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(The first 7 chapters were reviewed)

REVIEWER - DeathBlade__

Title: 2/5
The title sounds amazing on its own. It’s unique and it creates a sense of interest to read the book. However, from the chapters that I’ve read so far, I can’t tell why it is named so. Perhaps it will be mentioned in later chapters but it would be better if there were some clues in the former chapters.

Cover: 1/5
- I love the color scheme of the cover. It's red/brown theme really makes it stand out and caught my eye immediately.
- Although, I have the same issue here as I did for the title. I haven’t read anything that makes me think about wings so it doesn’t fit very well with the book as of now.
- Another issue I’d like to point out is the font. I don’t like how the word wings are repeated multiple times, it feels a little bit tacky. The font used is minimalistic, but good nonetheless, only, I’d suggest you write wings only once.
- Also, you could add ‘The Power of Knowledge’ on the cover as well since it is the complete title of the book.

Blurb: 5/5
- I genuinely can’t say anything negative about the blurb. It’s short, sweet, and gets to the point. The final line, she will do anything to kneel just packs a punch to the whole blurb! Wonderfully executed.
- However, if I had to be nitpicky, in the last line, the ‘h’ in him shouldn’t be capitalized.
- Other than that, it was wonderful!

Writing Style: 8.5/10
- The writing style was amazing! Every scene was described in such a way that I could picture the surroundings, without it getting too excessive/boring.
- I especially loved the writing in the second chapter. Those three sentences ‘she blamed him, he didn’t listen… he didn’t move a finger’ was absolutely amazing! It gave an insight into Diane and Brandon's relationship and I loved the way it was executed! Simple sentences with powerful impact.
- In the same chapter, you had a paragraph about the September gardens. That was beautifully written as well!
- In chapter 4, I loved the description of the house in Lewtown!
- There were a lot of wonderfully executed paragraphs (I will not be mentioning all of them).

However, Here’s what you can improve:
- Paragraph Separation: While most of your paragraphs are lengthy, they have the perfect amount of information. Some of them however could be broken down.
For example, in chapter 1, you wrote about the fog getting thicker and in the same paragraph, we got to Diane shaking in fear. While it wasn’t that big a deal, I felt that separating the paragraphs would make Diane’s fear more noticeable, thereby making it more impactful.
The same is the case in the second chapter, where you describe Maria's purple cape and in the same paragraph there is a mention of Brandon being the ‘Stone King’. Again, if the paragraph was split a little before that, I would have felt the impact of that more.

Other than the points I’ve mentioned, I really enjoyed the way you described the scene. It was uniquely done and it made reading so much more exciting.

Grammar: 9.5/10
I do not have much to say about grammar. There were very, very minute errors which I will mention:
- There were four typos (very few for so many chapters so, good job!) and I have commented beside each one to let you know.
- In chapter one, there was a paragraph where excessive commas were used. I have commented beside that as well.
- In a few places, Lila is spelled Lila and in others, it’s spelled Lilah. I’m not really sure what the correct spelling is (hence I didn’t comment) but just fix that issue.
- Barely any errors were there at all, I’m just being a little nitpicky. Other than that, your grammar is immaculate!

Plot: 5/10
- From the blurb, I can see that this story has a lot of potential. Plots like this are right up my alley and I was so excited to get into the book.
- While I did enjoy the book, most of the time I was met with confusion. I get that you were trying to build up curiosity but I was questioning so many things when I read every new chapter. What I think the book needs is a little more clarity.
- The writing style really helps with the world-building, I had no issues with that. What I do think needs to be worked on are people’s motives and who they really are (even if not on a deeper scale).

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