" Asks Jung hoon.

"No it's fine. Thank you for driving me here. Byee." You say and rush to the house.

You go to your room and change into comfortable dress. There is a balcony in the first floor. You keep on peeking there in case a car arrives.

Then after 5 minutes a car came in. You rush downstairs and open the main door. A man with a small cage stood in front of you. You didn't mind the man, your eyes were only on the cage.

"It's Yeontan right?" You ask him eyeing the cage.

"Yes. It is. I am not allowed inside so..."

"Ah ok."
You take the cage from him. It's lighter than you thought it would be. He gives you a bag too.

"These are food of Yeontan. Then I will get going."

"Ok thanks." You smile and close the door.

Then you turn and open the cage.

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