《Kailyn》The Best Friend Equation

28 1 6

The Best Friend Equation by thunderbird99

Reviewer: Kailucy

Cover: 10/10 

I love the cover. The colors are beautiful and blend together amazingly. The silhouettes are a nice touch. The fonts look great as well. All around great cover.

Title: 10/10

I actually really like the title. It goes well with the plot and has a nice ring to it.

Blurb: 9/10

The blurb is fine. I feel like it could be worded better in some parts but it's definitely not bad.

Characters: 10/10

Immediately we're given insight into the characters. And it's done in a brilliant way. I was able to draw conclusions about the characters based on the descriptions and their actions. I loved Cameron's introduction in chapter one. In chapter two the cast was significantly larger but it still wasn't confusing. So far I'm really loving the characterizations. They feel real and are very dynamic.

Plot: 19/20

The plot really begins to start in chapter two. From there forward it was very obvious the plot was going to be engaging and it matches with what the blurb described. And chapter five was a great addition to it. I can see it going multiple different ways and I'm excited to see where you decide to take it.

Writing style: 20/20

You have a beautiful writing style. You do a wonderful job at making the characters feel real and you don't info-dump. The descriptions are amazing as well, they made me feel like i was right there with them. I can't think of anything critical to say about it.

Grammar/spelling/vocabulary: 9/10

I didn't notice anything major but there were a few sentences I feel could've been worded better. Other than that this area was good.

Enjoyment: 10/10

I really enjoyed reading this. I was tempted to read more but I wanted to get the review done so I stopped at five. But I'm definitely planning to continue.

Overall: 97/100

Overall, you have a wonderful story. Just based on the first five chapters you've already set up several interesting characters and an engaging plot. Keep up the great work!

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