Chapter 70: Admiring

Start from the beginning

"I see. I will go to the archives in town. Unless you want me on duty?"

"No, go see what you can find, spend time with your mate. I'll see you later."

"So, what are we looking for, husband of mine?" Namtarn asked as they entered the archives and Singto was glad to be away from the compound and Gulf so he could think straight. He let out a sigh and then wrapped his arm around her shoulders and tugged her into his body. Namtarn gave a chuckle and wrapped her arms around his back her face pressing into his neck and Singto breathed the scent of her hair. It wasn't the time or the place for them to be scenting each other but having your entire mind and instincts being taken over by another man was something that he hadn't enjoyed.

"Sorry. My head is so confused now." He grumbled holding her a little more tightly and Namtarn chuckled tapping him on the back a few times until he let her go and flashed her a smile.

"I know. And I understand. Sort of. I don't think it's as strong with me as I'm just a beta but there is something. A definite pull towards Gulf." She hummed slowly her eyes motioning to the archive that was around them. It was almost like a human library, but it focused on blood lines and the history of werewolves. Everything was stored in here on both paper and computer. Unfortunately for them Singto doubted what they would be looking for would be on a hard drive so that meant sifting through hundreds of documents until they found what they were looking for, if indeed they ever did find it. "That's why we're here right? To try and find out what it is. So, tell me what we're looking for? You and my brother must have your suspicions."

"We're looking for information on Alpha-Omegas." Singto admitted with a shrug feeling as though they would have more luck in the fiction section of a bookstore rather than the national archives of werewolves for Japan but Mew as the leader of their group. "Your brother thinks that there is more to Gulf than meets the eye."

"It would make sense. I suppose." Namtarn hummed and Singto's eyes bulged. He had been expecting his feisty wife to roll her eyes and tell him that they were just a myth "I think I read somewhere that Alpha-omegas were able to manipulate the feelings of those around them." "When did you read about that?"

"I used to read a lot before we got married." She shrugged again looking around the library before spotting an older looking sigma by the desk "We'll ask her." She said taking his hand and tugging him towards the woman in the ugly pink knitted cardigan and ugly horn-rimmed glasses. As they approached Singto realized that she smelt suspiciously of cats and Singto was sure that it was intended. Namtarn though smiled politely at the woman her head bowing prettily "Hello. My husband and I are looking for information on Alpha-Omegas."

"...Well isn't that strange." The woman chuckled her eyes widening a little behind her very hideous glasses "I'm sorry but for such a rare subject I find it strange that you are not the first to ask me that this week."

"We're not?" Singto asked instantly stiffening as he thought about the Mew's. They were the only other people that he could think of that had met Gulf had might have had a similar reaction to him as he had done.

"No. I had another couple in the other day asking me the same thing a few days ago." She hummed "I'll have to tell you the same thing I told them I'm afraid we only have scant information about them...They are in the world of fancy."

"And so, the humans thought we were at one point." Singto hummed with the best smile that he could manage "Can you point us in the right direction?"

"I'm not an invalid you know." Gulf grumbled half-heartedly as Mew carried him to the large two-person bath that was attached to their bedroom. It wasn't something that he had been using as he had made do with the shower that also came included but now, with the bath scented with flowery smelling salts that was meant to help his muscles relax and stop him from feeling sick.

He wasn't completely sure if it would work but Mew had said that he wanted to wash him, and he wasn't going to turn that offer down. He wasn't too happy about being carried like a princess, but he decided that he could cope with it when Mew gave him a breath-taking smile.

"An alpha can spoil his mate. I know you can take care of yourself, but I want to be able to do something for you...More so because it's our baby that is making you sick." Mew pouted as he sat him down on the side of the bath and then tested the temperature of the water with his elbow. "Now let me get you out of these clothes."

"You just want me slippery and naked." He huffed half-heartedly pulling off the pajama top that he was wearing. Neither of them mentioned that it was one of Mew's or the fact that he was tending to wear more and more of his clothes as the pregnancy rolled on. It was all perfectly normal.

A lot of pregnant submissive built nests or rather dens that were covered from wall to wall with their partners clothing, favorite things but they were the ones that were unsecure in their homes. He felt very secure here. Nobody else was allowed in this room without permission which was rarely given, he supposed that this was his nest and he loved being in it.

"Of course, I don't. Slippery makes you more difficult to catch. But I do like you being naked. You are so beautiful...Your belly is swelling." Mew whispered in awe his hand moving down to stroke at his stomach and Gulf smiled to himself. A few more insecure people would have been worried about Mew only loving him because he was pregnant, but Gulf knew that that wasn't the case and he sighed with happiness at the feel of the hands moving across his midsection.

"I'm going to get ugly stretch marks."

"That's a lie, my love. Nothing on you could ever be ugly."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you were the one that was going to be getting them." He grumbled. Earlier Mew had told him that he wouldn't be able to top him again and it had frustrated him to realize that he was right. Even during that one time that he had taken Mew it hadn't felt right he had missed the pressure of the knot and doing what Mew wanted.

If given the choice of topping again he doubted that he would even be able to become aroused enough to stick it into the alpha. It was frustrating but he knew that it was down to his more submissive qualities coming through. He let out a long sigh before giggling when Mew moved down and blew a raspberry on his stomach which sent pulses of a ticklish sensation spread out over his skin. He pulled his lover's ears and forced him to look up at him before he moved down and claimed his lips in a kiss. "I love you my alpha."

"Me too. Now let me get you in this bath so I can wash your hair and massage your back." Mew hummed before kissing him again and Gulf smirked cocking his head to one side and whispering coyly.

"Join me?"

"Insatiable brat."

"Only for you."

*** to be continued ***

I know, no proofread had happened here 😁🤣

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