None of the students are in the class yet. The school day hasn't even started, but Mr. Fields and I have to get the classroom ready for them. 

As soon as he looks up, his eyes land on Kurt and widen, almost like they're going to pop out of his socket. "K--K--Kurt C--C--"

"Cobain," Kurt finishes the sentence for him. 

He chuckles and then looks at me. "Ah, that's right. You've mentioned you're with him a couple times before." His eyes then land on my wrist. "What happened?"

"She sprained her wrist," Kurt answers for me, knowing that I'd probably mess up because of how nervous I am. "She's fine, but she has to be gentle with it."

His eyes furrow. "Kaitlyn, why do you have a bandage for it? Why not a cast?"

Somehow, I quickly come up with a lie. "Because it's all we had. And it's fine; it's not like it's broken or anything. I can still use it."

He nods. "I'm sorry that happened. I'm sure it was really painful."

"It was," Kurt answers very shortly then turns to me. "I have to go get Frances. Are you going to be alright?"

I smile. "Yeah. Being around the kids will help me a lot, too."

"Call me if you need anything," He kisses me. "I'll be home by the time you get back."

"Wait, wait," I say. "We drove the same car. You're going to have to come and pick me up."

He groans. "That kind of ruins my plans."

"Your plans? What plans?"

"I can drop her off if you need," Mr. Fields offers. "It's the least I could do for all the help you've given me lately."

"It's her job," Kurt replies in a very snarky tone. "She gets paid to help you. Kaitlyn, I'll just come and pick you up. What time do you guys get out at?"


"Okay, I'll be here at that time, then. Bye, love you."

"I love you too," I smile as he walks out of the classroom, then turn to Mr. Fields. "Sorry if he was being rude. He's been in a mood lately."

"Oh no no, that's fine. He's allowed to."

"Mr. Fields--" I begin, but he cuts me off. 

"Please, Eric."

I sigh. "Eric, what do you need me to do?"

"Well, judging by your wrist, there's not much that you can do. So why don't you just take a seat and--"

"No, I'm fine," I assure him. "I can still do things. It doesn't hurt too bad since I hurt it after school Friday. It's had a couple days to heal."

He flashes me a smile. "Are you sure, Kaitlyn?"

I nod. "Yeah. I'm sure."

He opens his mouth to speak, but the bell takes over, announcing that it's time for school to start.


I look through the answers on this particular student's answer sheet. He did not answer any of these questions correctly, which is peculiar because he's a smart student. 

I graze through the students sitting down and see him sitting in the back, working on the worksheet Mr. Fields gave them. 

Rising from my desk, I walk over to him and kneel beside him. "Hey Gere."

My Heart is Broke-Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now