Chapter 39: Normal day with friends

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Elsa's POV

"Let's go Hani and Anusha!" I called out as I opened the door. "Oh, Jack! Again?" I asked, surprised.

"You do know that I would be doing this every single morning, right?" Jack grinned.

Jack pulled me a hug. I could feel my cheeks burning. Jack, will you stop doing this?! I yelled in my mind. It's so embarrassing the fact at it's in front of my friends!

"Oooooh!" Hani and Anusha said. "It's so cute!"

"Tengoklah, sweetnya! Ini tak boleh tahan nak tengok! Terlalu sweet!" Hani squealed.

Jack finally let go of me. "Shall we?" Jack held my hand. We both walked and Anusha and Hani were behind me, whispering around.

"Heyo fellas!" Mazlee called out.

"Let's get to class and get this over with." Eugene sighed.

"It's only the morning." Punzie comforted him.

"Hang in there." Hiccup burst out laughing.

"Need any asam?" SYS asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Asam, a type of food that is really sour and it keeps a person awake. It's really effective, it helps Jibam, our classmate, to stay awake all day long in class." Hani explained.

"Jibam? He can barely stay awake for 5 minutes!" Mazlee laughed.

"Luckily I have this!" SYS took out a container. Inside it was the asam he mentioned. "Want it? Want it?"

"Um, no thanks." Eugene backed away. "I didn't bring any money with me."

"Ok, I'll be generous today, have one free!" SYS handed each of us one. I poliely rejected it. "Oh my gosh, it is sooooo sour!" Merida shut her eyes tight.

"SOUR!" Jack shouted. I let out a sigh of relief, I didn't want that, luckily I didn't eat it!

"Where's the water?!" Eugene looked around. He hurriedly gulped down his bottle of water. "Well thanks for that asam, I do feel refreshed and awake now. But I will NOT have another ever again in my life, no offence."

"None taken." Anusha smiled.

"Ok, ok, ok, let's go now." Punzie dragged Eugene away. All of us headed to our separate classes.

"I. Hate. Maths." Jack groaned.

"It's not too bad." SYS said. "It's fun!"

"Oh right, you want to be a businessman right? Of course you love maths." Jack glared at him.

We took our seats and soon Mrs Lily came in. "Good morning everyone, now please, exercise books, protractor, calculator and compasses out!"

Jack turned to me. "I forgot my calculator!" He whispered-yelled to me.

"Well you could use mine. We'll just share." I replied sweetly.

"Here." A calculator slammed in front of Jack. It was See Yew Soon. "Like I said, I'm being generous today. Today and only for today!"

"Wow, thanks SYS!" Jack shook his hand. "Thank you so much!"

*Time skip*

Jack hurriedly gobbled his food down during break time. I slowly sipped my chocolate drink. "Looks like someone just became a monster." SYS grinned.

"A monster!" Hani shrieked.

"Jack Frost just became our eating champion!" Mazlee giggled.

Jack looked at the rest and glared. "I'm hungry, ok?!" He shouted.

"Still, you shouldn't eat like that." Anusha replied.

Jack choked on his food. He was coughing non stop. We laughed a he sight of him. SYS gave a few slaps on Jack's back. "Better?" SYS asked.

"Y-Y...Yeah, thanks See Yew Soon." Jack looked at him.

"You are just so...... How do I say it in English?" SYS scratched his head.

"Nak cakap apa?" Mazlee asked.

"Kamu ada dictionary kan?" Anusha crossed her arms.

"Never mind." SYS sighed.

We finished our food and walked to class. Before I even realised it, school was already over. Time passed by really fast. I walked with Hani and Anusha. "Are you ok?" I asked. "You don't look too good, Hani."

"I don't feel too well." Hani placed her hand on her stomach. "I have a stomach ache."

I quickly went to our dorm and Hani rushed into the toilet. "So, what's today's homework?" Anusha asked as she looked at her books.

"Please, don't even talk about it." I said and threw myself on the bed. "It's a mountain of them, as usual."

"There is this one thing that I don't like here, and that is the amount of homework given here! I don't think there was this much homework given in Malaysia!" Anusha wailed.

"Lucky you then." I sighed.

"I do miss home." Anusha sighed too. "I miss my family, my friends, my teachers..."

"I feel for you." I looked at her.

"It's ok."

"Well, good night." I was so tired that I immediately slept on the bed.

"You're sleeping now?!" I heard Anusha's voice.






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