:꒰ Chapter 16 ꒱:

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2 weeks had passed and through those days FredBear secretly met up with Bonnie at times Nightmare wasn't there and helped him through his emotions and started a secret relationship together but as this happened he got confused with his real feelings towards Nightmare...As he woke up on the day of the pregnancy test he turned a bit to Nightmare, He had been feeling really dizzy and sick lately which worried him...When he saw Nightmare still asleep he whined a bit nuzzling into him, He wanted attention he didn't know why he was so clingy towards him now but he decided to let the man sleep and go take a warm shower hoping to help his dizziness possibly and maybe even see Bonnie...
Bonnie was silently eating his breakfast in the living room, feeling a little sad from everything that had happened the past two weeks. His divorce, his ex-mate giving herself up to another alpha, and the signs that Fredbear was pregnant were all getting to him. He jumped a bit feeling arms around him, though looked up to find Chica sitting next to him.
"It'll be okay, Bonnie. She doesn't deserve an alpha like you." She said with a soft smile, hoping to comfort the bunny. She wasn't aware of the relationship that had blossomed between him and Fredbear, so as far as she knew what happened between them was a one-night stand.
FredBear saw Chica comforting Bonnie, He walked to him rubbing his ears gently "Chicas right..." He said leaning to the boys ear "Nightmare is gonna be sleeping for a while he stayed up for a while watching tv...If you want you can take a shower with me in your room..." He whispered softly, He wanted to comfort his bunny and show his love and affection towards him before his mate woke up and had him going to take the pregancy test with him.
Bonnie nodded slowly, finishing his breakfast. Afterwards he stood up, glancing at Chica. "Foxy's using the main shower, right?" He asked, wanting to be sure that his next words would be believable.
"Yes, he is." She replied, nodding gently.
"Fredbear wants to shower, so I'm going to let him use mine." The bunny then said, his ear flicking to the side.
Chica gave a nod and went back to her room, leaving Bonnie to take Fredbear into his room to shower with him.
FredBear waited till Chica was gone before he smiled looking at Bonnie "Finally...I missed you all night you know..." He said quietly walking with him to his bedroom, "Are you nervous for you know...If I'm pregant...?" He asked, He was nervous that either Nightmare or Bonnie wouldn't want the baby and support him...He had grown the good idea of having a little mini him but now it was up to the alphas that possibly made him pregant on if they want a little on as well.
"A little... I'm more nervous on how Nightmare would react if you are." Bonnie replied, throwing his blankets onto his bed to get them off the floor. "You know I'll always support you if you are, right?" He asked, giving Fredbear a gentle kiss. "No matter what." He continued, looking Fredbear in the eyes lovingly.
FredBear watched the male as he kissed him back, His soft cheeks forming a cute bright blush from that..."Promise...? Even if you have to take care of two babies with me...?" He asked hugging the male around his waist gently as he looked up connecting his eyes with the male happily, He was really in love with Bonnie but that scared him if one day Nightmare found out in the worst way ever.
"Yes, I promise." Bonnie reassured him, nuzzling his head happily. "Even if they're not mine." He continued, pressing his nose to Fredbear's gently. With a soft purr he opened the door to his bathroom, letting Fredbear step in first. "Not as big as the main one but it's still nice and roomy enough for two." He said, chuckling softly.
His face went pink listening to his reassuring words nodding softly "I believe you..." He said as he stepped in looking at the bathroom. "It's fine as long as I'm with you I don't mind where we are..." He giggled being a little flirt towards Bonnie.
"Feeling flirty, I see." Bonnie said with a smile, platonically smacking Fredbear's rear gently. "That's how I feel about that." He laughed a bit, turning on the warm water. He then closed the door, undressing himself afterwards. He looked skinnier without his clothes. Perhaps he just found more comfort in bigger clothing. Well, perhaps it could also be related to his struggle with keeping up a healthy weight. Either way, he looked good.
FredBear had gasped when he felt the males smack on his ass, He laughed a bit as he took his clothes off turning to him and looking at the males body. "So handsome..." He said touching the males chest softly "I need to make you more food, Your worrying me from being so skinny..." He said kissing the males chest softly.
"I need to schedule another appointment with my doctor. I don't think my condition is improving and I'm pretty sure I'm going to need another form of treatment cuz' this one ain't working." Bonnie responded, looking down at his unusually skinny frame. "Geez, it looks like I've been starving myself.." He continued, sounding a little concerned.
Fredbear sighed a bit hearing that. He hugged the male softly, lifting his face up to distract him "Hey...Don't worry to much okay? I'm sure it's nothing... Come on I'm cold..." He said leading him into the shower where he turned the warm water on, allowing it to hit both of their bodies together.
"I wonder if it's something genetic. They didn't specify much when I was diagnosed. Not an eating disorder, since I eat and keep down food just fine, but, I just have struggles with weight. It's strange but I'm sure it's manageable with the right treatment. So, you're right... I just need to give it more time to find the right one for me." Bonnie agreed, nuzzling against Fredbear's cheek. "I love you." He then said, purring softly.
FredBear listened to him holding the boys arms close to him happily "Could be from stress...You're going through a lot, I'm just glad that I can help you through it..." He told as he felt the boys affectionate rub making him giggle a bit "That tickles Bonnie..." He said before he felt his heart skip a beat when he heard the words 'I love you' He turned his head looking at him with tearful joy in his eyes "You...Love me?" He asked shyly.
"Of course I do." Bonnie replied, ears flopping forward awkwardly from the spray of the water. He continued his purring, soft and gentle. Much different than Nightmare's; Who's purr brushed against a growling sound. He flicked his flopped ear, closing his eyes gently as he gave Fredbear a tender kiss on the cheek. "But do you believe me?"
FredBear had giggled slightly when he saw the boys ears flop, He reached up fixing them to put them back in position again...He heard the question and it made him freeze a bit as he thought, He had trust issues when it came to love but looking at Bonnie's soft eyes and even him divorcing his mate for him proved Bonnie loved him...He placed his forehead against the boys holding around his waist "I...I believe you Bonnie, You're the only one I trust here and believe..." Of course he trusted the others but by any order they'd have to follow while he knew Bonnie would rather risk his life than do that.
"I just wish I could do more for you. Keep him away from you... but alas I cannot yet do that. I would have to gain strength and endurance... Just know that I would fight him over you." Bonnie promised, pressing back against the golden bear. "Even to the death." He continued, opening his eyes to look at Fredbear's with his soft and loving gaze.
He sighed a bit holding the male close to him when he felt the male press against him, "One day...We will take our future kids out of here...Just me, you, and them, okay? I promise..." He said kissing the boys lips gently, He loved Bonnie but he was deeply afraid his love was gonna be the reason for Bonnie's death.
"If I do die for our relationship at least I'll die happy for the one I truly love. No matter the pain or how deep the wound is. The truth is, he may try to split our lives apart but he will never split our love for each other." Bonnie said, smiling softly. "I'm sure many other alphas would happily say the same if they had the chance. However, that doesn't matter.. For even if it were to come to that, my love would always live in you. It's something that he only tries so hard to break because he knows it's strong. Unfortunately for him... I don't think he ever will. One day he'll lose his grip on control and that's when we'll take it back; Earn our freedom. We just have to wait this out... No matter how long it takes."


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