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Boundless by CoffeeAndSilverInk
Reviewer: Kailyn Kailucy
~Public review

Cover: 9/10

The cover is nice. I love the font used for the title. The subtitle is a bit blurry though. The picture used is decent.

Title: 10/10

The title goes perfectly with the plot. I like the simplicity of it as well.

Blurb: 9/10

I think the blurb is good. It introduces the main character and the plot. It gives enough and isn't too wordy.

Characters: 10/10

The characters are so well-written. You see their personalities through dialogues and actions and they're all so different. Nicole is my favorite to read about, she's so real and I love it. Alice confuses me honestly cause I don't get how you start dating someone and after five days get mad about not knowing everything -it's been five days. Very dynamic characters.

Plot: 19/20

The plot is interesting and fun to read about. It matches the blurb which is great and it's paced perfectly.

Writing style: 20/20

I have nothing negative to say here. Your descriptions are immaculate and make it so easy to picture everything. Very good at showing instead of telling. You give many glimpses of the characters' lives and former lives without stating anything outright. Like in the first chapter the first paragraph already said so much without bogging down with information. It gave hints about Andrew's former life without straight-up telling. The details throughout were amazing as well.

Grammar/spelling/vocabulary: 10/10

There were little to no mistakes.

Enjoyment: 10/10

I really enjoyed this a lot. The characters are so interesting and dynamic. The plot is engaging. And your writing style carries it all.

Overall: 97/100

Overall, your story is very well crafted, the characters feel real and the plot is great. I don't really have anything else to say, Keep up the great work!

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