:꒰ Chapter 4 ꒱:

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By morning Nightmare had Fredbear fully restrained in another room, tied with thick ropes by the wrists, ankles, and waist to a chair. Another rope was around the omega's neck; Likely a threat to him if he was to try to bite his forced alpha. Oddly enough, he was still with him while he was sleeping in that chair, arms around his neck gently and nose up against the side of his neck, his warm breathes ruffling Fredbear's fur slightly. "No one's going to take you from me..." He whispered, eyes closed while he was waiting for his supposed lover to awaken.
FredBear had been sleeping peacefully in the arms of the male, That was until a nightmare started to make him rustle around "St...Stop...N...No!!!" He cried out in his sleep, As the person in the black clothes came closer the omega shot awake trying to sit up panting heavily as he looked at the new room, He tried to move his hand towards Nightmare until he realized he was tied up "Night...Nightmare...What...What is all this?" He asked getting scared, He tried to move but the restraints kept him still, He felt an uncomfortable thing around his neck realizing it was a rope "Nightmare..." He let out getting scared.
"The only way I can ensure that you won't leave me." Nightmare's voice sounded crazed again. "I won't let you leave me..." He continued, hands up against Fredbear's chest. "We belong together. We're meant to have a family together... It's what a bond between an alpha and omega is for." His touch felt colder now. "I can't have my mate trying to run away from me. Why did you have to resist my love? I didn't want to have to do this to you. How can I trust that you won't run away?" His emotions seemed sad and broken, though still filled that psychotic and crazed desire.
He started to tense up as he was touched "Nightmare...How can I even run huh!!! I don't know where I am! Please...Nightmare don't do this..." He begged leaning his head against his, Fredbear remembered when he was raped the first time he was acting just like them "Nightmare...Don't do this okay...You'll be like everyone else! Please!" He tried squirming out of the restraints ultimately hurting himself in the long run; Almost choking himself by the rope around his neck.
Nightmare's grip only grew tighter, nearly puncturing the poor omega's skin with his claws. "Stop.. Trying to run.. away." Nightmare was crying himself by then, obviously not actually thinking about what he was doing. Whatever the hell that happened from the time the two fell asleep and now had fucked him up mentally to the point of him doing something like this directly after Fredbear had begun feeling a little bit of trust in him. The alpha shook, tears streaming down his face by then. "Is this what I must do to prove how I feel for you?"
FredBear yelped loudly when he felt the grip tight against his skin, He tensed up looking away from Nightmare. He hissed listening to him "Nightmare...I'm not him damn it! I'm not your past lover! I never will be, just understand that!!!" He said trying to break the ropes cutting himself against them "I...I just...I just...I don't want this...Not like this Nightmare..." He said looking at him placing his forehead against his "You...You're gonna be a monster to me forever if you do this..." He said closing his eyes.
"Nightmare, what the hell are you doing in h—" Chica had come stomping up to the door, throwing it open and seeing the terrified omega and Nightmare. "NIGHTMARE!"
Despite her fear and respect for him she wasn't going to stand by and let the alpha do this. Which, caused her to have the bravery to straight up tackle Nightmare, taking him down onto his back and seeming to snap him out of whatever he had been in.
"The hell—" He choked, vision blurred from tears and shock.
"I— Sir..- You.. I couldn't let you... I couldn't let you do this to him.." Chica felt guilty and afraid.
The omega panted heavily from axienty as he watched Chica tackle her own boss...He started to have an extreme panic attack caused by his ptsd, He used to take medication for it but they seemed to not have it here so it increased it even worse causing FredBear to see double and seeing other people in the room that weren't there..."I...I..." He started to cry from fear, He looked like he was in a different reality than the others, His ears folded as he closed his eyes hearing ringing the male was about to pass out he felt like he didn't want to trust Nightmare anymore.
"What did I?—" Nightmare's ears flattened. "I wasn't going to.. I was..." He felt guilt. Painful, stabbing guilt. He quickly pushed Chica off, getting up and quickly leaving the room, tears flooding his eyes.
"Boss..?" Chica was shocked, still on the floor with confusion flooding through her about how she wasn't just harmed for her action.
FredBear panted looking at Chica "Get me out...Chica get me out!" He yelled clearly scared, The ropes were hurting the omega and his ptsd was growing worse by the moment he was here...FredBear was never gonna let Nightmare ever touch him not like last night not matter how much gulit he may face he was scared now.
Bonnie ended up coming into the room, carrying a pocket knife. "What did he do to you?" He asked quietly, cutting Fredbear loose. "I shouldn't have let you leave... this is my fault." He said, ears down.
FredBear saw Bonnie as he was cut down he quickly got up, He gripped his own chest shaking his head "He'll regret it! He'll regret all of this!!!" He hissed, He leaned against the wall sitting down as he pit his face into his knees crying in fear of what was next to come...And not only that but now Bonnie his jealously that the omega had a perfect partner like Bonnie but he didn't killed him on the inside.
"He already does, lad." A new voice came in, a red fox with one blind eye and a torn up muzzle. "Captain ran off cryin'. Captain never cries like that..."
"I.. I need time." Bonnie said afterwards, passing the fox and moving off to his room to cry over his own guilt. Meanwhile, Chica carefully tried to hug Fredbear. "It's over now... We'll protect you." She said softly, scared to touch the shaken omega, honestly.

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