《Blade》World of 39

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REVIEW - WORLD OF 39 (JohanLiebert33)
REVIEWER - DeathBlade__
Title: 4/5
The title fits with the book but it could have been better. In the prequel, everything was related to 39 but ‘Patient 39’ had a nice ring to it. World of 39 seems too revealing and because of that, it wasn’t that intriguing.

Cover: 2.5/5
The cover is clear in the sense that the background image and the guy’s face are contrasting therefore I can see it clearly. However, I’m not sure it fits with the book. It’s just a guy’s side profile and it doesn’t give a hint about the genre of the book. And the subtitle was hardly visible. It blends too much with the background and I had to struggle to read it.

Blurb: 2.5/5
The blurb gives a gist of the book which is okay. I didn’t like how you brought in the line Will he do something dangerous as that person of Patient 39? We know that it’s the sequel already since it’s specified in the beginning so repeating that again seems unwanted, especially when the blurb is already so short. It feels as if the book relies completely on Patient 39, which I mean it’s a sequel but the plot is different.

Writing Style: 1/10
I faced the same issues that I did for Patient 39. The scenes lack enthusiasm since everything is so rushed. Things happen out of the blue and there is no continuity due to it.
For Example:
So in the very first scene, Enzo goes to inspect the burning spot. But where exactly is the burning spot, how did he notice it? Was it due to the flames or smoke or heat? These are all tiny details that would have helped the readers visualize the surroundings better.
You mentioned that Enzo sees the dead bodies. But where were they? How did he see it only after so long? Like we know there is a plane crash but before I assumed he was the only one on the island and suddenly there were bodies. You could have shown Enzo frantically looking for people only to be shattered to see that all of them were dead. But his emotions were completely ignored.
You wrote that after 40 minutes of walking he got tired. But what did he do for those forty minutes? He was just walking around? What did he see, did he notice anything odd or interesting? It just felt so empty that 40 minutes passed and it was mentioned too but nothing happened.
There were also many things that happened randomly. Like the time he told Alaric that his cab driver will come soon. But when did he talk to him? Was he just lying? But why? And how was his phone not destroyed? If you wanted his phone to be present you could at least have the first scene be him searching for his phone in a worry or something and then being relieved because he found it.
Again, you didn’t describe the surroundings of the farmhouse when Enzo was just looking at it.
The bear scene could have been super action-packed. You could have shown the bear emerging out of nowhere, fear rising in Enzo’s chest, how the bear lunged at Alaric's and grabbed him, there was so much potential here.
And also, I was really not sure where exactly they were. First, he’s at a seashore and there happens to be a farmhouse there. Then they are suddenly in the mountains and then they see the bear in the forest. These just are never together you know so it made no sense.
You also skipped some scenes like how the girls tried to seduce him and whether it made him feel uncomfortable or something. You could have shown his hesitation to take the drugs and the proper consequences for it but nothing of that sort happened, making the scene seem pointless.
The Nigerian man vs the Russian man’s fight was a little better. Although you were still telling rather than showing, you at least made it more descriptive. Although one thing was that after their fight people just go around killing each other and the death of people is just brushed off. Like it should have some consequences right?
The scene where you told that Enzo’s wife was cheating on him was underwhelming. It really shouldn’t have been since he killed her. And I know cheating is bad but killing really isn’t you know, equal. Also, why did he never face consequences? I also felt that it could have been a good flashback scene but it was a missed opportunity.
I will try to wrap this up quickly. The ending needs a lot of improvement. It was so rushed and everything happened too randomly. Enzo gets stabbed in the leg, a knife goes through his palm and he falls off a building but nothing happens. There were really no consequences to the actions in this book and I really didn’t like that. The plot twist at the end was great but again, it was rushed. It was poorly executed which made it a lot less amazing.

Grammar: 2.5/10
There were so many typos in the book. One that I remember is in Enzo’s intro, You told that his name was Enzo heller. The ‘h’ should have been capitalized. It’s all just tiny errors like this but a lot of them make it seem huger.
The vocabulary could also use improvement. Many times I noticed you use inappropriate words, words that didn’t fit the purpose. For example, you wrote giggled when chuckling would have been a better fit. Before the bear scene, you mentioned that they heard a groan noise that buzzed. Honestly, all the words should be changed. Groan is a noise so noise should not have even been mentioned. And how does a bear buzz? Also, growl would have made a better word than groan. You used the word ownself but that’s not correct. You should have himself instead.
There were also many missing articles (a, an, the) throughout the book.
There was no formality when Enzo’s assistant Maya was talking to him. She literally says wtf to her boss. She has no connection with Enzo as far as we are aware so that really didn’t make sense.

Plot: 3/10
Again, I liked the base idea of this book. I was not expecting Enzo would turn out to be the boy from 39. But the execution needs a lot of work. The writing style is the main problem. A lot of scenes that should have been impactful really weren’t. Especially in this boom, there was a lot more potential since there were many interesting scenes but they weren’t worked on.
Another thing was that the ending was rushed too. I already mentioned this but out of nowhere we just find out that he is 39.

Characters: 0.5/10
We never get to see Enzo’s emotions and what type of person he is. In fact, because of the lack of information, he even seemed worse. I really didn’t like how he killed her because she was cheating. Like I know that it would really hurt but still killing has no excuse (not in his case anyway). Maybe if you had shown that scene in the form of a flashback I may have been able to sympathize with him but that wasn’t done.
He also seemed to be so quick to decide that he had to kill 39. Yes, it was self-defense and you just mentioned that he was crying but it could have been interpreted in any way. It could have just been him crying in stress and not in remorse. I felt that it should have been expressed well.
Basically, not only did we get to know what kind of person he was, you didn’t even give him any redeeming qualities.

Overall Enjoyment: 1/10
The plot has potential, it’s really the writing that’s the problem. The writing style, I mentioned all of them in the best way I could. I also noticed that there were a lot more grammatical errors in this book so I would suggest hiring an editor to check that out. Just work on the execution of the plot and it will be great.
I hope that the review doesn’t put you down and that this helps you to better your book!

Total: 17/60

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