:꒰ Chapter 37 ꒱:

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Nightmare had a very obvious boner in his pants as he and Fredbear reached the car, so as the two got in, Nightmare shut the doors behind them and reclined the seats back, flipping Fredbear onto his back and climbing on top of him with his knees gently around his waist. His eyes were a mix of pleading and just pure horny, so as Nightmare leaned down to place a kiss on Fredbear's neck, he was making it clear what he wanted if Fredbear couldn't already tell from Nightmare's painfully obvious erection.
FredBear could smell the needy pheromones in the air which led him to a smirk of knowing his mate was craving him, He got into the car sitting down and taking off his hoodie knowing his chest would be exposed on purpose "Ah~ It's so hot hm..." He said as he felt his seat be pushed back seeing the male ontop of him feeling his slimmer thighs against the furr of his mate. He gave the male a doe innocent look to mess with him as he felt the kissing on his neck making him whimper in the males ear to mess with him. He let the male show him he wanted him as he turned his hand on the males back onto the top of the males head touching his ears gently knowing it was his soft spot while gently reaching down to the males pants gently sliding his finger around the belt line that kept his pants up "What are you doing hm..." He said In a playful tone a slight smirk going from ear to ear on the boys face.
Nightmare's ear twitched as he'd slowly nibble Fredbear's neck, teeth grazing through Fredbear's fur. He'd run his claws down Fredbear's waist, leaving gentle trails down his mate's sides. "I want you..." He whispered in Fredbear's ear, brushing his nose on the omega's neck, remembering Fredbear's sweet spots. He was looking at Fredbear with a predatory look, the faint smell of rut in the air around them. Although he had had his rut not long before, the smell was faint but still present. "My sweet honeybear..~"
FredBears face was completely red blushing extremely hard considering the situation he was in right now. His other hand on the males back led down to his tail below gently touching it "Why should I let you have me...You haven't been a good boy lately." He whispered in the males ear seductively just to mess with him.
Nightmare simply smirked at that question. "Because you will not like what'll happen to you if you don't. Or, maybe you will~ You do seem to like pain, afterall~" He was just teasing him, of course, he couldn't bring himself to physically harm Fredbear by now. However that didn't mean forcing Fredbear into sex wasn't completely off the table, since Nightmare *was* desperate. If Fredbear didn't agree there was a good chance Nightmare would do it anyways. Or he'd just be really touchy and touch Fredbear in places he honestly shouldn't without getting prior consent, but then again, consent was like a foriegn language to Nightmare. Fredbear already knew that from past experience.
FredBear looked at the males eyes listening to his words. He knew he had to give in one way or another but he wasn't gonna let Nightmare be the one to decide when and how he would give in, He was tired of Nightmare thinking he was completely in control because he's only known him as the soft innocent omega. He gently touched the males chest caressing over his nipple with his thumb "Nightmare...Why don't you try getting on your back instead hm..." He said leaning close to the males ear "If you wanna try something fun..." He said in a deep tone whisper gently biting his ear to cause a bit of pain to the male even if the male wouldn't give in he had another idea planned for him to cave.
Nightmare growled at the bite, and further at the suggestion of 'submission'. He had never been told to 'get on his back' during a relationship before and he honestly didn't like being told that. So he nipped Fredbear's neck, not enough to really hurt but still a swift reminder that he wasn't going to roll over on his back so easily. He loomed over Fredbear's face, his face stern and stubborn. He'd have to be forced to submit if Fredbear wanted to have his time on top.
FredBear yelped feeling the nip hissing a bit by it seeing he wasn't gonna be so easy, He looked at the males face giving him a more stern look as well. He held the males waist gently "You really won't listen hm...Than I guess I'll have to do it myself..." He said grabbing his waist tightly and using his right leg to push himself onto his side taking Nightmare with him being gentle as to not hit the middle concele with himself or Nightmares body. Once he got onto the top he quickly placed his ass against the males hips so the male wouldn't be able to move basically paralyzing him from the waist down "Good boy..." He said rubbing the males ears again giggling a bit seeing the male below him finally.
In response and out of pure spite of being forced underneath the omega, Nightmare used his neck to lean his head forward before he harshly bit Fredbear's tail, probably about to make him jump from the sudden pain. His ears were flat as he'd continue to growl through gritted teeth, plus the large puffball that was Fredbear's tail in his mouth. He was still not going to submit to being topped or underneath someone easily.
FredBears ears fell down as he started to yelp a bit louder it hurt really bad as he leaned against Nightmare tears filling his eyes as he slapped him a bit hard and gentle "Let go it hurts! Don't hurt me for wanting to impress you!" He said in a more mad tone as he went to scoot a bit far on the males lap to try to get away from Nightmares jaw.
Nightmare only snarled, grazing his teeth on the tip of Fredbear's tail as he tried to make Fredbear get off him. He wasn't at all impressed by Fredbear trying to be dominant over him, he was more so mad and felt challenged, which he honestly hated. He didn't like any sort of challenge to his authority or dominance and this was no exception. He was beginning to lose his arousal from this so if Fredbear wanted his chance he'd have to make it quick.
FredBear started to get very irritated as he felt the pain enter in blood making him growl more harsher than before, He shoved his ass against the males cock grabbing his face and slapping him harshly "Give me a chance damn it! Or I won't let you fuck me for a month and I'll make sure of it especially since I'm pregnant!" He yelled at him his eyes frowning clearly not liking what Nightmare was doing to him to deny his request.
Nightmare didn't seem phased but remained silent though he still did not look happy. He still had ahold of Fredbear's tail with the tips of his teeth but by then it was just through the omega's fur and not his skin. "Fine." He muttered, though he wasn't letting Fredbear get off easy for doing this to him. "But you're sleeping alone tonight for this." He hissed, spreading his legs for Fredbear to give him more room, but he did it with pure agitation and did so begrudgingly.

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