:꒰ Chapter 2 ꒱:

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Around another hour would pass before any sign of Nightmare was able to be detected. However, at around 9:30, the front door opened and Nightmare's strong, unmistakable scent came back into the house as the door slammed shut and the bear walked past the door to his room with a heavy huff while the loud command for food to be prepared for both himself and Fredbear sounded out as he continued down the hallway, due to the reason he had gone out, likely to take a shower.
FredBear had gotten our of the restraints during this time but he didn't try to run, He stayed in the bed holding his paw close to him as he looked around at the paintings in the room. That was until he heard the door slam closed and he smelt Nightmares scent, making him tense up and hide under the covers when he heard him pass the room. "He's home..." He dreaded this moment though he knew it was gonna come sooner or later.
Another ten minutes passed, and Nightmare opened the door to his room, carrying two plates of food. He looked calmer, though still had a borderline annoyed look. He sat by Fredbear in silence, setting the omega's food in front of him. He ate quietly, his body barely brushing against the smaller male. Something was off with him. What? Well, Fredbear could only guess with Nightmare. Judging by the tension in his lower body, though, it looked like arousal.
He smelt the food in the room, He peeked his head out looking at the calmer Nightmare. He carefully reached for the plate sitting up slowly as he started to eat with the male. He watched the male in the corner of his eye looking down at the males boner in his pants, When he was finished eating he went back under the covers tucking his legs into chest as he was silent other than his breathing, moving the blanket up and down slightly.
Nightmare didn't look at him, though slowly he began to pet Fredbear's head and ears, being surprisingly gentle and calm, honestly expecting to be bitten or snapped at. He was more focused on his food, so he wasn't putting much effort into it, though Nightmare was practically petting Fredbear's fur. Sure, it was soft, though it didn't make the weird action any less strange. The fact that Nightmare wasn't even looking at him made it feel like Nightmare didn't mean anything by it other than to attempt to calm Fredbear down. However, with the first impression he made, that likely wasn't going to happen.
FredBear gasped softly feeling the male's hand against him, He tensed up, gripping the bed and whining a bit. He was scared, His ears leaned down shivering a bit as he was petted. This was weird to him because he could tell under the covers he wasn't being looked at. He wanted to snap but he remembered what the bunny said and he was scared he would get hurt...He slowly leaned his head down, hiding deeper into the blankets to hide from Nightmare quietly.
Nightmare gave a soft sigh and stopped, continuing to eat his food while Fredbear was trying to hide from his touch. He was oddly quiet. Could he possibly be trying to apologize, but not knowing how to put it into words? He seemed more mournful that Fredbear was scared of him when he was only stroking his fur. Regardless of this; For the night, Fredbear wasn't going to be alone; Whether he liked it or not.
FredBear was tense by how quiet the alpha was, He leaned his head a bit up out of the blanket watching the male curiously, Only his eyes were seen the rest of his body including his ears were covered by the blanket. He coughed a bit as he watched it seemed the male was getting a bit sick he was already dealing with a cold before they had met because of the wintery season being so harsh this year.
Nightmare finished his food, setting both his and Fredbear's plates on his bedside table before turning out the light, turning onto his side again with his eyes closed, facing Fredbear now. His ears twitched, and he was clearly still aroused and painfully unemployed. Not like the golden bear was going to lift a finger to help him with that. However, Nightmare had plans for the next day, and for Fredbear, those plans were going to only add to his trauma.
FredBear watched him, He whimpered a bit when the lights were turned off he didn't like the dark and being in it with someone who kidnapped him wasn't an ideal. He moved a bit closer to the male only to be able to feel the indent where he was to make sure he didn't come anywhere close to him without him being aware. "Nightmare..." He said softly "Where...Did you go eariler...?" The gold bear asked in a shy tone wanting to know what he truly did.
"On an 'errand' to take my mind off you." The alpha groaned, tired. He opened his eyes, their ruby color giving off a faint glow. "Why?" He seemed curious. It seemed odd that Fredbear would want to know where he had been. Despite being tired he kept his eyes open just for Fredbear's response. Along with a few ear flicks.
FredBear nodded softly as he saw the red faint eyes "I...I just wanted to know...No one knew where you went so..." He said looking away from him. He moved back again to the other side of the big bed laying near the edge, He always seemed to sleep on the edge they were more comfortable to him than the middle of the bed for some odd reason. "Do...You think I can see my sister...? She's a baby so...You don't have to worry about her telling anyone..." He said touching against the floor with his fingertips.
"In time.." Nightmare responded quietly, turning onto his other side. "Now go to sleep... It's going to be a big day for you tomorrow."
He sighed softly nodding "Okay..." He said as he covered himself and tried to sleep but being in the same bed as his kidnapper in the dark he couldn't, He stayed more alert than normal so it was very uncomfortbale for him.

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