Chapter 25: A dream, or a reality?

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Anna's POV

I found myself in a place, everything was white. What is this place? Everywhere was all in white, it didn't look like a room. I walked around this weird place. There was no door, no window, no anything! It was just a place all in white.

The floor didn't even look like a floor. It was like fog, no wait, clouds? Is this heaven? Where am I? I walked and walked and walked until I reached a large gate. The gate was slightly open. I nervously walked in, looking around. Where was everybody? Why am I the only person here? "Uh... Hello?" My voice squeaked and echoed everywhere. I didn't like this eerie feeling.

I saw two shadowy figures in front of me. I hoped those were people, I walked towards the figures. "Hello? Is someone there?" I called out. The two figures began to walk towards me. I was so shocked that I decided to make a run for it. With no destination, I ran for my life, screaming and yelling in fear. I looked back, the two figures were soon out of sight. I gasped for breath as I stopped.

I realised on how stupid I was. I wanted help, right? Why did I run away? Maybe those two figures wanted to help me? And then again, were they even people? I decided to see if my telekinesis powers worked in this strange place. I thought of something, anything coming towards me. I waited and waited, nothing at all came to me. There's nothing in this place?!

I took a deep breath and started to walk back to the gate. Be brave Anna, be brave, don't run away. The big gates stood right in front of me, I pushed it open and walked in. Again, I saw two figures, but this time they were closer to me. "Is someone there?" I asked as I walked towards them. Soon, I got closer to them, yes, they were people. A man and a woman.

"Anna!" They called out. Wait, do I know them? I took a step closer to get a better look. "MOM! DAD!" I yelled. It was my parents! My parents! MOM AND DAD!

I ran to them and hugged them tight. "Oh mom, dad." I moaned. "Is it really you?!"

"How nice to see you again, Anna." Mom smiled at me.

"Wait, does that mean.... I'm dead? Since I can see you?" I gulped nervously.

"No, of course you're not dead!" Dad replied.

"Anyway, we have to tell you something, something important." Mom said.

"W-What is it?" I stammered.

"First, we are glad to see that you and Elsa are doing fine. We are also very happy that you all are still friends with your old buddies. Oh, and as for your powers, I know why you are confused with your new found powers, telekinesis." Mom started.

I wanted to say something but dad quickly continued. "Your powers just showed up a little later than Elsa. It took longer to blossom, luckily, you already seem like a natural. Now, we want to warn you about the dangers..."

"So, you mean that I was supposed to have powers too just not so soon?" I cut in. "And what do you mean, dangers?!"

"Yes Anna. Now we have something important to tell you, before we run out of time!" Mom said loudly.

Run out of time? I wondered. What do they mean?

"Anna, you have to be aware, Elsa has to be aware too. You and Elsa, including your friends, are in danger. Pitch-"

BOOM! I opened my eyes, realising that I was in my room, on the floor. Wait, was that all a dream?! Was it a dream, or a reality? Was that warning true? Did I really see mom and dad again? The last word I remember them saying was Pitch. Was Pitch the warning? Did we have to be careful?

A knock on the door startled me. "Y-Yes?" I said in fear. The door opened, revealing it to be Elsa. "I heard something fall?" Elsa asked.

"Uh... I fell off the bed. I had a dream...." I gulped. "Wait, what time is it?!" I asked as I looked around for my watch.

"It's 9 in the morning." Elsa replied. "Well since you're up, you can have some breakfast."

I weakly nodded and walked out. Things from my dream haunted me. I had no appetite to eat at all. My mind was in a full swing. The warning, the warning, the warning, it kept ringing in my mind. It was extremely important, it was just such a pity that I couldn't get the full story. But, I will keep an eye out for Pitch. My parents must have somehow knew something was going to happen in the future.

I cleared my throat. "Elsa?" I called out. Elsa turned to me. "Be careful with Pitch." I said.

"I ain't even in a relationship with him any more." Elsa crossed her arms.

"I know, just be careful, ok?" I pleaded.

"Yeah ok, sure." Elsa shrugged.

I have to warn the others too. Mom and dad did say that my friends were in danger too. I don't know what kind of danger, but we have to be prepared.






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