Chapter 63: Investigation

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Merida's POV

So it's been a day already that Jack and Elsa have went missing yet we couldn't find them. "Oh, I hope whoever kidnapped them didn't harm them!"  Anna said in horror, pacing back and forth.

"Anna, we will find Jack and Elsa, we will!" Punzie comforted Anna.

"I don't know where else to look! We have already looked at everywhere we could think of! The police haven't found them either." I groaned in frustration.

We walked to an unknown destination. I scanned everywhere, where could Jack and Elsa be? Think Merida, think! Where would a kidnapper take them?

"Look, this ain't gonna work if we don't even have a clue on who kidnapped them." Hiccup stated.

"Duh! How are we supposed to know who kidnapped them?!" Kristoff shouted.

"Wait, wait, wait," Eugene said. "We have to find some clues, we can't be just walking around looking."

"And what do you have in mind?"  I crossed my arms.

"Where did Jack and Elsa go on the day of the trap?" Eugene asked.

"That's the thing, we don't know! Jack didn't say!" Punzie wailed.

"Then we'll just have to do it the hard way. We will go to every restaurant and ask if they have seen Jack and Elsa. " Hiccup suggested.

" Good idea." Anna said. "Let's do it now!"

"Got it, split up everyone! Meet you all in an hour back here." Punzie declared and hurriedly ran with Eugene following behind.

Me and Hiccup walked along a row of shops. There were restaurants, cafés, food stalls, everything! "I doubt they went to a fancy restaurant, I overheard Elsa said that she doesn't like those and Jack promised to not take her there." I said to Hiccup.

"Ok, so we can scratch that. But to be on the safe side, we will check it anyway if we come out with nothing." Hiccup replied.

*Time skip*

"Any luck?" I asked the rest after an hour.

"Nope." Punzie and Eugene said in unison followed by a sigh.

"We did. Elsa and Jack went into a café for their lunch." Kristoff said. "Isn't this Jack's car?"  He said as he pulled out his phone.

"Wait a second, it is Jack's!" I exclaimed.

"Did you get a CCTV footage or something?" Hiccup asked.

"Unfortunately, there was none." Anna moaned.

"Well that one hour search was a waste then." I mumbled. "We now only know where they disappeared but no clue on who laid the trap."

"This isn't working." Kristoff turned to Eugene.

"Well let's just try to wreck our brains and think, who hates all of us?" Eugene stated.

"To think of all of us would be too hard, just start with who hates Jack and Elsa first." Punzie said.

Silence made its way through us. Everyone looked at each other and nodded, we all had the same thoughts. "Tina." All of us said in unison.

"I'm gonna have a word with that no good girl and give her a few more punches. Guess she didn't learn her lesson that day." Anna put her fist up.

"That does make sense since Tina hates us because we told Jack about his past." Punzie stated.

"Wow, can't believe Tina was the one that set the trap for us." Eugene said in amazement.

"Let's go, now." I said loudly and walked. "Anyone know what Tina's dorm number is?"

"157 if I'm not mistaken." Punzie replied.

We basically barged into school and went to Tina's dorm. Tina was surprised to see us. "Talk you, what have you done to Elsa?!"  Anna grabbed her arm. "And Jack? And all of us?!"

"What do you mean?" Tina asked.

"Don't play the innocent." I crossed my arms.

"What do you mean what happened to Elsa, Jack and all of you?" Tina asked again.

"Don't pretend you don't know!" Punzie shouted. "You're the one behind all the traps set for us just because Jack doesn't want you, isn't it?!"

"Traps?" Tina asked. "I'm confused. I really don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oh you're so gonna get it." Anna raised her hand. "Hold up Anna." Kristoff hurriedly said.

"Listen, I do not know what all of you are talking about! Plus what happened to Jack and Elsa? What traps?" Tina stated.

"We nearly got killed or kidnapped!" I snapped in fury. "And apparently, Jack and Elsa got kidnapped."

"Jack got kidnapped?!"  Tina asked with a worried face.

"You're the one that planned it, didn't you?!" Eugene said.

"No, I swear! I have nothing to do with this!" Tina protested.

"Who else would it be then? You're the one that hates Jack for dumping you, again, then you hate Elsa just because she's with Jack." Anna backfired.

"Yes, I do hate them, but I didn't kidnap them!" Tina glared at Anna. "How in the world am I supposed to kidnap them in the first place?!"

Hiccup leaned closer to me and whispered, "You know, she does make a good point. And I don't think she's acting. The shock on her face looks pretty real."

"I think we got the wrong person." Kristoff whispered to us.

"But if it ain't her, then who?!" I groaned.

"If you aren't the one that laid the trap for us, then who would it be?" Anna wondered.

"We need to continue our search for Jack and Elsa." Eugene declared.

"But now, we don't know who kidnapped them! And this Tina over here is denying it!" Punzie crossed her arms.

"Quick, who else hates us that much?" I said.

"Well, shouldn't Pitch be the prime suspect?" Tina suddenly asked.
"Pitch?" Anna and Punzie said at the same time.

"Pitch does have a greater power to do so." Hiccup added.

"Then again, it could be Pitch." Eugene scratched his head.

"Oh for goodness sake, why didn't we think of that in the first place?!" I wailed. "Look at the amount of time we wasted already!"

"Wait, so if it is Pitch, where would he hide them?" Kristoff spoke up.

"I don't know, does he have a secret hideout or something?" Anna asked.

Punzie snapped her fingers in excitement. "I know where! At least, I hope so." She said and ran out. "Punzie!"  All of us said and ran behind her.






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