:꒰ Chapter 44 ꒱:

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FredBear titled his head listening to the males words his eyes growing fear in them when the male spoke about what the truth is if Nightmare tried to leave...The idea of Nightmare and his childern being hurt made him tense and gently grip on the males hand tightly when the male pulled away from him being touched on his ears "I'm...Sorry..." He said looking down at his hand tracing his ring finger, "But why...Why is it like this why do you have to be in debt to something that could cost you your life and your family after having kids...It could say...Like after having a family you'd be able to step down and just live happily it's not fair..." He said tearing up as he thought about how he would never be free, Nightmare would never be free and his babies THEIR babies would never be safe completely..."I hope those people are dead...The ones that hurt you..." He said looking up at him a tear falling from his eyes "I promise though I'm not strong, I will protect you and make sure you never get hurt anymore than you already have..." He said kissing the males lips gently, He understood the males pain from the best but he felt bad for the male in so many ways even though he couldn't understood exactly he tried to understand to support him as leader and to keep them safe...He thought for a moment on how to help before his eyes lit up "Bear! I know how I can help you and the gang, Ever since my little sister came along I've always wanted to be a doctor to help save people when I couldn't save myself...Do you think...I can attend schooling to be a doctor? That way if you get hurt or our childern or the gang gets hurt I can actually help you!" He said with a wide smile "Please~" He said with puppy eyes.
"Because I had the choice to walk away and go back home when I was 14, and just stay out of the gang's way. But I chose to join. And, Fredbear, once you join these things you can never turn back and leave, or you pay the price in blood. Consider me lucky I wasn't born to Freddy and forced into this. Freddy's old enough to be my dad. He's 50 now. And he's really the only true father figure I had, so I was easily manipulated into joining to be around him. He took it easy on me, yes, but the rest of the gang didn't." Nightmare sighed, returning the kiss to Fredbear's cheek.
Nightmare then hesitated but couldn't resist that pair of puppy eyes. As they worked on Katherine, they worked on him too. Bro was so mentally weak to Fredbear's puppy eyes it was ridiculous. Fredbear could ask him to go kill somebody and use those puppy eyes and Nightmare would do it. Not like Fredbear ever would, but... It was something that thise eyes could be used on him for. "Fine, but only if someone like Bonnie goes with you. I don't want anyone looking at you the wrong way or getting any ideas. Especially since you're pregnant."
FredBears puppy eyes soon became wide and filled with joy and happiness when the male said yes, But hearing that Bonnie would be there kinda made his heart skip a beat by the idea of being watched by him and being close with him...Though he shook the feeling off to focus on Nightmare as he hugged him tightly with a happy giggle "Thank you Nightmare! And that's fine...I'd feel more safe knowing I had someone watching me I know how the world is and being at default especially pregnant right now it'll be hard to defend myself let alone our childern so I don't mind..." He said taking the males hand and gently kissing it softly "Now it's just up to you if you'd let me even get out the car without pulling me in like a mother on her childerns first day of school." He said in a teasing way.

[ Whom? ]

Nightmare had come back out to the car with a small smear of blood on the side of his face, although unclear if it was his or not. Followed behind him were a single file line of fucked up looking alphas with a single female omega who just left without looking at who Nightmare was going up to in the car. One of them had a clear cut on her face, the one female alpha; Whom seemed to be the leader of the group, leading them away with an obvious frown. Nightmare opened the car door, quickly taking Fredbear in his arms and going inside, locking the door behind them to be sure none of members from the other group would try anything. He sighed when he set Fredbear down, indicating he didn't have good news to tell him.
FredBear waited for a while axinously as he whined picking at his nails as he waited for Nightmare to come get him he wasn't scared of being alone just scared that Nightmare had gotten hurt...After forever it felt like he saw the front door open and all the alphas following behind his alpha making him smirk a bit by how oddly attractive it looked till he saw the female and the others hurt which led the omages eyes to see the blood on Nightmare, As the door was opened and he was quickly picked up he wrapped his arms around the male growling a bit by the blood he was looking at. Once he was sat down he sighed deeply hearing his alphas sigh "Did they hurt you? I swear to God if that blood is yours Bear!" He said in a protective tone grabbing the males hand pulling him down with him to sit with him so he could look around the males body to make sure he wasn't hurt anywhere he wasn't aware of "What did they want from you?" He asked tracing the males arm gently.
"No, no it's not mine." Nightmare's voice somewhat cracked as he got yanked down onto the floor with Fredbear. "Mine's much darker on average." Nightmare said, shaking his head lightly to clear it after the sudden pull.
"They said that they wanted me to 'let you go'. Like hell I'd do that, especially now that we're going to be parents. I told them to fuck off, and as the first three left, their singular omega stopped to tell me that the others real plan was to get you alone if I refused and hurt you, if not kill you." Nightmare explained, kissing Fredbear's head.
FredBears eyes widened hearing that as he gripped onto the males arms when being kissed "Ki...Killed? Because you don't let me go...How's that make any sense!" He said looking at him fear was in his eyes but not for himself for his childern and for Nightmares sanity..."What would you letting me go do? It doesn't make any sense I'd be killed out there especially pregnant they would...They would take our childern because I can't raise them alone like this..." He said with a clear scared tone, The male was slightly panicking at the thought of what the other gang wanted to do to him, But why? Do they know something he doesn't? He leaned into Nightmare hugging him tightly "I don't wanna go..." He whined rubbing against the males chest with his head to find a comfortable spot to lay on.
"You're not leaving, Fredbear. They're not forcing us apart with their empty threats. I doubt they have the balls to face me over you. You'll be gaurded; They couldn't get to you without going through someone first." Nightmare promised, nuzzling Fredbear's head. "I promise you, Fredbear. We'll protect you. They won't get to you."
He raised his head a bit and tilted Fredbear's chin up so he'd look at him. "Go try talking with Freddy while I talk with some of the gang and see what we plan on doing as far as shifts in gaurding the house. I don't want you stressing too much about this, so go talk with someone who will understand the maternal drive to protect their children." He said, kissing Fredbear's lips and moving to stand up.

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