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After me and Prosper parted I ran and jump off the pier and 2 guys followed me I was glad about that cause that means they wasn't following Prosper. I was running not for my life but running to get to a much better spot so I can fight back, after a few minutes I heard gunshots their slow ass stopped chasing me and was shooting at me. I duck and ran to the side of a building pulling out my gun and shooting around the building. I heard the guys yell and the shooting stopped I looked and went running off then, I stopped and started walking but something wasn't right that shit was too easy. I was walking and looking around something wasn't right, I walked to the corner and stopped and pulled back when a bat came flying passed me and I pulled it yanking the guy down to the ground and I swung the bat hitting him with it, over and over to point where he was screaming for help I beat the shit out of him with the bat til I broke it.

I backed up and then I was grabbed from behind and I swung the new guy over my shoulder taking him down and choking him with the bat handle part until I heard the guys neck crack and I thrown him down.

"The fuck Meek want me dead that bad, need to get some better guys" I said and smirk and turned around saw the biggest motherfucker I have ever seen in my life.

"I think he did" the big guy said

"Damn nigga what you 3, 400 pounds? What you eat small children? I bet your belly button hair stank?" I asked and smiled he swung at me and I rushed him and took his big ass down and I was punching him as hard as I could he big as was punching me back but I wasn't going to let up, cause the moment I did I was dead. Then I heard a shotgun cock in the back of my head, I felt the barrel on the back of my head.

"Don't make me do it pretty boy" shotgun guy said and pushed the gun in the back of my head I looked down at the fat guy I had knocked him out and I got up slow. "That's it come on get in the fucking truck bitch" we went walking to the side I got in and he got in next to me pointing the shotgun at me the whole time. We sat here for a few minutes him next to me and another guy in the passenger seat.

"Do yall want me to drive?" I laughed

"Shut up" shotgun man said

"No wait Casper is going to drive us right? Hey Casp can we stop and get Mc Donald's for quarter pounder with cheese please" I laughed and so did the guy in the passenger seat.

"Shut up, you stupid get over there and driver you dumb shit." Shotgun man said

"If he so dumb I'm sure he can't drive, I'll drive" I said and went to move and the shotgun man put the shotgun in my face.

"Sit down smart ass" shotgun man said and I smiled the guy in the front got in the driver seat. Soon we was off and the whole time I kept making the driver laugh and the shotgun man wasn't happy with that. I found out that the driver's name was August he seem cool the whole ride the shotgun man kept telling him to shut up or calling him names like dumb shit, retard, shit for brains. I kept telling the shotgun man to be nicer to the Kid. Once we got to where we was going I was forced out of the truck and up some stairs lead to an office.

"Royal nice of you to drop by you care for a drink?" Meek asked walking over to the bar pours some zing into 2 glasses and sits one in front of me and sits down at the desk sipping his drink looking at me.

"What?" I asked

"So you did you buy some new girls today?" he asked

"No I didn't I don't buy girls from cops and by the way your sloppy as cops keep using the same girls like I'm going to fall for that shit" I said he looked at me pissed as I laughed.

"Funny, funny so what would it take you get you out of the business? How much would it take to buy you out?" he said standing up and looking out his window.

"Nothing I left before but a nigga I'm back fuck nigga don't get mad at me cause you and Trey ain't shit in this game nigga' I said

"Maybe or maybe we just need 2 things eliminate the competition and sale the right piece of ass and looks to me that you got both." He said

"Oh yea how that?" I asked

"You're the one who's standing in our fucking way and you also have the most finest piece of ass ever your wife" he said and I grip the glass as he walked to the desk "Since I got you here I might as well handle this now" and watched him lean down to get something and I throw the drink in his face as he came up waving the gun the zing was burning his eyes blinding him at the moment but he started shooting I dropped to the floor as the shotgun man came in letting off a round and Meek shot in him the shoulder and I rushed the shotgun guy taking him down punching him repeatly in the face. I picked up the shotgun cocked it shooting him in the face and went going down the hall and I saw 2 guy standing there I let off 4 rounds hitting them both. I turned down the hall where I saw August I raised the shotgun once he turned around.

"Royal wait let me help don't go down that hall that's the way they going to come up go down the back steps but there's 4 guys down there." August said and I looked at him and nodded and went the way he said. I went walking down the stairs and to another hallway and I saw the guys go running up a different set of stairs the way August said they would be coming. I went walking down the hallways and down another hallway I had no idea where I was. I went up another set of stairs where I heard talking, I cocked the shotgun and braced myself and kicked open the door letting off round after round after then I turned to the right where this guy came from a different hall and left off 2 shots they both hit me and I looked at him and turned to shot him back I got off 2 rounds before the shotgun was empty and I went to rush him fucking pissed that he shot me everything was red. I could only feel the guy's neck under my hands as I wrapped my fingers around his throat and began to squeeze. Then more gun fire went off, I heard myself hiss as another sharp, brutal pain tore through me, the hallway began to tilt I started to black out when I felt my body being pulled into a room then there was nothing.

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