《June》Fated Desires

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Review for Fated Desires by Han_Banana21
Reviewer: june_berrin

Thank you so much for giving me the chance and the trust to review your story. I enjoyed it.

❥ Cover/Title: Wonderful title and cover. Both attractive and enticing. The picture used was of good quality, and the wolf in the background signified the genre. The blue colour scheme of the colour also adds to it as it's a colour used commonly to show the presence of fantasy and magic. Overall, great cover and title.

❥ Blurb: Perfect blurb! The readers get to have a gist of the story and their MC while maintaining the right balance of suspense and thrill, but not letting off too much from the plot either. Overall, a good blurb.

❥ Storyline: I loved the plot, it was a unique idea to portray the werewolf fantasy. The storyline feels original and has been well developed. I dote on how you hinted the plot gives us a gist of the character's story and how that promise is going to impact their future. The small line where Arwyn says about having her own wings to fly resonates with the entire plot and the blurb. The prologue gave quite a good insight into the story and also supports the blurb.

❥ Content: With each chapter, I felt the suspense building up slowly. I liked how you spread out the past occurrences rather than revealing them in a bunch. It was more digestible. Your writing style is amazing. The way you've written the dialogue similar to the way of that royalty setting which shows that you've done of work on it. Each chapter had a good amount of content and the story went at the perfect pace.

❥ Characters: I love how well you've developed the characters. I could feel the frustration of the characters through the small gestures you added in between the dialogues. You have shown relationship dynamics very well and the characters felt more lively and real. The child versions of the main characters were also well portrayed. The emotions and feelings have been described well letting the reader feel for the characters.

❥ Vocabulary/ Grammar: Perfect grammar in the chapters that have been edited. No major issues and the entire writing style was beautiful. There was a use of remarkable word choice and the flow of the ideas and phrases weren't disrupted. I also adore the fact that you didn't use any phrases from modern times and wrote everything concerning the setting.

❥ Reader's Enjoyment: A very enjoyable story and each chapter held a good cliffhanger. After ending each chapter, I was enticed to read the next chapter. It felt cinematic and easily imaginable.

❥ Conclusions: A story with great potential and it would be only a matter of time before people start to notice this potential. The way you have portrayed your ideas and everything is incredible.
Also, I would like to apologize for the long delay of 8 months that had occurred. Something came up and it was difficult for me to come back to my old pace of reviewing. Hope you can understand and have a great day.

Best Wishes!

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