《Kailyn》Coffee Shop: Poetries, Oneshots

26 1 1

Reviewer: Kailucy

Client: nightxxstars

Thank you so much for requesting!

Cover: 6/10

The picture is good. It fits the overall vibe and title but it needs the title and author's name written on it.

Title: 8/10

I'm kinda mixed on the title. I think it fits for what it is but it isn't very eye-catching. Maybe just removing "poetries, one shots" and just having "a book of poetry"?

Blurb: 9/10

Very straightforward. Tells the potential reader exactly what's inside.

Overall thoughts:

One Assurance:

Nicely written. Some capitalization errors. Mostly "i" it's different when it's in texting format like near the end when the character receives a message to assure them. But for the rest of the story, it just reads as an error. The story itself was sweet, I particularly liked the very last paragraph.


Firstly, I loved this. It's so beautifully written. Every line added to the conclusion. The only critique I have is it should be "All those times" Otherwise I loved it.


Once again, I'm amazed by your use of words. I love the way you string your sentences together! And again my only critique is for grammar. The fifth line "in case" should be two words. You don't need to capitalize "One Day" but honestly it's not really a big deal since it's poetry.

I just thought I'd say something just in case you didn't mean to do it.


This one is beautifully written. I wasn't prepared for the last two lines. I thought the whole thing was going to be happy :( But I love sad poems so I loved the twist.

Five Letters:

The first paragraph, the first line should be "yet my (feelings) for you are still the same" (don't add the parentheses just the "s"

The fourth paragraph should say "Things wouldn't be (the) same.

The fifth paragraph could read better if it just said "Even if small"

Other than those critiques the poem was beautiful. I love the overall vibe and as always I love your way with words. Such a bittersweet poem. Loved it!

Only One:

I love the meaning of this one.

The only issue once again is grammar. Fish is plural. You don't have to write "fishes" unless referring to different species. You may have meant but I wasn't completely sure so I thought I'd mention it just in case.


The first paragraph already told me how great this one would be. By far my favorite! Every line was great. There were a few issues I noticed but they were similar to the ones I've already mentioned above.

I Met a Stranger:

The love in this poem <3

My favorite lines are

"And even though I dont read much

I know for a fact

That if you're a book

I'll happily be the reader"

I don't really like love poems all that much. I don't hate them I just prefer sad ones but oh my this one has my heart. Amazing poem!!

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