Chapter 64: We found you!

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Anna's POV

We chased Punzie until outside the school. "Punzie!"  I shouted as I grab hold of her. "Where are we going?"

"I just wanted to make sure Tina didn't listen in." Punzie said as she gasped for  breath. "Anyway, the place that I have in mind is... The old abandoned building where we found Elsa back then? Technically Jack found her, but Pitch kidnapped Elsa the last time and kept her at that abandoned building."

"Oh right! Now I remember, we split up to search for Elsa." Hiccup stated.

"It's worth a shot, let's go there. Now, anyone remember the way there?" Eugene asked.

"I think I know a little?" I guessed. "Never mind, let's just see where we are."

Everyone hoped into Eugene's car and we drove off. Everyone could remember a small piece of how to get there, so in the end we managed to be at where we wanted to be." Let's go go go!" I said and I walked out of the car.

"Be on your guard, Pitch could be waiting for us." Punzie said as she took out her frying pan.

"Toothless can come any second." Hiccup crossed his arms. Merida took out her bow and arrow as we started searching the area.

"Nothing on this empty field, let's go inside then." Kristoff sighed.

I uneasily stepped into the old and abandoned building. The place was totally deserted. Are we able to find Elsa and Jack here? "INCOMING!"  Merida's voice echoed. "We got company!"

Sand like horses or some weird animals appeared from the shadows. There were about 10 I think? Whatever, I hurriedly used my telekinesis on the horses. One fling to the wall and it was gone. Merida shot off her arrows everywhere while Punzie used her hair on the creatures. Eugene was grabbing Punzie's pan and smacking everything.

A bright light surrounded the sand animals. I turned around and saw it was Toothless, shooting something bright from his mouth. All of the animals were defeated and gone. "Hey bud!"  Hiccup ran to Toothless.

"Maybe you should have gotten Sven." I giggled at Kristoff.

"I guess I should have, but we got it all covered just now." Kristoff replied.

"So, anyone got any injuries? The medic is over here." Punzie smiled widely.

"Medic?" I blurted out. "That's funny."

"No injuries." Merida said.

"Come on, let's go on." Hiccup said as he paced forward. "We must be near or something since those darklings attacked us."

"Darklings?" Me and Kristoff asked.

"Those sand like animals are called darklings." Punzie explained.

We kept quiet as we walked. We didn't want to alarm anyone here. I turned into a corner and saw Jack. He was tied by some black ropes made from sand and was hanging on the ceiling. The good news is that he's awake. I was just about to walk forward when I spotted more darklings.

I turned back to the others. "Jack's in there, as well as the guards!" I whispered to them. 

"Get ready." Merida grabbed an arrow.

"We'll just come bursting in." Hiccup patted on Toothless. 

"Wait, let's ambush them!" Punzie suggested.

"Great idea!" Eugene said.

"Half of you go this corner and the rest will take this corner. Wait for my signal." I ordered.

Me, Kristoff and Hiccup went left while Eugene, Punzie and Merida went the other way. We hid behind the wall as we positioned ourselves. Toothless was a bit of a problem as he couldn't exactly squeeze in quietly. I got Hiccup to tell him to wait somewhere else.

I gave them the signal and we ran out of our hiding spots. There were quiet a number or darklings there, too many to count. Toothless managed to fog up the place, the darklings couldn't see us. 

"Guys!" Jack exclaimed.

"Don't worry, we'll get you out of there!" I assured him.

"Anna! Punzie! Both of you try to free Jack, we'll take care of this!" Eugene shouted. 

"Hurry! The building seems to be unstable!" Hiccup shouted.

"It could crumble down any second!" Kristoff added.

"We got this! Don't worry!" Merida said.

The whole building was shaking. Pieces of wood started to fall as well. Punzie hurriedly used her hair  to wrap around the chains/ropes around Jack. "With some luck, my hair might be able to do the job." Punzie stated.

"But the ropes are made from magic." I protested. "I'll lift you up with my powers, you can take care of the rest."

Punzie nodded at me and I hurriedly levitated her to Jack. Lots of stuff fell down, I couldn't see very well. "Anna? To the left a little please." I heard Punzie's voice. My vision was blurred, I only followed her instructions.

Eugene, Kristoff, Hiccup and Merida joined us quickly. I turned around and saw that they have already defeated the darklings. Hiccup got on Toothless' back and flew up to Jack. Hurry! Hurry! I yelled in my mind. 

"How much time do we have left?" Merida asked worriedly. "This thing could come down any second! We could be killed! And-Woah!" A piece of wood came crashing down. Concrete cracked everywhere.

"We got Jack! Now get out of here! Punzie's with me, so you can stop now Anna!" I heard Hiccup's voice. Everyone sprang into action and we ran for our lives. 

All of us escaped safely out of the building. We ran and ran and ran until we reached the empty field again. Hiccup hurriedly placed Jack in front of Punzie. "Hurry Punzie!" Hiccup said.

All of us surrounded Jack as Punzie placed her hair everywhere on Jack. He looked terrible! There were cuts and wounds everywhere! What had Pitch done to him?! Punzie quickly sang her song and Jack was healed like lightning.

"T-Thanks Punzie. That's much better now." Jack pulled out a weak smile.

"OMG!" I shouted. "We found Jack, but what about Elsa?! Was she still in there?! The whole building came crashing down just now!"

"Oh my..." Merida said. 

Tears started to flow freely. We managed to free Jack, but we forgot about Elsa! Plus with limited time. "Calm down there Anna." Jack said. "Elsa wasn't in there."

"How do you know?" Hiccup asked.

"Pitch locked me and Elsa in different places." Jack replied. "Elsa is somewhere else that I don't know."

"You sure?" Punzie asked.

"100%." Jack said.

Well that was a little bit of a relief to me. But Elsa is still missing, where could she be?

"Well, what did Pitch do to you?" Eugene asked.

"Its a long story, but let's find Elsa first." Jack said as he pointed to a tree. "Huh? Man, when will I be able to use my powers again?!"

"What happened to your powers?!" Kristoff asked.

"Pitch did something to me that made me couldn't use my powers temporarily. He kept saying he was gonna kill me and stuff. Then I got knocked out, and that's the best part! I got back ALL of my memories thanks to that black out." Jack exclaimed.

"Your memories are completed now?" I asked.

"I guess so, wave after wave of memories flashed through my mind." Jack smiled. "I remembered everything. Even the day of my accident on the Winter Formal."

"Well that's great for you Jack!" Eugene patted his back.






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