"So, I was watching the TV yesterday," My mom begins, taking a seat on the couch as she does so. "And I'm switching through channels and on one channel I see a familiar face: you and Kurt!"

"Oh!" I chuckle. "Yeah, yesterday was the VMA Awards. Kurt's band won an award for their music video."

"You didn't tell me that you guys were going!" She says, smiling at me. 

It's nice to finally have a mother to be able to talk to like this. It's been something that I've craved for my whole life. 

"Sorry," I shrug, then look around the room and my eyes land on the boxes. Then I remember that my mom asked about them earlier. "Oh, right. Kurt and I have been looking for houses for a while now and we found one. We bought it and we're planning on moving there."

My mom's face lights up. "Oh, that's so wonderful. Kaitlyn, I'm so proud of you and I'm so happy for you guys."

"Thank you," I grin as Kurt walks into the room and sits down on the couch next to my mother. "Kurt, I just told my mom about how we bought the house."

"Oh," Is all he says, then he pulls out a cigarette and begins to smoke. 

He's been really exhausted since yesterday. After getting home after the awards, we didn't get much sleep, due to us getting home really late, and then Courtney showed up at the apartment today really early in the morning, which prevented us from getting any more sleep. 

Kurt tried to keep Frances quiet and let me rest for a little longer, but Frances was screaming too much and being too fussy, so it didn't work out. 

"I dropped off the lasagna," My mom stands up and walks over to the counter in the kitchen, then opens up the tupperware with the lasagna in it. "Do you think this will be enough for you guys?"

"Oh yeah, definitely," I assure her. "Thanks, Mom."

"Of course," She gives me a hug. "Well I can see that you two are exhausted, so I'm going to go ahead and leave."

"Bye, I love you," I tell her. 

She waves goodbye to Kurt, then walks out the door and I lock it behind her. 

"She wasn't even here for an hour," He takes a drag. 

It bothers me that he couldn't have waited until she left to smoke. He had to do it right when she was here. 

"Yeah, well, she could tell that we were exhausted," I say, repeating exactly what she told us. I take a seat down on the couch. "Next time can you not smoke around my mom?"

He furrows my eyebrows and looks over at me, the smoke rising from the cigarette. "What?"

"It's just rude," I say. "She came over to bring us food and hang out with us and then you just whip out your cigarette and start smoking."

He scoffs and sits up. He stares at his cigarette, then puts it out in the ashtray next to him. "There, it's gone."

I roll my eyes. "Kurt, you're not understanding what I'm saying. I'm not mad at you for smoking; I don't fucking care if you smoke. But around my mom or family--"

"No, no, I'll just stop," He interrupts me. "It's alright."

"Don't interrupt me, Kurt," I say. "I hate when you do that. I was literally talking to you and you just fucking cut me off."

He shrugs. "Sorry. It wouldn't have happened if I was smoking, huh?"

"Oh my God!" I exclaim. "You're blowing this way out of proportion. I was just simply asking if next time you wouldn't smoke around her, that's all. Why are you so angry?"

My Heart is Broke-Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now