:꒰ Chapter 63 ꒱:

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Out of the corner of his eye, Fredbear would see a ghostly figure, neck stained with bright red blood with a distinct set of claw marks slashed across their throat. Their eyes were red; Seemingly from crying, though they approached Fredbear in silence, ears flicking a few times as they did. If Fredbear were to look around for the other omegas, he'd find that the room was suddenly empty, or at least appeared to be. The tall, ghostly bear crouched in front of Fredbear, more so to be more at his level. 'Do not be afraid... I'm not here to harm.' The voice would ring in Fredbear's head. 'I've been observing what my mate has been doing to you, and I'm honestly quite disappointed.' They continued. 'I gave a part of myself in order for you to conceive Nightmare's child... yet he threatens it's life in the dark. Tell me... why don't you run away? You've had many chances... why haven't you taken them? I would have hoped Nightmare would have changed after my death, but he seems to have only gotten worse. The abuse; the beatings, the mistreatment... I'm no stranger to his actions... but with you... You're not legally bound to him. If you ran away, you could have him arrested for stalking, rape, assault, and abuse. Why do you choose to stay?' The dead bear's presence seemed to waver, their form fluctuating in transparency as their voice seemed fainter for a moment. As if making this contact took a lot of force or energy. 'I know you have another lover... but, he would never be able to leave the gang. He came from the founding family. You'd have to let him go in order to escape. So why don't you? Is it that you feel the same type of love for him as I did for Nightmare? That you'd endure anything to be with him?'
FredBears eyes targeted towards a figure backing up from it...He listened to the ringing voice inside his head when they came closer he could see the blood and the scratches along the males neck he reached touching them to see if he was real and when he felt the faint fur it scared him a bit...But it wasn't until he heard Nightmare be brought up that his head lifted up "You're...Him..." He said looking at the males eyes it was the omega before him the one that Nightmare missed so badly that it drove him crazy...When he was asked the question about why he stayed he looked down patting his belly "I have his childern...I can't leave, even if I wanted to...Trust me he makes me want to do things I never thought of..." He said before he was asked about Bonnie making him freeze thinking about what the ghostly figure said "Bonnie...He...He meant everything to me and I thought I did as well but like everyone else it was just a lie...And just like Nightmare I carry Bonnie's child...I can't leave him just like I can't leave Nightmare no matter how much they hurt me...He's just like Nightmare but may be even worse for letting me think something that wasn't true..." He said with a slight choke in his words thinking about what Bonnie said eariler.
'The standard lie of an omega says is 'I love you,' and the standard lie of an alpha is 'I will marry you'. Especially among gangs, it's near impossible to tell if what they say is true until you're neck deep in heartbreak or in debt to them. Among a gang like Nightmare's there's usually 2 affairing couples for every faithful couple. And I could never say for sure whether Nightmare was fully faithful to me...' The male's tone seemed sad for a moment. However, he soon returned to what he was saying. 'I gave a part of myself that meant everything to me, for you to conceive... I gave the life of the child I lost at my death; For like you, I bore Nightmare's child. However, unlike me, he'll never let you near another one of his members once you're the least likely to miscarry. After your first trimester, your much less likely to lose your baby to a miscarriage. So... if he doesn't kill you before then with his abuse... He'll never leave you alone. He won't let you out of his sight; He won't spend a second away from you. It's not just lust, Fredbear. It's obsession. He never wants to let you leave and I doubt that he'll ever let you get emotionally close to another alpha again. I know you tried to lie to him, and... you said the wrong things to him. If you wish... I can tell you, teach you how to lie to him... How to lie and make it as believable as any of his gang members' word.'
FredBear heard what the omega had done and it flooded his eyes with tears to be able to carry the omeags child that never came into this world. "Thank you...I won't let you down with raising your child but Nightmare you're right...He's gonna end up killing me before anything maybe even myself..." He explained as he heard the omegas offer his ears perking up "Yes tell me...If anything I want to hurt Nightmare as bad as I can before I run so knowing this would help me..." He said looking a bit more untense and comfortable.
'Well... Nightmare's love language is through physical touch, so if you want to send a message of 'I love you', even if you don't mean it, rub on him, even if only briefly. If he hugs you, wrap your arms around his lower back... it reminds him of me, and can get you out of his anger because it'll snap him into a memory. If you want to be somewhere and he won't let you go, tell him you're going to see one of his trusted members, or someone he's let you see before. He'll be more likely to let you go alone and you can go where you wanted to be. Be back before an hour has passed however or he will go looking for you. If he wants sex and you don't, use your pregnancy as an excuse not to for the first trimester, and if he tries to have sex more than once per week after that, remind him that sex can trigger hormones that can cause a miscarriage. It'll heavily discourage him.' The larger omega replied, blinking slowly. 'And if you have to hurt him... grab his ears or tail and twist it to the side as hard as you can as that'll immediately make him let go of you and give you around 10 seconds to run.'
FredBear listened to the omega mentally noting everything the male said...But thinking about how this omega had to even learn about this it made him question one thing "Why...Do you know all of this? How bad did he hurt you...?" He asked, His eyes frowning as he sat there in the dark with him.
'I'm no stranger to Nightmare's abuse. He'd beat me, he'd cut me, and he'd force me to do things that only he consented to. But I still loved him. When I was pregnant, I only had about a week to learn these things. I learned his love language after we had been together for around a month. I learned how to lie to him about going somewhere after the abuse started. I learned to remind him about the risks of sex during pregnancy just before I died. And how to hurt him... I learned that from Freddy, who had to stick up for me multiple times because I was too inlove to realize that it was abuse and not him being in love with me.' The dark golden omega responded, looking out towards the darker corners of the room. 'I'll have to leave soon... Communication with the living can only last so long. Before I go, however... Please, tell Nightmare that my death truly was an accident.'
FredBear listened to the males words and it however only angered him more clutching his fists "That son of a bitch is a monster..." He said looking at the male turn his head "I'll tell him that and don't worry I'll get revenge for me, you and all those innocents he's harmed..." He said looking at the males side of the face "Rest well..." He said with a soft clear sad voice.
"Fredbear... I must warn you about the bunny you loved. Both he and his brother are registered sex offenders. There are audio recordings and one clear clip of surveillance footage of them raping an omega. Bonnie isn't as innocent and pure as you think he is. He's had blood on his hands too. More so than Nightmare; Nightmare doesn't always do the dirty work of killing someone. He only personally goes after those who've crossed him specifically. He leaves the rest to his gang. But Bonnie's brother, Jack... he's the one you need to worry about. Jack doesn't let go easily. He holds grudges. He thinks Bonnie's dead, and he's sworn to make sure you're dead. However, he wouldn't simply kill you. He'd rape you, burn you with various different objects, practically torture you before he'd kill you. And he'd make it as slow as possible. If you ever see a rusty orange bunny, tall, skinny, you better run and hide, or he'll bring you physical hell." He said, pressing into Fredbear's neck for a moment. "Goodbye..." He then whispered, fading away as Fredbear would suddenly be woken up by the group of omegas splashing cold water onto his face and yelling his name.

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