All nighter. Chap 17

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This time the dream was a little different. Everything was same except for the last part. For the past 2 years the dream had ended by you seeing your sisters melted eyes. But this time
when her eyes is melting she moves forward and stands in front of you. You can't see her face. It's horrible. So you did not see her face and look elsewhere. But she held your chin with her burnt hand and made you look at her face. When you unwillingly saw her face it was a little different. It was a burnt face and the eyes were melting but in addition to that her body was half decomposed. Worms were wriggling out from her skin making holes as they move about. She said
"You should have been with me."
And that's when you shouted like you never did before and run to the bathroom.
Before you notice what is going on someone pulls the hair out from your face and helds you while you throw up. You didn't see who it was but you were really thankful for it. From the corner of your eyes you can see many figures standing near your bathroom door. You just ignore it. You just don't care.

"She didn't even have beer." Someone says.

After you know that you are not going to throw up anymore. You start to sob. Your body was shaking. Someone's holds you tighter to his chest.

"It's ok y/n. It's ok. I am here. We are here. Don't cry."

It was Jungkook's voice.

You just can't seem to control your tears. You just cried for a very long time clinging to Jungkook tightly. He didn't complain about it and waited till you were normal.

When you finally stopped crying you pulled back from Jungkook. You were looking at the floor. You didn't raise your head to meet any of the members. You didn't have the strength to do it. You may start crying again if you saw them.

With your eyes on the floor you say
"I am sorry that I woke you all up." Your voice was like tear was threatening to come out any minute.

"You don't need to be sorry for this."
Said Suga.

"Y/n are you unwell? Do you need any tablet? Is your stomach paining? Do you want to go to a doctor?" Asked tae in a hurried voice.

"No no. I am fine. It was just... a nightmare." You shudder. Jungkook was ready to catch you if you started crying again. But thank god you controlled it.

"You can all go and sleep. I am sorry that I woke you." You say again.

"First stop saying that you are sorry. And second we are not going anywhere." Jimin said.

You raise your head and look at jimin who is sitting near Jungkook.

"What ar-" you started confused.

"We are not going. Look
y/n I know that it's really hard to sleep after a nightmare. And seeing you throw up like this you didn't have a small nightmare. So it's impossible to sleep again after this. And we are not going to leave you alone like this."
Jimin says.

"But I have always been like this so I don't care that much. It's not a big deal." You mumble. Your eyes in the floor again.

"Well you are not alone now. We are with you and we will take care of you." Jin says.

Your tears silently flow down.

"Well it's decided then. Tonight nobody is going to sleep. We are going to have fun tonight by playing games, watching movies and eating midnight snacks. Is everyone ok with it?" Asks Namjoon.

"Of course we are ok with. It's going to be fun. Come on, Let's go." Beamed jhope.

Jungkook gives you a hand. You take it and stand up. Then with everyone you are going to the living room. It's 2 in the morning.
First you, jk, tae and jimin started to play video game. Suga namjoon were watching it. Jin and jhope were feeding snacks for you all when you were playing games. You have to admit that your mood really did change. Watching Jungkook shout in happiness whenever he won. Watching grumbling Taehyung when he lose. Watching Jimin always smiling and teaching you how to play. Your mind was really calm and happy. At 4 o'clock you all stopped playing and started watching movie. You were sitting on the sofa. In your right jin was seated and your left jhope. Next to jhope Suga was seated. Namjoon was sitting on the individual sofa. The maknae line sat by your leg on the floor.
You don't know when or how but your eyes slowly started to shut. Then you slumped on something and drifted off to sleep.

Suga's pov

She fell asleep on Jin's shoulder.
"Hey be quiet. She fell asleep." I said to the other members.
Jimin slowly got up and turned off the tv. Jhope rushed into his room and brought a blanket and a pillow. Myself and Jungkook helped to move y/n from Jin's shoulder. Taehyung kept the pillow on the sofa. We slowly without waking her up made her lie down. Jimin covered her with the blanket.
Namjoon said
"If she wake up in the middle she should not be alone."

"You're right." Agreed jhope.

"I will stay here tonight." Said Taehyung.

"Ok then. Others can go to their room." I say.

Then I went to my room and locked my door.

Y/n was a very cheerful and happy kid. She talked to all unlike some army who only wants to be with their bias. She treated everyone equally. She is totally different than some armies. Every army wants to be beautiful in front of us but she doesn't care about that and wear dresses that she is comfortable with. She is different. She is a very good girl. But it seems like that was one side of her. What nightmare could have her throwing up like that? She was so scared. Her body was shaking like if we touch her she would break into pieces. It broke my heart to see a person like that. I have gone through things in my life too so I can understand her. I don't know what happened in her life that she is broken like this but I am going to help her to become full again. I am going to protect her.

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