Chapter 22: Plans ruined

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Pitch's POV

Elsa came meeting up with me, saying that she wanted to see me. I happily walked towards her, Elsa didn't look too good. "Hey Elsa, something wrong?" I asked.

"Yes, you see, Pitch, I have something to say." Elsa glared at me.

"What is it?" I asked, wondering why Elsa is glaring at me like that.

"It's over." Elsa said.

Wait, what?! Does she mean, over over?! As in, a relationship over?! "What are you talking about?!" I raised my voice.

"It's over." Elsa repeated.

"What do you mean over?! Why?!"

"Because I don't want you anymore."

"Why?! Is there something wrong with me?!"

"Drop the act, Pitch!"

"What act?!"

"Stop all this! Stop lying to me! All this time, all you told me were lies! LIES!"

"I.... I don't understand!"

"Enough! It's over!"

With that, Elsa stormed off. I chased after her, but she pinned me with her ice. Luckily there was no one to see. By the time I got out of the ice, Elsa was no where to be seen. Urgh! How dare she just walk up to me and say, it's over?! She trusted me for these years and now she wants to break up with me?! WHY?!

I barged into my room, startling my room mate. "Dude, you ok?" He asked.

"No I'm not! Now shut up Mike! I'm in a bad mood!" I shouted.

"No need to be so loud!" Mike said.

"Shut up!" I shouted again.

Mike ran out of the dorm, leaving me alone. Good, no one to bother. I thought hard of Elsa just now. What got her into doing this?!

Wait a minute, it must be those friends of her! They must have told Elsa everything about her past! Now she knows who I really am! No wonder she told me to 'drop the act'! Great, just great. All my plans for Elsa are totally ruined! If Elsa is with Jack, things are just going to get a whole lot harder. I have to deal with Elsa, and now with my arch enemy, Jack again! This has gone way too far for me. How am I going to get Elsa back now?!

My phone rang and I nearly threw it over my room. Luckily I didn't. "HELLO?!" I yelled, not bothering to see who it was.

"What the heck, Pitch?!" A voice echoed through. It was Tina's.

"More like you what the heck! Why the call?!" I shouted.

"So, let me guess, you are in a bad mood too?"

"Yes, you too?"


"What's up then?"

"To put it simple, Jack broke up with me."

"Well, what a stupid coincidence, because Elsa was basically the same."

"It must have been Hiccup, Eugene, Merida and Rapunzel that got them both into this!"

"Who knows how much Jack and Elsa have known about their past!"

"Great, just great!"

"Oh shut up!"

"What now?!"

"If Jack and Elsa get together, this is going to become mission impossible!"

"For now, try to get back on their good side, we can't be their boy/girlfriends any more, but at least try to be their friends again."

"That's your plan?!"

"You got a better one?!"

"Yeah yeah sure, fine, go with your plan!"

With that, both of us hung up the phone. I shot off my nightmare sand everywhere in frustration. I jammed the door with my sand. Soon, the whole dorm was in black. Darkness black.

Loud bangs were heard on the door. "Pitch! Open up!" It was Mike's voice. "It's me, Mike!"

I wanted to yell at him so badly. In the end, he's still my room mate, I have to let him in. "Gimme a second!" I said loudly. I removed all the sand from the room and finally opened the door. "You're back." I forced a smile.

"I hope you are feeling better now." Mike gulped.

"Yeah sure I am. Get your head back in the room." I beckoned to his bed.

Mike nervously walked in. I could see the fear in his eyes, I laughed in my mind. He's always like that. Mike buried himself in the sheets and kept quiet. I tried to hold my laughter and jumped on the bed.

I thought hard of trying to get Elsa back. Elsa will be mine, one way or another. There's always more than one way to get her. If plan A doesn't work, use plan B, then C, then D, and so on. Or unless you run out of alphabets.






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