Chapter 36: Trendy fashion

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Rapunzel's POV

It was bright and early in the morning and I immediately set my mind to make the Malaysia traditional dresses that Mazlee told me yesterday. "Punzie, calm down already." Eugene sighed behind me. "It's just dresses, like what you do every time!"

"It's dresses all right, but dresses that I never heard of! Plus, they're another country's traditional dresses!" I said.

"Come on, just calm down. So, where do we start?" Eugene asked.

"Well Mazlee told me that cheongsams have lots and lots of colours, but most of them are red." I explained.

"So, you're doing red?" Eugene guessed and I nodded. "What else are you making then?"

"Sari and baju kurung, duh!" I replied.


"Sari would be in blue, baju kurung would be orange."


"Here, Mazlee showed me a picture of it."

"What else has he told?"

"How to do the dress, obviously!"

"You've been spending a lot of time with him?"

"We're talking about fashion."


"Eugene, are you jealous?"

"What? No, that's ridiculous!"

"Oh really? Then why do you sound jealous?"

"Quiet down already."

"Oooh, someone's jealous!"

"No I'm not!" Eugene snapped and gave me a friendly punch.

"Oh come on, me and Mazlee ain't what you think! We're just talking about clothes and stuff!" I shouted.

"Ok, ok, ok, let's just get to work." Eugene shrugged.

We walked into the fashion room and I quickly went to the rolls of fabric. "Help me find blue, red and orange, please?" I asked as I searched around.

"Here." Eugene handed me a rolls of blue fabric. "Here's orange." I called out.

"And red!" Both of us said at the same time as we held the roll.

I excitedly darted to my working table and fetched a pair of scissors. I started to measure everything as I asked Eugene to help me to get some buttons. After cutting out the correct size, I started sewing it.

A doorbell was heard after a while. "Are we expecting someone?" Eugene asked.

"Yes." I said as I stood up. I walked towards the door and opened it. "Mazlee!" I said happily.

"Hey Rapunzel, how's your dress doing?" Mazlee asked.

"I just started actually. I'm doing the baju kurung." I replied.

"Let's go see it!" Mazlee stated and we both walked in. "Hey Eugene!"He called out.

I could totally see the shocked expression on Eugene. Guess he wasn't expecting Mazlee to come. "Hi." Eugene said softly. "What are you doing here?" He crossed his arms.

"Punzie asked if I could help her out with her dresses." Mazlee replied.

"Oh ok." Eugene groaned softly. "Carry on."

Me and Mazlee started to get to work. He showed me how to do all the complicated designs and stuff. Mazlee even showed me dresses with a mixture of colours and asked if I wanted to do that. Of course, I said yes. The more challenging the dress, the better!

After a while, the baju kurung was nearly done, it just needs some finishing touches. It was orange in colour added with some black as patterns. I turned to Mazlee. "Does this need a.... What do you call that thing that Hani wears on her head again?"

"Oh you mean a tudung? Well that's optional." Mazlee replied.

"Can I make one then?" I asked excitedly.

"No problem! It's quite simple, added with beautiful patterns and it would look great!" Mazlee said.

Eugene cleared his throat loudly. "Oops sorry." He shrugged. "Hey, you two want anything to eat or drink? I'm thinking of going out."

"No thanks Eugene." Mazlee replied.

"I'm good." I stated.

"Well I'll be back soon. Good luck with your dresses." With that, Eugene walked out of the fashion room and went out. I heard a loud door slam.

"Is he in a bad mood?" Mazlee asked.

"You could say so." I sighed. "Don't ask about it."

"Well ok, anyways, how would you like the tudung? Not all must have patterns, just even a simple colour would do. What say you?" Mazlee asked.

" Patterns!" I squealed.

*Time skip*

"They. Look. Perfect." Mazlee said.

"Perfection." I declared.

"Nice masterpiece Punzie. These three dresses look gorgeous." Mazlee gave me a thumbs up sign.

"I learned from the best!" I smiled at Mazlee.

Eugene came back in. "Eugene! You're back!" I walked to him and gave him a hug.

"Am I just in time to see your work?" Eugene grinned.

"Of course! They're right beside Mazlee." I replied.

Eugene and I walked towards Mazlee. Eugene looked at the dresses in awe. "So, what do you think?" Mazlee asked excitedly.

"It's really nice." Eugene smiled.

"I have got to have a model for this. I need Elsa, Anna and Merida here." I said.

"Now?" Eugene asked, surprised.

"Why not?" Me and Mazlee said at the same time. We both looked at each other and laughed.






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