:꒰ Chapter 17 ꒱:

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He blushed hearing all these beautiful words that came from the blue bunny's mouth..."Bonnie..." He said in a sad tone as tears formed in his eyes, He's never felt this loved or important before so hearing all this truly made him cry...He hugged the bunny tightly crying tears of joy and love, "I never wanna lose you...And I'm scared I will one day when Nightmare finds out or if you don't love me anymore..." He told gripping his fur softly after these past 2 weeks FredBear had become extremely sensitive and very emotional easily which was another sign of pregnancy.
"Again... I will fight him with everything I have if it comes down to it. I don't want to lose you either. Just remember that I love you, and we'll be fine, my dear." Bonnie replied, nuzzling into Fredbear's soaked fur. He hugged back gently, not wanting to hurt his special bear by being too tight around him. "I always will."
He blushed hearing that, "But...Bonnie why do you like me so much huh? Why am I so special you can die for me..." He asked with a shy tone in his voice.
"Because you make me feel loved, whole, complete, and happy." Bonnie responded, pressing his head against Fredbear's again. "You made me realize that my ex-mate didn't care for me truly, only had lust. You make me have courage. You make me want to take back my freedom from the bullshit leader we call Nightmare. You make me want to stay by your side and watch our children grow up. You inspire so much in me, Fredbear. I must thank you for that, and show you my love for you."
FredBear had a harsh blush on his cheeks when he heard all the boys words, "Howd I get so lucky to have you hm?" He asked wrapping his arms around the males neck, He kissed him a bit deeply with love...He didn't know how he'd gotten so lucky with Bonnie. He couldn't help but feel a bit sad but not in the bad way more like his overthinking of if they were ever gonna get away from here... Alive.
Bonnie just smiled. "I don't see it as luck more so than I see it as fate. We deserve to be happy together, and I believe that the world sees that. Even if only in secret." He responded, returning the kiss to Fredbear's neck and cheeks. As a quick tease he licked Fredbear's fur, though it was more in a mischievous manner than a sexual one. However, soon the two's happy moment would be interrupted by Chica knocking on the door.
"Hey, um, Bonnie, Nightmare's awake sooner than everyone thought. He was wanting to see Fredbear but isn't in a rush. Can you let Fredbear know if he can't hear me in the shower? And... Where are you?"
"Changing in the closet." Bonnie replied without much hesitation, holding the golden bear close.
"Oh. Alright. Just; Let Fredbear know for me. I'm not sure if he can hear me over the water. I know the spray of water is loud in your room." The chicken would say, leaving the two alone again.
FredBear whimpered while he was licked giggling a bit by how ticklish it was...He looked up at his eyes smiling a bit before it turned into a frown hearing the news from Chica he waited till she was gone to say something "Damn it...I really wanted to spend more time with you..." He pouted nuzzling into his arms again whining, He didn't want to go see Nightmare what if he changed again when he woke up? He was always scared of that he didn't know if the male would wake up mad or happy next to him so he was always scared of that and being it was the pregnancy test day he was worried he was In a bad mood.
"We'll get our time. Let's get you washed up so you can go get it over with. It won't be forever." Bonnie promised, nuzzling the bear gently. "I promise."

Nightmare on the other hand was pacing around simply because he felt nervous. A million thoughts were going through his head. Mostly of if Fredbear was pregnant, how he feared he'd be a horrible father to the baby, or babies, he couldn't yet know. He was also worried about Fredbear having a resentment towards him if he was to have gotten him pregnant from his first heat. Even the members who hated Nightmare could tell he was internally panicking and honestly felt even a slight amount of sympathy.

Fredbear nodded, grabbing the soap, pouring some in the boys hands before his own as he washed Bonnie while he would wash him as well putting that extra teamwork into it...He sighed a bit he could feel tension in the air now that Nightmare was awake and that only scared him more as he was silent the whole time they were washing each other.

The tension wasn't anger, it was anxiety. Nightmare was having all the "What if"s in the world. Pacing, sweating, mumbling slightly, head down, hands behind his back... He was panicking on the inside. Likely to be startled by the time Fredbear would come up to him and say something. He felt slightly impatient, but that was his dread of knowing. He was scared about the results; The possibility that he'd be a father without having been planning it with his mate. Although he wanted children, he wanted to feel ready, and he currently didn't feel that way. All while Bonnie was not-so-skillfully washing the golden bear's fur. He didn't have the experience nor skill that Nightmare had the night that they had made love. He was doing his best, but the lack of skill was there. Though it was unlikely to make a difference in their relationship. It wasn't necessarily a big issue for them. Just a subtle difference between the two alphas competing for the same omega's love.

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