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The elevator doors opened and I saw girls running around, some half naked, looking as if they were preparing for something.

"What are all of them doing?", I asked him as I saw one girl applying to much make up on her face.

"Tonight we have a party and these girls have their jobs to do.", he replied once we reached my door.

He punched in the code and swung the door open and we both walked in setting the bags down on the flloor. "Aight be ready in an hour and one of the girls will come in to do your hair.", he said looking at my head and smirking.

I frowned. "What's wrong with my hair?", I questioned. "I mean it's not bad but where we goin you need to look presentable, not like you goin to a basketball game.", he laughed causing me to laugh too.

I felt relaxed around Ty and he's the only one around here that makes me feel comfortable. He reminds me so much pf Paul that it's scary.

Me and Paul always joked around each other and even when my day was gloomy, my brother always made my spirit shine.

We looked alike ALOT and people always thought we were twins. I sat there a little longer then I got up and headed to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and got out and I dried my body off then I did my hygiene stuff and I went through each bag to see which dress I would wear. I've always loved fashion but never really had the money to SERIOUSLY go shopping for items expensive as these.

I went through each bag and my eyes landed on a red fitted dress that stopped mid thigh and I knew would be perfect for tonight.

As I got dressed my nerves were high with expectation of not knowing what I was in for. I jumped as I heard a knock on the door and I yelled for whoever it was to come in.

It was Pearl and she peeked her head in first then came all the way in with some flat irons. "Hey are you almost ready?", she asked me. "Yeah let me put my shoes on.", I said and I could feel her eyes on my as I made my way to the wall where all of my shoes were laid out on and picked some black red bottoms.

"Royal bought all of that didn't he?", she asked me. "Yeah but Ty is the one who took me shopping, I guess he used Royal's card. I probably have to look good for whoever imma be with tonight.", I said.

She nodded with a smirk and made her way to my dresser and pulled the chair out. "Sit down so I can do this hair.", she said. I sat down as she pluged the flat irons up into the outlet and waited for it to warm up.

"So what is tonight about?", I asked her. "Well, we have a job to do tonight. There is this gentleman's club were going to and some of the girls may get picked to have a night with the guys so we all have to look our best.", she replied.

I gulped scared I may be one of the few chosen and I tensed up and I guess she noticed.

"You okay?", she asked me as our eyes met in the mirror. "No, like I'm not ready, what if I'm chosen?", I asked her. She gave me this weird look and started laughing.

DEADLY LOVE (A CHRIS BROWN STORY)Where stories live. Discover now