"Kurt," I clear my throat. "There's people here and I have no idea who they are and you're supposed to be out here helping me with this and you're not."

He sets his guitar in his stand and puts out his cigarette, leaving it in the ashtray. "You could've just asked me to come out."

"Yeah, but I shouldn't have to," I say angrily. "You're supposed to be out here with me."

"Sorry," He says. "Ready to go?"

I nod and we go out together and as soon as he sees Michael, he starts a conversation with him. Eddie soon joins in, not wanting to feel left out. 

"That was so embarrassing," I say, walking up to Krist and noticing Shelli playing with Frances. "I can't believe I didn't know them. And that Eddie guy thought I was joking!"

Krist laughs. "You're fine, Kaitlyn. If anything, it was probably refreshing for him to not meet someone who's all over him because of his fame."

The door knocks once more and I look over at Kurt to see if he's going to get it, but he stands still in his conversation. I go over to the door and open it up to find Liza there with her two girls and Remmy. 

"Sorry," She says to me, talking about her kids. "I couldn't find a babysitter for them. Is it alright if they're here?"

"Yeah, of course. Just make sure they don't break anything." I shut the door behind them. 

Liza gasps. "You did such a fucking good job oh my God! I mean, you guys decorated everything so well. It looks so good."

"Thank you," I smile and she hugs me. 

"We need to see each other more," She stares at me in the eyes. "It isn't a want; it's a need."

"Can we go play outside?" Emma, the younger daughter, asks.

Liza looks at me. "Is that alright?"

"I don't mind, as long as they don't break anything."

"Yay!" Aubrey squeals and grabs her sister's hand, then they go out to the backyard. 

"Nice to see you again," Remmy tells me, speaking up for the first time during this whole party. 

"Nice to see you again, too," I grin. 

"Where's the baby?" Liza asks. I point to Frances on the ground in the living room next to Shelli. Liza immediately runs over there, Remmy right behind her. 

I go into the kitchen and grab a cup, filling it up with water. I walk past Kurt and smile at him, but he stops me. 

"What?" I ask him, feeling bad that his attention is on me and not his friends. 

"Did you meet my friends?" He asks, gesturing towards them. 

I look over at them and awkwardly smile. Eddie begins to laugh harshly again. 

"Yeah," I murmur. 

"Did I miss something?" Kurt asks. 

"Your fiancée's not a fan," Eddie says, but I know he's joking. 

"She just doesn't pay attention," Kurt attempts to make the situation seem better, but in reality, he just makes it worse. "Wait--"

"You're fine," I quickly assure him and notice that his lips are pale. He hasn't been drinking water. "Hey, drink some water."

He grabs my cup and takes a sip from it, then rests it on the counter. "Guys, this is Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn, this is Michael and Eddie. Michael is also Frances' godfather."

My Heart is Broke-Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now