Chapter 16: A dinner (2)

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Jack's POV

"Yeah ok Emma, I'm coming." I said as I hung up. So it's pretty much about 4 pm now. The time taken to go to home is about 30 minutes. I walked out quietly and went to my car. I started to drive back. Along the way I was wondering how my parents and sister were doing, I hope they're all ok and better, especially my dad.

*Time skip*

"Jack!" Emma called out and ran to me. I threw a smile at her and hugged her. "Manage to cancel your outing with your friends?" She asked me, smiling widely. "Yeah." I lied.

Emma pulled me into the house and I saw mom in the kitchen. "Oh Jack! You're back!" She greeted me. "Hey mom." I smiled. I went over to the sofa and sat down. "Where's dad?" I asked Emma who then sat with me. "He's still at work, coming back later." Emma replied. "Don't bother about that, how's college?!"

"It's nice."

"Tell me more?"

"You little busybody."

"Anything wrong with curiosity?"

"Yes and no."

"So tell me then!"

"Met some new friends and that's about it."

"Who are they?"


"People who?"

"Emma! Gosh! Why can't I say all this later? Mom and dad are probably gonna ask the same damn thing anyway!"

"I want to know!"


With that, I stormed into my room and locked it. Oh how I missed my room. I lied on the cosy bed. I looked at the ceiling, the blue walls, everything! I fingered the locket that was on my neck. I still didn't have the chance to ask the rest about this locket yet, and I must find out soon. Suddenly, a thought rushed into my mind, if my dad finds out that I still have this locket, I am so dead! He told me to get rid of it, and I lied to him that I threw it.

I jumped out of my bed and searched for a place to put this locket. Let's see, in the cupboard? No, I would totally lose it in that. Under my bed? Nah, I would lose it under that too. Under the pillow? Nope, I would forget. Gosh! Where can I keep this thing?! I paced back and forth in my room, where to hide this locket?

I decided to create a small box made of ice. I carefully placed the locket in the box. Ok, so that's done, any more evidence to destroy?

"Jack? Dad's back!" I heard a knock on the door.

"Huh? Oh, ok!" I said.

I did a quick check on myself, hopefully I didn't forget to remove anything! I went out of the room and saw my dad at the front door. I did my best to put a smile on my face. "Hi dad!" I called out.

"Oh, hello Jack, you're back." My dad replied.

I gulped nervously and looked around, trying to get away. I ran straight to the kitchen to see mom, maybe I could help out, anything to get away from dad.

"Mom? Anything I can do to help?" I asked.

"That's very kind of you Jack, but I'm already done." Mom said as she washed her hands at the sink.

"Oh, well, ok then." I chuckled nervously.

*Time skip*

"So Jack, how's your school?" My mom asked as I took a sip of my drink.

"It's great! I made lots of new friends!" I replied.

"Like?" Emma asked curiously.

I glared a her without answering her question. My dad cleared his throat and asked, "How are you doing with your friends?"

"They're amazing! They are the best of the best of friends!" I said with a smile.

"Who are your friends?" My dad asked.

Gosh, did they have to know every single thing?! Well, there's no harm in telling them, right? "Well there's Tina, Hiccup, Eugene, Elsa, Merida and Rapunzel, which we all call her Punzie." I started but my dad chocked on his food. "Excuse me, Jack?!" He raised his voice. Emma's eyes nearly popped out. Mom stared in me in amazement. Why are all of them like that?

"Um.... Did I say something wrong?" I asked softly.

My dad stood up and stormed upstairs. I heard a loud door slam. "What was that?" I pointed to the ceiling. "I just said the name of my friends?"

"Um...." Mom and Emma said at the same time. I gave them the "what" look. I walked towards the stairs but Emma ran to stop me. "What?!" I asked.

"You do not want to go up there." Emma warned as she pulled me back to the table.

"Anyway Jack, Emma is right, you do not want to approach your dad at the moment." Mom spoke up.

I nervously took a seat and faced my mom. Cold blood trickled everywhere around my body. "So... What was that?" I asked again.

"It's so great that you met them again!!!" Emma squealed.

"Them?" I asked.

"Your friends that you just said, duh!" Emma said in excitement.

"I have to agree with that Jack, it is wonderful that you met them again." Mom stated.

"Oh you mean, Tina, Punzie, Eugene, Hiccup, Merida and-"

"Elsa!" Emma cut in.

"It is a very long story of your past...." My mom started.

"Can I know why dad did...That?" I asked.

"He doesn't want you to remember those friends that you just said." Emma said.


"That's why we didn't tell you much about your past. Dad's orders, although I wanted to break it so badly."

"That's true sweetie."

"Why my friends then? Did they do something in my past? Because they seem really nice, they're the best!"

"They didn't do anything! They were your best friends and Elsa was your girlfriend. Oh by the way, are you a couple with her now again?"

"Woah woah there, what?! Elsa was my girlfriend?"


"Well that's....Interesting."

"It's more than interesting, she was the best girlfriend that any boy in the world could have! You were so perfect with her!"

"Really? Even better than Tina?"

"Obviously, yes! You and Elsa were really cute!"

This brought up another question in my mind. Elsa and I were a couple once, and it looks like Emma and mom are cool with it, so why isn't dad? Had Elsa done something that offended him? Is that why he refused to tell me about my past? But what could Elsa have possibly done? She's the sweetest girl I've ever seen.

Also, I need to confront Tina with this. She said I never had any other girlfriend than her. Why did she lie to me? I'm guessing she's just jealous but still there's no reason to hide my past. I deserve to know. 






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