:꒰ Chapter 61 ꒱:

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FredBear tensed up watching the male come close but when he saw the photos he started to cry again but this time quietly as he picked them up caressing over the one with his sister in it, He clearly missed them a lot and knowing his sister was growing older without him pained the omega dearly...He heard Freddy's question and it made him choke a little to find words to come out of his mouth "This...Girl she's my baby sister..." He said holding up Lola's photo and than holding up the one with Maggie and Katherine "This one is my best friend Katherine she's the one who tried to protect me from Nightmare in the beginning and than that's her grandmother Maggie she's a sweet old woman..." He said looking back down at them he held the one of his sister close to his heart as he looked at the ultrasound one pushing it away he couldn't bare looking at his children right now knowing their hurt and it's all because of him...
Freddy looked down at the picture from Fredbear's ultrasound. "Y'know... you're kinda lucky that you were able to get a picture like this, Fredbear." He smiled softly, trying to make Fredbear feel a little better but knowing he probably wasn't saying the right thing. "When I was pregnant, I didn't have the time to go and get ultrasounds done, let alone have pictures taken from a proper one. I had to lead the gang. So..." He held up the picture so Fredbear could look at it. "Cherish this, and remember the times where you were the only one they could depend on. Because one day... They'll be all grown up, and they won't be dependant on you anymore, and will instead be their own independent individuals."
Freddy then turned to Nightmare and took the triplets back into his arms. He came back to Fredbear soon afterwards and sat next to him, setting one of the babies in the blonde's arms. The calmest of the three, who simply let out a squeaking yawn and rolled in Fredbear's arms, emitting a soft purr from comfort.
FredBear listened to the males words but it only hurt him even worse especially when the calm tired baby was placed in his arms. "I know that I should cherish these moments Freddy...But I just can't I know their hurting their in pain because of me...I can't see them or even feel them right now because anytime I know they are real and coming it pains me to know I'll have to explain what happened one day..." He explained looking down at the baby touching its nose gently, "I just want a family...A healthy normal family...Or maybe just some place to call 'home...' But we both know that'll never be possible..." He said underneath his breath just so Freddy was the only one who could hear how he was truly feeling and his thoughts currently, He was afaird if Nightmare heard him say that he'd hurt him again or even worse everyone around him...
"Fredbear... the babies are healthy. They're not at a stage in development where something could break or be permanently injured. One of them may have a weaker paw but that can be healed with physical therapy. You giving birth to them naturally would be higher risk, but at this stage in your pregnancy there are very few problems other than the babies having a slower heartrate." Freddy said, glancing over at Nightmare. "Did he try to tell you otherwise?" He then asked, gesturing to Nightmare.
FredBear shook his head sniffling as he felt his tears bulidling up again. "Even if it can be fixed and non permanent they are hurting Freddy I can feel it...And that pain is worse than anything Nightmare would ever be able to do to me." He explained rubbing the baby bears head.
"Fredbear... they're too young to feel pain. They don't have developed pain receptors; They can't feel anything right now." Freddy said, looking Fredbear in the eyes. "They're too young to even be aware of what is happening to their mother." He continued.
Meanwhile Nightmare was just pouting like a little bitch.
FredBear whimpered hearing that "Than why does it hurt so bad if their not hurting..." He said leaning against the males shoulder, Even if they couldn't feel it he'd always say "I still blame it on me Freddy..." He said in a very sad tone.
"Fredbear... your uterus is under a lot of strain and stress; And there's internal bruising along the lining of your uterus. It's bound to hurt; Especially where you were thrown around and hit. And with all the rape you've gone through, your birth canal is tight and closed up, which will make it difficult for you to give birth naturally. And... I'm sorry to say it, Fredbear, but... this may be both your first and last pregnancy. If you don't recover well from giving birth, you may never be able to become pregnant again; And if you ever wanted another baby you'd have to have one of your eggs fertilized and then implanted into another omega's uterus in order for you to have another biological child." Freddy sighed, rubbing Fredbear's shoulders gently.
FredBear had knew that he was extremely bruised it was no surprise but when he heard the news about not being able to have another kid the male looked directly at Nightmare passing Freddy's child down. "Nightmare...I'd advise sitting down those babies before I actually lose my shit, Because if what Freddy said was true you better start fucking praying..." He said his eyes looking emotionless 'All I wanted was to have a big family, And of course Nightmare would of taken that...' He thought growling a bit underneath his breathing.
Nightmare growled and slapped Fredbear, getting up into his face and snarling manacingly. "Don't you dare give me fucking attitude after the shit you pulled with Bonnie. I may be trying to mend our relationship but I will not tolerate you disrespecting me." He spat, his eyes narrowed and his pupils more like slits in shape as his ears were flat. Freddy in turn growled at Nightmare but with a glare from the raven-haired male he went silent, more fearful of his children being hurt or Nightmare trying to take out Fredbear's throat if he made any other moves than anything else.
FredBear rolled his eyes when he was slapped "Disrespectful huh! DISRESPECTFUL IS YOU RAPING ME, HURTING OUR CHILDERN AND LETTING YOUR EMOTIONS GET IN THE WAY!" He yelled at him pushing his shoulder. "I'll always be greatful for being selfish if you wanna call it that because at least he never hurt me physically!" He said rolling his eyes sitting back down next to Freddy "And go ahead hurt me but you know I'll always be right." He said grabbing the ultrasound and putting it in a book..
Nightmare only growled harder and he grabbed Fredbear by the throat, throwing both the blonde and himself onto the floor as he squeezed the omega's throat shut, his eyes burning with anger as he would growl at him harshly. "I fucking warned you about comparing us. So because of you he's going to die tonight. And no anount of your fucking pathethtic begging will change my mind." He hissed, strangling the bear until he was on the verge of passing out, as everyon else was too stunned to do anything. "Keep talking and you're going to feel hell on every inch of your worthless body."
When the male got slammed to the ground he didn't react but just looked at the male not reacting to it at all not the mention of Bonnie or what he was doing. He let the male choke him before a smirk formed across the bears face "Do...Do it and I'll do what I told you I'll do...With no hesitaten" He said reaching for a book before hitting it across the males head pushing him off. "You may be an alpha and think you have power to hurt me but remember I have no reason to live and I can take that from myself without a second thought and you know it so either you can kill me or I'll do it myself." He said turning and seeing everyone who watched just happened making him bite his lip, He looked for Bonnie and Freddy picking at his fingers from axienty he never liked being watched being hurt. "Can I be lead to the room I'm supposed to stay?" He asked, He felt pain again making him slightly bend.

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