《Kailyn》Kayadhu Kalyaan

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"Kayadhu Kalyaan" by Kanhakisakhi

Reviewed by Kailucy

Cover: 5/10

The blending looks kinda off and the title on the cover doesn't match the title.

The actual images aren't bad just need a little better blending.

Title: 9/10

I like the title. It goes perfectly with the story and makes sense once you get to chapter 3.

Blurb: 8/10

The blurb isn't bad but it isn't something that would've caught my attention. Maybe add another paragraph after. Introduce the main character and raise some questions. Remember the blurb is what sells the book to the potential reader. Make them want to read it. So you need to give enough information for them to choose it.

Character/character development: 6/10

Right now the characters feel a bit lacking. So far there's a lot of talk but not a lot of seeing it play out. Maybe if I read more it would change but based on how far I got the characters are kinda bland. Kayadhu is adorable though!

Plot: 18/20

The plot described in the blurb was interesting but so far there isn't much going on. I only read to chapter five so I won't judge too harshly but I figured I'd mention it anyway.

The preface is a great start. It caught my attention right away.

Chapter Two: A baby is found in a lotus? Wait it's from the Gods. That's interesting. I at first thought someone just put her there and was imagining a tragic backstory.

Chapter Four: time skip. Aw, typical three-year-old behavior. She reminds me of my little sister. It's so sweet how much he cares for her.

Chapter 5: ooh! Some action.

Writing style: 19/.20

I love your writing style! The descriptions are astounding! I love reading how you describe things. The only thing is you don't really need to add the pictures in the middle of the chapter. It kinda gets distracting. Your descriptions are good enough that the reader can imagine what things look like.

Grammar/spelling/vocabulary: 9/10

I didn't find many mistakes but there were some letters that were capitalized that didn't need to be. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to check it over for anything that I might've missed even though I did read those five chapters twice but sometimes I look over things. Maybe vary up the vocabulary a little. It's not bad the way it is though.

Enjoyment: 10/10

I did enjoy this a lot despite my few criticisms. I definitely plan to continue eventually.

Overall: 85/100

Overall, I like your book so far. It's entertaining and kept my attention. I do hope to continue reading to see where the plot goes and how the characters progress. You have a wonderful writing style. Good luck with your writing!

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