:꒰ Chapter 43 ꒱:

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"It's not that I don't believe that you love me, it's that I don't think you'll love me the way that I love you. You may love me, but I'm not sure we'll ever love each other the same way. That's something that keeps us apart..." Nightmare sighed, pressing his head to Fredbear's. "But I will trust that you're not lying to me, seeing as you're desperate." He continued. "But I must also ask you the question; Why do you love me? What's so appealing about me? I'm an aggressive bastard who leads a gang; what's there to love about that?" He then asked, pressing his nose against Fredbear's neck and taking in the scent that he now recognized was pregnancy due to the visit with the doctor.
FredBear sighed in relief a bit hearing Nightmare say he believed him. He did chuckle at his words though "You're not wrong Bear...You are an aggressive bastard that needs extreme and I mean extreme help...But that's kinda why half of me likes you, You fight for what you want and you never back down and never give up...Though maybe you should work on how you accomplish your missions..." He giggled, He felt the male take in his scent which made him place his hand on his head with a smile "Other than me wanting to see you change and help you change, Today I saw and I know that Nightmare you have another side to you...Gentle, Loving, Soft...You were ready to cry when you accidentally dug into me the man who forced me to do things I didn't want is now almost crying for hurting me accidentally that's not the same man...The way you look at me has changed, And you...You just being around the kids today Bear...I know there's fixing to you and maybe when the babies are born maybe that's when you'll be somewhat truly open in your heart not the aggression but your love and gentleness..." He said kissing the males head gently he said all this with truth but little did he know he was completely wrong oblivious to what would happen to him by Nightmares orders once the childern were born "You also...Are my hero too, My villain and Hero...You saved me...If I hadn't gotten kidnapped that day I probably would of got murdered on the street going home, You weren't the only one stalking me Bear..." He said sighing deeply "So I thank you for that truly, Though...Like I said we need to change your ways of accomplishing what you want maybe more humane?" He giggled making a little bit fun of the situation to lighten the mood.
"What I do as leader isn't because I want to, Fredbear. I have to. If I don't, then the whole gang will turn on me. I could die if they do. I'd be no match for all of them. Besides, there'd be no one to take over as leader. Freddy's too busy with his kids to lead." Nightmare replied, backing out of the crevice of Fredbear's neck to look at him. "Which may happen with me too... Us, actually."
He sighed hearing that "I know Nightmare...And it kills me to know that...But maybe one day someone will step up and you can just live happily with me and our childern..." He said looking at the males eyes a bit upset looking from Nightmares words "Promise me one thing...Our kids never and I mean NEVER take over your leader they don't even join the gang just live in it no matter what, I want them to have a good normal life Bear..." He said playing with the males ears gently to distract his own hands.
"Fredbear... even if I wasn't leader I couldn't leave or disobey a leader's orders. If I did it would cost me my life or severe injury. It would cost me in blood. *Us* in blood. Unlike me most of the gang doesn't have any moral issues harming the children and the mates of those they consider traitors for not participating in the gang or what they do. Most, but not all, would either hurt you, rape you, or kill you and our children, Fredbear. Not always in that order. It's... what I went through as a young teen. I was 14 and I was sexually harassed by older members. I won't name names; They're gone now. Not dead I don't believe, but, the gang doesn't speak of them anymore. They're missing. I don't what happened to them, but I was around 17 when Freddy told us that they were gone and none of us had to worry about them anymore. He hadn't been violent with any of us so nobody assumed he had killed them. Not even me. But seeing how violently he fought when I claimed leadership, I'm not so confident anymore that he didn't do something to them. Then again, he was the only one who believed me other than the omegas when I tried to tell people what happened between me and those older members. So I have no right to accuse him of murdering them. For all I know, he could have forced them out like I forced out the ones that killed my previous mate. Truly, nobody knows. Though I do ask... Don't ask him. I don't want him to be agitated with you. He's been nursing his cubs for over a year and with three of them his temper is really short." Nightmare explained, pulling his head away from Fredbear's hands with a near silent whimper due to him being sensitive with his ears. It was one of his sweet spots and they had just finished having sex, he didn't need to be aroused or blushing again at the moment.

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