《Kailyn》Creatures in Depth

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Reviewed by: Kailucy

Client: june_berrin

Thank you so much for the request!

Cover: 9/10

I love the cover. The image is great and fits the story. The only thing I could find wrong was the subtitle is a bit blurry but other than that the cover is amazing.

Title: 9/10

Lovely title. It drew my attention right away and it fits the story perfectly.

Blurb: 9/10

The blurb is almost perfect! It introduces the plot and characters and caught my attention at the first line. I knew I wanted to read it once I read the blurb so it does exactly what it should. The only issue is the last sentence in the second to last paragraph reads a little weird other than that it's wonderful.

Character/character development: 10/10

I'm not even sure where to start for this section. In a good way. I'm speechless. The characters already feel so real and there's only four chapters. The MC is already so fleshed out and I already love the group.(spoilers ahead)

I can't believe you just killed Sophia like that!! I was assuming she'd play a bigger role but I was wrong. Speaking of that, the way you handled the grieving was impressive. I like that you had the MC and Jasper both deal with it differently. It seemed so realistic for both of them, I think you did it perfectly according to the character.

Plot: 19/20

The plot is intriguing so far. It's fast paced but I love that you're not rushing the grieving. It makes it much easier to read and understand the characters. I love the twists you've written so far. They had me at the edge of my seat, especially the one at the end of chapter 3.

Writing Style: 20/20

I'm in love with your writing style. I was hooked from the first line. It's easy to read and isn't repetitive. I appreciate that you show the emotions of the characters. Your descriptions are stunning and make the world feel real.

Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary: 9/10

This was almost flawless. However I did catch a few areas that had missing punctuation. Other than that it's great.

Enjoyment: 10/10

To say I enjoyed it would be an understatement. I absolutely loved it! It reads like a few books I've read and loved. I'll definitely read on when you update.

Overall: 95/100

Overall, you have a wonderful story. Your writing style fits the story perfectly and I love the characters so far. I can already tell things will only get crazier and I'm excited to see what you have in store. 

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