Chapter 18: Is this.... POWERS?!

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Chappie is dedicated to itzzana and knf2015! ;D

Anna's POV

"Excuse me," Punzie coughed. "No-"

"PDA please!" Everyone said at the same time.

I was still blushing and Kristoff ruffled his hair after he kissed me. Merida rolled her eyes and I looked at her blankly.

"So, you still wouldn't tell us your ransacking plan?" Punzie held Eugene's hand.

"Nope. " Eugene replied.

" And why not? What's so secretive about it?" I crossed my arms.

"Don't worry, we'll get it, no matter what!" Hiccup chuckled.

We all walked out of the mall and just walked and walked and walked without knowing a destination. We arrived at a open field and Merida quickly sat down. "I'm tired!" She grumbled.

Everyone took a seat as well, there was nothing to do here. "Tell me, tell me, please?" Punzie begged Eugene.

"I wanna know too!" I poked my head in front of Eugene.

"Oh, let me think about it..... NO." Eugene said and laughed loudly.

"You're so mean!" Punzie pinched his cheek.

I decided to just have some fun. "Oh come on Eugene, tell us! Or else...." I grinned.

"You're.... Gonna punch me in the face?" Eugene made a wild guess.

"Yeah sure, if you want that." I giggled.

"Nope." Eugene crossed his arms.

"Then I'll throw you high up in the sky!" I joked.

"You have a catapult or something to do that?" Punzie smiled.

"Throw me up there then, I dare you!" Eugene laughed.

I too laughed and just imagined Eugene floating up in the sky. It was a silly thought and I could see that Eugene was waiting. Suddenly, Eugene started to get higher a little. "Where are you going?" Punzie asked.

Eugene looked below him and he looked scared. He was getting higher and higher up in the sky. I stared in shock, what was happening?! "What is this?!" Eugene saw that he was just floating in mid air. "Eugene!" Punzie called in horror.

"Wow, you been learning some magic tricks?" Hiccup asked.

"It's not me! I don't even know how I'm floating! Honest!" Eugene screamed a little.

"Quickly, we gotta get him down!" I ordered.

I ran to the nearest tree, not really knowing how I am going to get Eugene down. Kristoff gave me a boost as I reached for the nearest branch. Eugene was way too far for me to reach. For just a quick moment I thought of Eugene safely landing down. I looked at Eugene and he screamed. Eugene slowly landed and his feet touched the ground.

I was shocked at what I saw, I immediately jumped down and ran. All of us ran to Eugene. "You ok?!" Punzie asked worriedly. "Yes, but...How did I go up and come back down?! Luckily no bones broken." Eugene inspected himself.

I looked at everyone weirdly. Was it such a coincidence? I thought of Eugene floating up, and he floated up! I thought of him landing, then he landed safely! Now that was just too weird.

Ok, ok, I got this. Let's try this again. I looked at a bench nearby and thought if it floating up. The bench started to float. I screamed at the top of my lungs. The rest looked at me and they then saw the floating bench as well. "Another thing floating?!" Kristoff yelled in horror.

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