:꒰ Chapter 55 ꒱:

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Twisted Freddy came into the room with his phone in one hand, glancing over all the omegas until he saw Fredbear. "Hey, Fredbear. Someone wants to talk to you. Says they're from Nightmare's gang, though I don't recognize them by voice. Must be someone I haven't met before." The large bear said, handing Fredbear the phone after he had told the person on the other end of the phone that Fredbear was listening.
However, as soon as the phone was passed to him, all Fredbear would hear in his ear would be "Listen here you motherfucker. I lost my brother because of you. Nightmare fucking made him bleed out. You fucking deserved all those injuries. And I swear to god I will finish what that bastard started. Bonnie didn't deserve to be forced to care for a bitch like you, the same one who made him get killed because they couldn't stand up for themself. Watch your fucking back. Because the day I get my hands on you, you're going to go through all nine circles of hell." Before the person hung up.
FredBear had taken the phone excited hoping that it was Bonnie but when he heard what the man said behind the screen his heart dropped as his knees buckled he didn't care about the threat no...'Did Nightmare kill Bonnie?' Was the only question going through his mind as rage filled the omegas eyes and tears splattered around the floor. "I... I need to go home, now! Freddy please, Whoever that was just told me Bonnie; my Bonnie, could be dead! Nightmare killed him!" He said practically begging to go home, He wanted to see it for himself but even if Bonnie wasn't dead he had a bad feeling about all this and just wanted to protect his bunny at all costs.
"Fredbear... I'm afraid we can't do that. You're here for your own safety. Nightmare brought you here because your life is under an active threat of violence from another gang who would kill you out of spite for Nightmare. Besides, none of us could take you home anyways because Nightmare never discloses where he and his gang live. They constantly move around to keep authorities off their trail. We couldn't even if we wanted to bring you home. I'm sorry." Freddy responded sadly, his ears falling as he took his phone back from Fredbear's hands. "I.. can call Nightmare, however. But you cannot go home. It's an order that Nightmare gave us to protect you. It may be more than a week that you're here. He has to be sure that the threat isn't active anymore before you can return to your gang. He'd have to take you home himself."
FredBear looked at the male, pain and fear in his eyes as his ears pinned backwards "God I hate this, all of this! Ever since I was forced into this, nothing goes right and now the man I love may be dead and I can't even confirm with my own eyes, because I know Nightmare would fucking do something like that to get back at me when I didn't even ask for any of this!" He said clearly on accident as he spoke the truth. "I just wanna go home..." He said quietly as he got up and walked away from everyone sitting near the window and just looking out of it, He usually did this when he was so mentally sick he just zoned out to protect himself.
Freddy dialed Nightmare's number, waiting for a few seconds before he heard him pick up. "Yes?" Came Nightmare's voice, making Freddy sigh sofly as he put Nightmare on speaker and walked up behind Fredbear before joining him on the windowsill, sitting to his side so he could look at him.
"Nightmare. Can you confirm or deny that the Bonnie from your gang is still alive? Fredbear received a call from someone in your gang claiming that he was dead." Freddy asked, making Nightmare growl from the other end.
"They fucking told him what?" Nightmare hissed, sounding pissed. "Why the hell would they lie to him like that? He's in the other room with Freddy and I was just in there and he was fine. He's in a bit of shock from the bloodloss but he's breathing and only needs rest; maybe a visit with a professional to be sure there's no infections."
"Can you prove it?" Freddy asked, knowing that by how Fredbear spoke that he wouldn't trust Nightmare's words alone.
"Prove it? He was sleeping, but I can wake him up if needed. Why?" Nightmare sounded confused on why Freddy would ask him to prove that Bonnie was alive.
"Because Fredbear is borderline panicking that Bonnie is dead." Freddy replied, rubbing Fredbear's shoulder gently.
"Fredbear, those bitches were lying to you. Whoever it was only wanted to make you panic. He's right here," Nightmare audibly said the bunny's name and soon Bonnie's voice came over the phone.
"Hello?" Bonnie's voice was incredibly weak sounding and he was clearly tired. In the background Nightmare was heard saying that it was Fredbear on the phone. "Fredbear? What's wrong? I was sleeping; what's so important?"

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