There's a long line of taxis right in front of us, so we easily get into one, tell them the hotel name, and he drives us there. 

Luckily it's near to the airport and not too far. When we arrive, Shelli gives him cash and I step out of the vehicle, clutching my bag in one hand and waiting for Shelli to come out. 

We thank the driver, then walk inside and go straight to the elevators. I remember the room number it was from what Krist told Shelli. Kurt didn't call to tell me anything besides where to go through to the airport, and that was already when we were on the phone. He must be too mad at me. 

We arrive at the fourth level and exit the elevator, making our way down the long and narrow hallway, the hotel room is on the left side. Shelli stops in front of it and knocks. 

I can hear their voices through the door getting closer and closer. The latches for the lock click and then the door opens. Standing there is Krist. He wraps Shelli in his embrace and kisses her. 

"I've missed you so much," He kisses her once more, then gently shoves her inside. When he sees me, he gives me a hug, but not nearly as harsh as the one he gave to Shelli. "Hey, Kaitlyn."

"Hi," I say and step inside of the hotel room, not wanting to have a huge conversation when I'm still in the hallway. 

"Well if it isn't the ladies," Dave says, entering the room with a woman on his arm--his girlfriend Jennifer. They've been together for a little while now, but I've never really entertained the thought of her. 

Shelli approaches her and shakes her hand. "Hi! I'm Shelli."

"I'm Jennifer," She reaches forward and returns the gesture. 

Krist approaches beside me. "Why don't you go say hi to her?"

"I will in a second," I say. "I just got off of a plane; I'm exhausted."

"You sound just like Kurt."

I roll my eyes. "Gee, thanks." 

"What's going on with you?" He asks. 

"Nothing," I say. "I'm just trying to relax. I was just on a really long plane ride and I'm exhausted and there's all these people trying to talk to me. I just need a second."

Krist huffs. "Okay, well I don't know how to help you."

"I didn't ask for help," I say. 

"Okay!" Shelli walks in between us and turns to me. "You're obviously in a bad mood, so why don't you go somewhere else where you're not going to make everyone mad?"

I grow angry very quickly. Shelli isn't the person to say that type of shit. Normally she's the peacemaker and wants everyone to get along, so I must've done something to make her mad. 

"Where would I even go?" I ask. 

"Maybe with your fiancée?" Krist says in a very mocking tone. 

I glance over at the bedrooms and see that only one of the bedroom doors is shut--Kurt's. I don't even want to go in there right now. We haven't been on good terms for a little while, so it's just going to be awkward when we see each other. 

Like Krist and Shelli said, I'm in a bad mood right now. I'm just going to make Kurt mad. He's probably already mad right now. 

As much as I don't want to go in there, I just want to get away from everyone else. It feels like they're all ganging up on me as if I'm a bad person. 

Maybe this is how Kurt feels a lot of the time.

I reluctantly walk over to the door and take a deep breath before knocking on it. 

My Heart is Broke-Kurt Cobainحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن