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"Your brother.", Royal said as his eyes got hard signaling that he wasn't too fond of him either. "What does he want.", I asked anger seeping through my voice.

This bastard wants to visit me after all he has put me through. His ass better have a good reason. "I don't know but we're about to find out.", Royal responded.

"LET HIM IN!", Royal yelled and then I saw as my son of a bitch brother walked through the big garage like doors. We met eyes and guilt immediately washed over his face.

It felt like eternity as he got closer and closer to my throne. As he got closer he opened his mouth but Royal stopped him. "You better speak to me and the queen when yo ass come in here.", he spat.

Paul gulped as confusion washed over his face but he did as he was told. "Hello Royal and Prosper.", he said. "It's Queen Prosper to you.", Royal said through gritted teeth.

"What do you want?", I asked him. "We need to talk.", he said as his eyes shifted from mine to Royals. "What is there to talk about? The deal is done.", I told him as I felt tears brewing but I held them back.

I let Royal's words play in my head. This little scary Prosper isn't going to cut it. "I just need to...explain.", he said with pleading eyes.

I turned around with my back facing him and I chuckled darkly. I don't know what the hell there is to explain. He sold me for what a piece of change and now he wants to fucking talk. Oh somebody's going to be talking alright.

"Tell everybody to get out. We need to be alone.", I said loud enough for Royal to hear me. He walked over to where I was and stood in front of me. "Ya sure?", he asked me. I nodded yes and he sighed.

"Aight, but if that nigga try any funny stuff we got people right outside these doors. I have to make a run with the guys. Be careful.", he told me looking into my eyes.

"Ok.", I responded as he kissed me forehead. and walked away. I turned back around to see Royal mugg Paul. "Everybody else get out!", Royal yelled and everyone hurried to their feet to leave out of the room.

Royal looked at me one more time before I gave him a reassuring look and him and the guys walked out to where the trucks were parked.

I waited until the room was clear and the sound of the trucks driving off to let Paul speak. "Talk.", I said to him as I sat in my chair. "I'm really sorry, like sis I swear I was just desperate and jea-", before he could finish I interrupted him.

"Now you're sorry? Paul you fucking sold me, your own sister like what was going through your head!", I yelled at him.

"Look stop yelling at me! I already feel guilty enough. You don't understand the tears I've shed hearing mama's sobs every night because her baby girl was missing. Or Pops looking like the walking dead and not eating because his princess was missing!"

DEADLY LOVE (A CHRIS BROWN STORY)Where stories live. Discover now