:꒰ Chapter 58 ꒱:

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About an hour later Bonnie came back with a new found light in his eyes with a wildly wiggling tail and the biggest smile Fredbear had ever seen him with. His neck had an incredibily visible bite mark that had been clearly cleaned off by the alpha that had marked him, so as he came up to Fredbear he was a mixture of pained from the bite and having clearly been pounded, and incredibly excited and happy. "Fredbear!" He exclaimed, soon holding onto Fredbear's shoulder for balance since his hips and legs hurt. "I mated! I mated for the first time!" He said happily, tail wiggling excitedly. "Freddy helped me with my heat!" He cooed, pressing his head to Fredbear's in a friendly gesture. "Is this how you felt when Nightmare mated with you?" He asked, wanting to hop up and down from being so happy.
FredBear looked at the male coming up to him, He saw the bite and saw the way he was struggling he reached up and held onto the males hips so he wouldn't fall over. "You mated with the guy who has mated with every other omega here?" He asked as he looked at the freshly bite sighing a bit at the question about Nightmare. "No...I wanted to kill Nightmare." He said truthfully.
"He marked me! He must like me a lot; He hasn't marked an omega before me. He said he wanted a family with me... but that's impossible. He also told me he was infertile and that he couldn't get an omega pregnant. It's weird, isn't it? Wants a family but can't get me pregnant..." Bonnie said, his tail slowing down in movement as he thought more about it. "I wonder if he treats all his omegas this way. Oh, what if he doesn't love me, Fredbear? I love him... a lot.. but... What if he doesn't love me back?" He seemed more sad as he looked into Fredbear's eyes, pretty much ignoring the comment he made about wanting to kill Nightmare when they had mated.
FredBear sighed a bit listening to the males words "Who knows Bonnie...Usually alphas just want to mate and show dominance this one is odd because he's mated with almost half of the omegas here expect you and now he has so..." He gently lowered the male to sit next to him again since his arms were getting tired. "I think, If he let you go after mating that's a bit suspicious alphas should care about aftercare or get protective but with my love life I'm not sure." He joked, He touched the males cheek gently "I think you should just wait and see what happens, Maybe become distant a little and see if he does anything to wanna be near you or get protective over you." He suggested.
"Freddy's... special. Like I said, we act as a harem; We're there for when he wants us to be there and for affection and for some of his omegas, he mostly wants sex from them. Do you think that's why he wanted to mate with me? I was the only virgin left that could legally take him... the rest of us had either mated before or are underage. Like Nona. He's 13. Plus he sees Freddy like he's his dad. I see Nona like he's my baby... but I don't know if he thinks of me as a parent like he does Freddy. But I can see why he does... Freddy's so kind to everyone... even to those who don't deserve it. Like Nightmare, who got into a fight with Jiyang before he left. But then again Jiyang is pretty pissy, it wouldn't have taken much for him to start something himself..." Bonnie rambled a bit, ears twitching sadly, but still filled with pure, honest love and admiration for the large, brown bear.
FredBear sighed he really wasn't in the mood to talk about lovey dovey bullshit since he had just got his heartbroken from a man he thought truly loved him, He leaned his head back not knowing what to say anymore because no matter what he said Bonnie would just say something else about it. "Bonnie, I don't know." He said closing his eyes.
Bonnie's ears went down as he assumed that he was annoying Fredbear. So he stood up to leave. "Oh... I'll... I'll just... go.." He said softly, wanting to walk away but couldn't get himself to move. So he turned back to Fredbear with a sad look in his eyes. "Am I annoying? Is that why you don't want to talk to me?" He was about to tear up because being in heat made him extremely sensitive to emotional thoughts and assumptions he'd make. "D-did I do something wrong to upset you?" He sniffled, his ears down his back. This would likely remind Fredbear of the night Nightmare had found out about him and his own Bonnie... the way that Bonnie had cried that night would probably trigger either bad memories or anger Fredbear the way it reminded him of the one who had broken his heart.
FredBears eyes whined when he heard the male going to leave realizing he hurt his feelings but when he heard those words come out of his mouth and looking at the male he could of sworn to see his Bonnie exactly that night, That night Bonnie seemingly had truly cared about rather he had done something to wrong FredBear his ears folded as his heart darkened even more which showed in the males eyes "Yes Bonnie! You are! Not in general but you're annoying me with lovey dovey bullshit!" He said standing up "I just lost the men I thought loved me Bonnie! And when I look at you I see him because you are him just as an omega! And you asking me for advice on love I can't give the man I'm forced to be with can get so angry he can rape me and hurt our childern until I pass out from bloodloss!" He said taking off his shirt exposing all the bruises, cuts, slashes, the hand marks around his neck from last night. "And Bonnie...I don't know what to tell you because I want to give you good news but I can't because I've never had what you have for Freddy!!! And that makes me upset I wanna be loved Bonnie but it seems I was born for pain so in general yes this conversation is irritating me!" He said as warm tears streamed down his face, He was so angry the ptsd hitting him full force like he was reliving it last night he just wanted to hide and cry until he passed out...
Bonnie was crying by the time Fredbear had finished talking, but instead of running away like the other omegas had, he pulled Fredbear into a hug and cried into his shoulder; Seeking shelter in him even as he was yelling at him. He didn't say anything, but huddled close to Fredbear as he shook while bawling into the crease of his shoulder, tears splattering down Fredbear's neck. He stayed like that for several minutes before he let go and walked away, ears pinned down his neck and tail hanging low. The bear's words had cut deep for Bonnie. He had been blamed for stuff that wasn't his fault before, and as a result was stabbed once when he was younger, so getting yelled at like Fredbear had just done hurt him deeply. He went to his room and curled up to cry, leaving Fredbear alone to remember where he was and realize who had yelled at for something that wasn't their fault.

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