Conversation with Tae. Chap 20

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After playing you helped Jin and Suga in small things for cooking like cutting vegetables and stuff.
After your delicious lunch you started reading book while all the others went to sleep. When you were alone reading a book someone stood beside you. You raise up your head to see who it was.

"Already awake?" You ask.

"I can't sleep. I already woke so late in the morning." Said Taehyung.

He sits in the opposite sofa.

"I am curious. How did you become an army?" He asks you.

You close your book and keep it on the table.

"To say the truth when I was not an army my sister always used to talk about bts. Everytime she opens her mouth it will be something related to bts. I was curious and wanted to know what had made her like that, so I just heard some songs in YouTube. I did not show much interest in them. But I was a huge kdrama fan. That time hwarang was a new drama, so I watched it. I didn't know that a bts member was in it when I started watching it. But I really loved your character in that drama so I searched your information and found that you are the bts member V." You smile.

"Then I started watching run bts episodes and slowly but very deeply I fell in love with you guys." You gave him a warm smile.

"Let's say that thanks to hwarang that I became an army. Thanks to hwarang that I am here with you all now" You laugh a little. You still can't believe that you are staying with bts.

"Wow. I am really thankful that I was in hwarang." He smiles.
"By the way what's yout sister name who talked about bts all the time?" He asks.

"Her name is Jacqueline" You say slowly.

He didn't notice the change in your voice.

"Is she still an army?" He asks.

"No. She is not. She is not there anymore."
You say tears threatening to fall from your eyes.

He really didn't expect that answer.

"Oh I am so sorry." He said.

"It's ok." You smile a little.

"And I have a request." You said.
He raises his eyebrows curiously.

"Please don't come to my room even if I shout and throw up." You say.

"Why is that?" He asks you.

"I would wake up like that everyday. I don't want to burden you guys like that. You are all very busy persons and you have work tomorrow. You all need your sleep." You say.

"You have that nightmare everyday?"


"For how long have you had that nightmare?"

"For nearly 2 years."

His eyes were wide with shock. But he didn't ask what nightmare it was. Thank god.

"Don't worry it's not a burden for us. We can give company to you every night. Even if all of us can't atleast one person will always be there with you."

"I would feel very bad if you all lose your sleep just because of me." You say.

"And we would feel very bad to not help a person who needs it."

You didn't say anything to that.

"Did you try going to psychologist or any medications?"

"Nope. Not really. I didn't want it to stop since I deserved that."

There was a minute silence.

"What do you mean by you deserve that? Are you saying that you deserve that nightmare?"

You stay quiet. Now your tears silently starts to flow down.

"Why do you think you deserve that?"
He asks.


"Hey guys!" Jimin shouted happily.

You were very thankful for Jimin's interruption. But it looks like tae was not happy about it at all.
You wipe your tears away before Jimin looks your face.

" Hey Jimin." You smile.

"Wow what a timing pabo." Tae said annoyingly.

"What were you guys doing? Did I interrupt something?" Jimin asks confused by tae's tone.

"No no. He just asked me how I became an army." You answer

"Really?! I was curious about that too. How did you become an army?"

"I already told it to Taehyung. You can ask him. I am going to take a shower. Bye." You smile and leave to your room.

Taehyung's POV

Y/n left for her room. Jimin sat beside me. This pabo! Just when she started to share something! I sigh. Then all the other members started coming one by one after waking up.
"Where is y/n?" Asks Jin hyung.

"She is in her room. She said that she is going to take a shower." Said Jimin.

I gathered all the members in the living room and said everything that
Y/n said to me.

"Waa Jiminssi is really a pabo." Said Jungkookie.

"How would I know that they were talking something important?!" Jimin protested.

"Anyways we found that her sister is dead and she is blaming herself for something so she thinks she deserves those nightmares." Said Yoongi hyung.

"She had the same nightmare for 2 years!" Said hoseok hyung.

"Seeing how she was yesterday night she must have gone through that for 2 years." Said Namjoon hyung.

"How can a person go through that every night? To throw up every night? And to lose her sleep every night for straight 2 years?" I asked.

"She also said that night that she has always been alone and that it's not a big deal." Says Jin hyung.

"So to conclude it hereafter she is not going to be alone after her nightmares." Said Namjoon hyung.

"But she said that we don't need to give her company." Hoseok hyung said.

"Just because she said to leave her alone we are not going to do that. Ok? Bang pd trusted us with her because he knows that we would take care of her. And we are going to take care of her." Said Namjoon hyung.

"Yeah. I am with you Namjoon." Said Yoongi hyung.

" I will talk to her." Said Namjoon hyung and started to climb the stairs.

Y/n is a very good girl. Very different from the persons I have met so far. She is so short and cute too. But when it comes to badminton she is like a little tigress.

Seeing her broken side is so hard for me. Her smiling face is so beautiful than her crying face. When she cried talking about her sister I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to stop it. She deserves happiness. I will help her to get out from her hard time. I will be with her and try to never make her cry.

It's funny to think that we have been with her for only 2 days but every members are talking with her like she is an old close friend. Every members were so sad to see her cry. She is like a magnet. She attracts everyone. I can even feel Yoongi hyung's will to keep her safe. And I will too...

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