Chapter 30: We're room mates?

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Elsa's POV

I was just about to go into my dorm when I was surprised to see the principal with Hani and Anusha. "Elsa Arens? During the exchange student program, Hani and Anusha will be your room mates." The principal said.

"Ok." I replied. At least I wouldn't be so lonely. I get to have 2 room mates!

I led both of them in. "So, how is it like in this college?" I asked with a smile.

"It is very different from Malaysia. It's amazing to be able to learn about another country." Anusha replied.

"Everyone here is so friendly and nice, I already feel like home." Hani smiled widely.

"You'll fit in here in no time!" I said. "I'm Elsa."

"I'm Hani and this is Anusha." Hani stated.

"Nice to meet you." I shook hands with them. "So you're a Malay and you're an Indian, right? I'm still a little confused with the people you have in Malaysia."

"Its ok. We have different cultures and stuff in Malaysia." Hani explained. "It does get quite complicated to foreigners."

"Hey, do you wanna meet my friends? I can bring you to see them!" I suggested.

"Sure, why not? We could have some new friends." Anusha smiled.

"Oh you're gonna love them, they're the best of the best friends you could ever have! This way!" I said as I dashed to the door.

Jack's POV

The principal told me that Mazlee and See Yew Soon would be my room mates during their exchange student program. It was great having some company with me.

"Hey Mazlee and SYS!" I called out.

"Oh you're Jack Frost, right? We were told that we would be sharing a dorm with you?" See Yew Soon said.

"Yes, come, I'll lead you there." I smiled at them.

I walked to my dorm with Mazlee and See Yew Soon following from behind. "Welcome to this school, by the way." I said. "What do you think about it?"

"It is really great!" Mazlee replied in an excited tone.

"Awesome!" SYS said.

We walked in and I just threw myself on the bed. "So, can I know more about you two?" I asked.

"Sure! What do you want to know?" Mazlee happily asked. "By the way, you can call me Maz."

"Well.... I don't mean anything, but are all Malaysian names like that? I never heard of names like that in all of my life." I asked.

"We have weird names? Not really, for Malays, Mazlee is quite a common name. My name is just Yew Soon but because my family name is See that makes it sound like See You Soon." SYS chuckled.

"I think you have a weird name too, no offence. I always thought the name Jack Frost was just an expression." Maz replied with a smile.

"Well, we just call it even? Tell me more about Malaysia." I said eagerly.

A knock was heard on the door. I hurriedly opened it, revealing it to be Hiccup and Eugene.

"Hey Jack! Chilling with your new room mates?" Eugene asked.

"You betcha! They're really great." I replied.

"Anyway, the girls brought the new girls, they wanted to know each other more and wondered if the new boys could join as well." Hiccup said.

"Sure thing! They could use some new friends." I turned back. "SYS, Maz! Wanna go meet our friends?"

"Why not? Let's go!" Maz cheered happily.






Jelsa/The Big Six in College (Book 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora