Our entwined hands. Chap 45

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You wake up with sunlight shining on your face. Then you realised that you woke up in your bed and you felt nothing! No throwing up, no crying and most importantly... No nightmares.

You stare at the wall trying to contemplate this situation.

What made this happen? Is it because you were so tired that you didn't have the energy to even have a nightmare?
But that's not the case because you were tired every single day for the past 2 years since you couldn't get enough sleep.
Then what...?

You tried to find your phone but something was holding your hand... No, not something. It's someone.

You see tae sitting on the chair still holding your hand. His head was on top of your entwined hands and his eyes closed.

You stare at him in shock.

Then the events which happened the night before slowly started to sink in.

"Please don't." His voice echoed in your head.

Did he really say it or are am I imagining it? You wonder. Of course hoping it would be true. But if he really did... Why would he say that?

You were not sure what you have to do now so you just look at his face which looked peaceful. You turned on your fangirl mode because this is a rare opportunity.

You touch his hair slowly feeling the smoothness of it. A strand of hair was in his face so you slowly move it.

Then you just let your hand rest in his cheek and just kept staring at him. His forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose and... His lips.

"Like what you see?" He whispers with a sleepy tone without opening his eyes.

You clear your throat and reply,
"Ofcourse. How can I not? You're my idol."

He raises his head and looks straight in your eyes.

"Is that all?" He asks.

You nod unsure of what he wants to know.

"That's a shame." He says almost to himself.

Before you could think about it he asks,
"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. A full night's sleep after years!" Your eyes were wide.

"So... No nightmares?" He asks with curious eyes.

"Nuh uh. Not even a dream!"

Saying it out loud makes it more unbelievable.

"Thank God." He smiles.

"Yeah... Now you all can rest peacefully in your rooms." You smile slightly disappointed.

"No! Who said that?" Tae raises his eyebrows.

"Well... The whole thing about you guys staying with me was for my nightmares. And... I don't have those anymore... So I don't see why you all have to continue this?" You speak rationally hoping you could find any reason for this to continue.

Because this whole week was a wonderful experience for you which you can never ever experience again. And you don't even know how long you'll be staying with them.

Thinking of that made you really sad.

"Well we don't really know if you're completely rid of it. So let's see what happens tonight, just to make sure." He says.

"For just making sure of that I can't make someone lose their sleep Tae."

"Well then I'll stay with you tonight too! You saw how I slept... That means I didn't lose any sleep and stayed with you through the night! How does that sound? It's a win-win right?"

"But you were sleeping while sitting on a chair Tae! Your neck must be so stiff right now! And I would feel bad again."

"Then... Let me sleep next to you on the bed tonight."


Your mouth was wide open and Tae just laughed at your reaction.

"You have a very dirty mind Y/n. We're just gonna sleep! What are you thinking?" He laughs.

Well it isn't your fault! All the international Army would have completed living a whole life with Tae when they haven't even met him yet! But when he's in front of you and asking you to let him sleep next to you... What does he want you to think?

But before you could start to protest there was a knock on your door.

"Hey Y/n and Tae. You both in there?"

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