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I opened my eyes and I was laying on my back fucking head was hurting me that bitch Drake hit me from behind I knew his ass was lying I looked around and saw I was in a padded room I stood up and started fumbling with the rope around my wrist stupid motherfuckers and don't know how to tie shit. I untied myself and rubbed my wrist and walked to the door and felt around it and there was no way out so I started banging on it.

"Let me the fuck out" I yelled

"Shut up bitch" a guy yells back

"Why don't you come make fucker" I yell

"Shut up" a guy says

"MAKE ME BITCH" I yell and soon I hear the door start to unlock and I step back a little and once the door opens I rush him knocking him over punching him in the face repeatly and he flip me over and I got behind him and wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled hard and tight until I heard his neck snap and I pushed him off of me and patted his pockets and waist band and took his gun and an extra clip and I put them behind my back and slowly walked out of the room.

"The fuck am I" I said to myself walking down a hallway and got to the end of the hallway and peak and saw a guy standing there and I took off running and grabbed him fast and snapped his neck before he could react and I took his gun and clip and his cell phone and put the phone and clip in my pocket and saw some stairs and ran up the stairs and started down the hall way when I saw two guys and they looked dead at me and pulled out their guns and I pulled out mine and start shooting walking right towards them killing them both and I ran down another hallway and I went out the window to a long patio and started walking til I hear Drake speaking and looked and saw him at his desk and I waited.

"Okay I understand no he won't help and he's still alive, yes I have him... You really want me to send her to you? Wayne I don't think that's a good idea, no I'm not questioning you, yes sir right away and yes we know where she is right now she's at a house in Portland, yes they are on their way there now yes sir I'll be sending her right away..." Drake says...Click...

I stood there and slowly pushed open the window and stood behind him and put both of the guns to the back of his head.

"Time to die bitch" I said

"Royal wait let me explain all you have to do is help us and Wayne will look out for you" he said


^POW, POW^ I shoot Drake 2 times in the back of the head and grab his car keys and his address book and I go back out the window and climb over the patio and jump off and take off running to his car but before I could get to it gun fire started towards me I ducked down and was shooting back and then took off for the car with gun fir following me and I made it to the car got it started it up and started driving off as shots hit the car as I speed off.

"SHIT" I say as I drive and I pull out the cell and dial Mijo's number I gotta warn them they are either almost there or already there, I put phone to me ear.

"SHIT" I say as I drive and I pull out the cell and dial Mijo's number I gotta warn them they are either almost there or already there, I put phone to me ear

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"Hello" I say

Ph) "Mijo" Royal says

"ROYAL?" I say and Tyga looks at me

Ph) "Yea" he says

"The fuck are you?" I ask

Ph) "I was kidnap by Drake but that's not important right what is, yall need to be locked and loaded and get the fuck out there they coming for yall get the fuck out there it's a fucking ambush, send all the girls to the stash house and send Prosper and Kim to the safe house" he said

"Where you at?" I asked

Ph) "I'll be at Lear court in 15 minute get the fuck out of there and meet me there" he says and then out of nowhere there was gun fire lighting up the place I turned and grabbed Tyga and throw him to the ground then I went to the ground and I hung up the phone putting it in my pocket and grabbing my gun and shooting back.

Me and Tyga was shooting back and stood up shooting back Tyga grab a shotgun and start blasting back we backed all the way back to the back door and went out and went around the other side of the building Tyga called Keeis and Hood and told them what to do and where to meet us at. Tyga was in front of me and me behind him facing the other way making sure no one was behind us and we got to the front we ran and jump in the shooters car and took the hell off.

"You good nigga?" I asked

"Yea you?" he asked

"Yea, Royal is at Lear court." I said as Tyga was speeding after about 10 minutes we saw bright lights come from nowhere and BAM our car was smashed into by a big as truck that sent our car flying down the street spinning around like a spin top until we stop and then a hail of bullets came flying our way, I leaned over and pulled Tyga towards the back seat cause the impact of the hit knocked him clean out and pushed him down and grabbed to shotgun and cocked it but I couldn't get a round off it was so many bullets and it was nonstop for about 5 minutes until I didn't hear anything I thought I went deaf when the passenger door opened up and I looked and I saw someone looking down at me til I blacked out.

DEADLY LOVE (A CHRIS BROWN STORY)Where stories live. Discover now