Chapter 15: A dinner (1)

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Jack's POV

So it's the weekend and I have no clue on what to do. I had wanted to go back home and see mom and all, but I didn't want to see my dad. The trouble would start all over again if I were to see him. I lied on the bed in my dorm and stared up the ceiling. I could feel my pillow getting colder, I looked at it and saw there was some ice that I forgot to remove. Instead of removing it, I decided to freeze the whole pillow, it was as hard as a rock! Totally frozen solid. I wonder if I could smash it into pieces if I threw it hard on the floor.

I continued to freeze my whole room. Soon my bed, door, bags, books, everything was frozen solid. Even the window couldn't budge open! My room was beautifully decorated in a beautiful shade of blue. It's as if it's winter all over again. I made snow and placed it on my bed and table. Thank goodness I didn't have a room mate, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do any of this.

My phone rang making me jump in alarm. It was a call from Emma. "Hi Emma." I said. "Hello Jack!" Her voice beamed through the phone. "Mom and dad want you to join them for dinner tonight!" Wait, what?! Dinner?! With mom and dad?! DAD?!

"Jack? Jack?" Emma asked. "Huh? Oh um... Is it a must?" I asked.

"Yes. Mom wants to see you, dad too."

"I.... I'm going with my friends out later." I lied.

"Really? That's too bad then...."


"Mom is cooking your favourite dishes! She just went out to buy the ingredients!"

"I'll try to cancel it then?"

"Ok I'll tell dad then."


I hung up in frustration. Me going to see my parents and sister?! I don't mind seeing Emma and mom, but NOT dad! He is going to go on and on about trash. But then again, I miss mom's yummy food. Urgh, so irritating!

A knock came at the door. I panicked and quickly removed all the ice. I walked to the door and opened it. "Oh Eugene! What brings you here?" I asked, surprised. "Wanna hang out? Hiccup's here too." Eugene smiled as he pulled Hiccup beside him.

"Sure thing!" I said. "But first, let me get changed a little."

"We'll be waiting for you outside. At the field?" Hiccup suggested.

"Ok." I said and went to the bathroom. I got changed into a blue T-shirt and wore some jeans. I grabbed my phone and walked out. Eugene and Hiccup were waiting for me under a shady tree. "Yo bro!" Eugene called.

I smiled at them and they got up. "What are we gonna do?" I asked.

"Just chilling out somewhere." Hiccup said.

"Where?" I asked in a bored tone.

"Where again?" Hiccup looked at Eugene.

"Uh....Did we even have a plan on where to go today?" Eugene chuckled awkwardly.

I looked at them weirdly. You two asked me out to hang out but to no where?! I groaned as I took a seat on the grass. I glared at Eugene and Hiccup and I leaned on the tree. Eugene and Hiccup sat beside me as well. "Sorry." Hiccup whispered to me. I nodded at him and rolled my eyes. I thought of Emma asking me to dinner tonight. Should I go? Or should I not?

There's one more thing that is kinda bothering me. I have been thinking about Elsa more and more lately. I wonder why? Even when I put in deep thought into something, Elsa would always seem to cross my mind somehow. I let out a soft moan.

"Something bothering you, Jack?" Hiccup asked me.

"No, well maybe yes." I shrugged.

"What is it?" Eugene asked with interest.

I didn't know what to say. Should I tell them about Elsa? No, it would sound weird. Then about tonight's dinner? Well yeah, that should do. "My parents want to see me for dinner tonight." I gulped.

"That's great! Go see them then." Eugene smiled.

"That's the thing, I don't want to." I said.

"But, why?" Eugene asked when Hiccup gave him a nudge. He then whispered something into his ear. "Oh...Right, I forgot." Eugene said.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing." Eugene snapped.

"So, help me?" I begged.

"Don't go see them?" Hiccup suggested.

"But they are still your family." Eugene argued.

"True..." I sighed. "What now?"

"I have no clue." Eugene and Hiccup said at the same time.

"Since we ain't going anywhere to hang out, I'm out of here!" I snapped in frustration as I stood up. I have a bigger problem to deal, that dinner!

"Jack!" Eugene called.

"Don't worry, he is having a problem, he wants time to solve it." I heard Hiccup's voice.

I waved them a bye and stormed back into my dorm. I threw myself on the bed and I swear I heard a crack on it. Great, if this bed is going to break, that's the last thing I need! My phone rang again and I picked it up without looking. "Hello?!" I shouted.

"Jack?" My mom's voice echoed.

"Oh! Um, mom!" I quickly lowered my voice. "Hi!" I said awkwardly.

"You all ok in your college??" She asked.

"Yeah, I made some new friends, they're great." I replied.

"Well then, would you like to come back home for dinner tonight?" My mom asked sweetly.

"Um...." I didn't really have the heart to say no to mom, she's been so nice to me. "Sure, what time?" Half of me regretted saying that, the other half felt proud.

"Dinner time, or you could come now, Emma misses you."

"I'll be there."

"Ok sweetie, bye!"

I hung up and stared at my phone in disbelief. What did I just do?!






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