Chapter 55: A trap (1)

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Anna's POV

Kristoff and I walked back to the apartment after school. We had a project to do and there was much to be done. "When do we have to hand in this project?" Kristoff asked.

"Next week I think?" I turned to him.

"Then there's still time." Kristoff said and ran to a grocery shop.

"Kristoff!" I called out, running behind him. "Do y-you have something to buy?" I asked after catching up with him.

"Yeah I do, lunch!" He replied. "We will just buy lunch here then eat and do at the same time."

I rolled my eyes and walked behind Kristoff. "What do you want? Sandwiches?" Kristoff asked.

"Anything. There's still food back at home anyway!" I snapped.

"Sandwiches it is then." Kristoff cut in. "Or do you want instant noodles?"

"Nope." I shook my head. "Oh come on already, we gotta get started."

Kristoff paid for the food and we continued to walk. Once or twice I turned to see anything behind me. "You ok, Anna?" Kristoff asked.

I hurriedly covered his mouth. I leaned closer to his ear. "I think we're being watched. Don't look back." I whispered.

"But who?" Kristoff said softly.

"I don't know. But I think someone's watching us." I replied. "Be on your guard."

"It's probably just your sixth sense." Kristoff shrugged.

"Just keep your eyes and ears peeled." I said and hurriedly continued to walk.

I could feel both of us were being watched. I don't know how I can feel it, but I just seem to know it. I didn't want to look back to make it too obvious, but I just had to make sure.

I made a sharp turn and used my telekinesis on the bushes. Nope, nothing there. I looked around, monitoring every tree, bush, everything! Kristoff gave me a nudge. "Anna, it's nothing."

"No, I know it's something." I snapped. I uneasily paced a few more steps. There were eyes watching us, I know it.

"Maybe you're just stressed out," Kristoff took out a sandwich and handed to me. "You might as well eat first."

I forced a smile and munched on the sandwich. Can we just like, run back to the apartment?! There is still quite a distance to go. "Kristoff, let's just run." I suggested.

"When you just started eating?!" Kristoff exclaimed.

I stood in front of Kristoff and nodded. Suddenly, a man in a mask was running towards us. Kristoff looked behind me and gasped. I turned around and saw another man running towards us. He too was in a mask. The two men surrounded us. Me and Kristoff stood back to back.

It was too risky to run to the empty corner at this moment. The two men got closer to us. Kristoff grabbed me and put me behind him. "Who are you?!" He asked loudly. "What do you want?!"

I was terrified. Who are these two people? Are they kidnapping us?! I had to make a quick decision. I must use my telekinesis right now, no matter what. Should I just levitate them and fling them away? Or should I just grab something to throw at them? I knew I can't lift two people at once. I turned my back at hurriedly levitated the man. I kept the man in the air. The other man backed away a bit in fear.

I looked around and spotted a large rock. Or maybe it's a boulder? Whatever. I looked at the rock and flung it to the man. BOOM! The man fell down. With the other man still in the air, me and Kristoff ran to the fallen man. "Nice going Anna." Kristoff smiled at me. "But I think that was a bit too hard?"

"I had no choice!" I replied. "Besides, who knows what they could have done to us."

"Well, good going anyway." Kristoff took a closer step to the man. "I think you knocked him out cold."

"Call the police, quickly! I don't know how much longer I can hold the this man in the air, or unless if you want me to knock him out cold too!" I snapped.

Kristoff fished out his phone and called. I had to place the man back on the ground without him attacking us again. Although I do think that he is already frighten to death. Better safe than sorry!

I slammed the man on the floor, I swear I heard a crack on his back and lifted another rock. "Listen here," I said loudly. "If you don't want to end up like your pal over there, you better stay still."

Kristoff kept watch on the other man. I looked sternly at the other guy. "Why were you watching us?! What were you trying to do?" I shouted.

The man remained silent. I heard the sound of a police siren and hurriedly placed back the rock. I immediately lifted the man that Kristoff was watching over to my side. Kristoff went to my side as the police arrived. "Sir, um...These two men were trying to..." Kristoff started.

"They were watching us the whole time we were walking home!" I quickly continued.

The two officers handcuffed them and brought them into the car. "Well, we will see to the case. You kids must have been really great to be able to take them down." The officer said. Me and Kristoff chuckled awkwardly.

After taking down some statements we continued to walk back home. "I can't help but think that this was a trap." I said to Kristoff.

"I don't know, they could have just tried to kidnap us for ransom or something?" Kristoff replied.

"My sixth sense tells me that someone planned this. This was a trap." I insisted.






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