:꒰ Chapter 51 ꒱:

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Nightmare slowed down after a few seconds, eyebrows creasing upwards. "Fredbear...?" He whispered, shaking him lightly. When he got no response he lowered his ears. "Fredbear!" He raised his voice a little, concern starting to creep up his spine. With still no reaction he started to panic a little.
"I'm sorry!! I'm sorry, Fredbear!" He cried, placing his forehead to Fredbear's, desperately trying to make Fredbear respond. He shook Fredbear a little more, trying to get the boy to wince or at the very least wheeze to let him know he was still alive, however, again, nothing came. So in this moment Nightmare quickly got up and off Fredbear picked him up and brought him to Freddy, knowing that he was the only one who had experience with actually treating wounds and stopping bleeding.
FredBears body was so limp that his stomach wasn't even moving when he breathed in, His breathing was raspy and when he was picked up his arms would usually wrap around Nightmare like a bride but they were folded down and his ears weren't responding as well all that did respond was blood running down and dripping on the floors and slight choking could be heard from the asleep bear, He was choking on blood on the inside of his mouth which was making his breathing slower and to the eye wouldn't see it but maybe Freddy would of the blood from his forced entrance there was blood coming down FredBears legs...
Freddy was carefully changing one of his triplets' diapers, so when his door was suddenly thrown open with a frantic call of his name he understandably jumped slightly and glanced over his shoulder quickly. His look of confusion soon turned to one of pure disgust. "What the fuck did you do to him, Nightmare?!" He said, his tone scolding like that of a father with a disobedient son. He finished changing his son's diaper quickly just to check Fredbear over, but he honestly looked disgusted that Nightmare had very obviously done this *purely* to harm the golden bear.
"He was cheating on me, Freddy! You know what I do when I get mad like that!" Nightmare protested, knowing very well that it was no excuse for hurting Fredbear to this degree; At all, either.
"THAT IS NO EXCUSE." Freddy hissed, taking Fredbear from Nightmare's arms with a bit of force because he was upset seeing the boy like this. "Now go and get the gauze! If we don't stop the bleeding he'll either miscarry or bleed out; If not both!" He gave the firm command, giving hints of his former authority and how he could still intimidate Nightmare into doing things.
Nightmare was about to protest against being spoken to in such a way before he glanced down at his potentially dying mate and bit his tongue to go get the first aide.
When FredBear was snatched away from the smell of his mate he started to whine wanting to be back in the arms of a mate even though his mind was processing what Nightmare had just done to him, A few moments gone by before Fredbear gasped loudly in pain feeling a sharp pain in his stomach "Be...Bear...It...It hur...hurts be...bear..." The omega cried out, Half of him was dreaming and having ptsd from eariler and half of him truly was awake as tears flooded down his blood stained face, The bleeding in his legs had worsened by now there was definitely something wrong on the inside considering how still FredBears belly had gotten despite having bloody murder cramps before he was thrown and kicked onto the ground...Right now he just wanted Nightmare in a mate instinct but he would be so terrified when he woke up truly.
Freddy's ears flattened. He wanted to go kick Nightmare's ass right then and there, but he knew that he had to treat Fredbear first. As soon as he had the gauze he had to shove it between Fredbear's legs and apply pressure, which would probably make the omega want to whine, scream and squirm, so Nightmare was holding Fredbear's arms and legs down while stroking his mate's head to try and comfort him despite knowing that this wasn't what Fredbear's mind truly wanted. He knew Fredbear wanted to run away and hide from him. Freddy had a pain killer sucked into a syringe, one of the illegally posessed drugs they had that was actually coming out to be useful; so with Fredbear restrained Freddy felt around for a vein and administered the drug, which would numb most of the pain just long enough for Freddy to get the bleeding to stop without Fredbear fighting him and Nightmare the entire way. "We may have to sedate him to get all of this done," Freddy commented, going through rolls of gauze to stop the major bleeding from Fredbear's womb. "And if he doesn't lose a baby from this you fucking better consider yourself lucky." He hissed at Nightmare, feeling his clothes becoming bloody from all the blood flowing from Fredbear's cloaca just at his own waist.
FredBears body tensed extremely when the gauze was pushed inside his legs with pressure making him scream loudly from how bad it hurt, His head threw itself back in Nightmares hands. He was in so much pain his body hurt so bad from being thrown and kicked, His mental was completely losing it his eyes slowly opened just enough to look at Nightmare. His eyes were blood shot and just looking at the omegas eyes in Nightmares view you could see the lost in them as he looked at him, When he heard the sedation and his eyes whined the last time he was sedated his parents left him on the streets which made him try to sit up and try to get away but when he sat up he yelped loudly and his body folded back down into Nightmares hold as the tears fell not wanting any of this anymore, All he could hear was how this was his fault his fault now Bonnie is hurt, He should of never had kids and should of just killed himself that night before Nightmare took him...
Nightmare pressed down harder on Fredbear's limbs to keep him still, shushing him quietly as Freddy prepared the sedative since it was clear by now that they wouldn't be able to stop the bleeding without Fredbear fighting it.
"Nightmare, cover his eyes; he doesn't need to look at this." Freddy said, tapping the syringe to get rid of the air bubbles inside the fluid and not cause Fredbear more internal damage. Nightmare did so carefully, covering just Fredbear's eyes and whispering to him in comforting words.
"Three, two, one.." Freddy counted down before he injected the sedative into the vein in Fredbear's hand, holding Fredbear's other hand and stroking it gently. As it would take effect Nightmare would be trying to comfort his mate, knowing that he was probably only making things worse for Fredbear just by being here.
FredBear whined hearing the comforting words he hated Nightmares voice even though his body wanted him all those comforting words made him just want to rip his thoart open and watch him die infront of him, When his eyes were covered FredBears tears were dripping into the males hand as he felt Freddy's stroking his hand gently which made him a bit more calm. It didn't take long for the sedatives to kick in slowly making his head turn away from the males hand once more his eyes closing as he started to fall asleep again from being sedatived his hand falling once more into Freddy's arm now just laying there.
Nightmare sighed, crossing his arms once Fredbear had gone under the sedative. "Freddy," He began, not looking up at Freddy's face as he spoke. "I think it's best we leave Fredbear in the care of someone he trusts for around a week. He's made it clear he doesn't want to be around me."
"And who would that be? He only had that one friend where he worked and his only living and actually respectable family is still a baby." Freddy asked, bandaging Fredbear's legs and sliding on menstrual pants over Fredbear's legs to collect any stray blood that would flow from the now slowly bleeding uterus in Fredbear's body.
"Katherine. That one friend he had." Nightmare's voice was solem and sounded almost lifeless.
"It's not like you to give up on something like this, Nightmare. What happened? Why are you giving up on him so easily?" Freddy continued to press him, wiping the blood off of Fredbear's body, disinfecting the wounds and then bandaging them.
"It's all a lie, Freddy. He doesn't love me. The way he spoke to me just proves that. The way he *looks* at me proves it. I can't believe I was stupid enough to think that he'd ever love me. That I was stupid enough to think I'd ever be able to be loved like that." Nightmare commented, his arms crossed and ears low.
"It's not that you can't be loved, it's just that you need to work on being able to control the anger that makes that love crumble and fade." Freddy responded, stitching the wounds on Fredbear's sides. "It's not that he doesn't love you; it's that he's afraid to love you because of your anger."
When Nightmare had taken his hands off FredBears body he had started to whine a bit, Omegas senses when being hurt even by their alphas their bodies still craved their alphas touch and sense even though in FredBears heart the love he had was gone once more...FredBears hands would shake and twitch a little in reaction to the wounds stinging or slight dreams he had, He just wanted to go home but he knew deep down that Nightmare and this place was his home now especially considering he was pregnant he knew he would have to stay with Nightmare for his babies sake and even though he hurt him he knew he wouldn't be able to pass he truly did love him deep down inside him...
"You don't have to lie to me, Freddy." Nightmare said, arms crossed and voice low.
"No, Nightmare. He loves you, he really does, but you make him afraid to love you. He's scared he'll be vulnerable to your anger if he shows his love to you. Because of that anger problem of yours, you take away that love over and over again. You have to learn to control it. If you don't, there's going to come a day where that spark of love dies out, and is replaced by pure fear, even hatred. It's your responsibility to control your own anger. If you truly love Fredbear, you have to." Freddy replied, wiping the blood off the stitched up wounds and finishing the major part of the mini operation he had on Fredbear.

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